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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 53
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Ning Ran got home and fell asleep on the sofa, utterly exhausted.

The next morning, her two precious children had woken up before she did and were making breakfast in the

kitchen with Cheng Xiangyun.

Having noticed that she was asleep, all three were tiptoeing around, worried that they'd wake her up.

“Morning, Mommy!” Erbao came running when he saw that Ning Ran had woken up.

“Morning, baby. Sorry that I was home so late yesterday and couldn't spend time with the two of you,” Ning Ran


“Mommy, I have something important to tell you,” said Erbao mysteriously.

“What is it?”

“We met Nan Chen yesterday and he looks just like us!” exclaimed Erbao.

Ning Ran was stunned and asked, “Who... Who did you meet?”

“Nan Chen! The handsome uncle who's a CEO,” answered Erbao.

Ning Ran rushed into the kitchen immediately and grabbed Cheng Xiangyun while demanding, “What the hell did

you do?” “Didn't I tell you to stop them from meeting?”

“Whoa, that wasn't me! I wasn't even there. They met by chance!” explained the innocent Cheng Xiangyun.

“A chance encounter? Between a CEO and two children? How is that even possible?”

“You arranged that meeting, didn't you?”

“I was already furious when you took the kids to shoot the commercial, and I forbade you from using my kids as

money grabs! Why did you do this too?”

“You would do anything for money, huh?” “Even using children as tools?” Ning Ran was so furious that she spewed

all sorts of complaints at Cheng Xiangyun.

Cheng Xiangyun was happily making breakfast and suddenly got yelled at for no reason at all. That upset her.

“Is that how you see me? As a monster who care only about money?” Cheng Xiangyun demanded.

“I didn't used to!”

“You stupid woman. I worked so hard to find good roles for you to play in and helped you babysit all the time and

this is the thanks I get from you?!”

“You're the idiot! You only care about money!”

Erbao and Dabao heard their argument and hurried over to stop them.

“Mommy, you misunderstood. Aunt Xiang didn't arrange the meeting,” Erbao explained.

“Oh, Cheng Xiangyun, you're good. You even got my kids to lie for you.” “Do you see me as an idiot? If you hadn't

arranged that meeting, how could that poker face have met my children?”

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“Ning Ran, you f***ing stupid b****.....”

Cheng Xiangyun had always been a tough woman, and her fury had caused those swear words to flow out of her

lips like water in a river.

Ning Ran got homa and fall aslaap on tha sofa, uttarly axhaustad.

Tha naxt morning, har two pracious childran had wokan up bafora sha did and wara making braakfast in tha

kitchan with Chang Xiangyun.

Having noticad that sha was aslaap, all thraa wara tiptoaing around, worriad that thay'd waka har up.

“Morning, Mommy!” Erbao cama running whan ha saw that Ning Ran had wokan up.

“Morning, baby. Sorry that I was homa so lata yastarday and couldn't spand tima with tha two of you,” Ning Ran


“Mommy, I hava somathing important to tall you,” said Erbao mystariously.

“What is it?”

“Wa mat Nan Chan yastarday and ha looks just lika us!” axclaimad Erbao.

Ning Ran was stunnad and askad, “Who... Who did you maat?”

“Nan Chan! Tha handsoma uncla who's a CEO,” answarad Erbao.

Ning Ran rushad into tha kitchan immadiataly and grabbad Chang Xiangyun whila damanding, “What tha hall did

you do?” “Didn't I tall you to stop tham from maating?”

“Whoa, that wasn't ma! I wasn't avan thara. Thay mat by chanca!” axplainad tha innocant Chang Xiangyun.

“A chanca ancountar? Batwaan a CEO and two childran? How is that avan possibla?”

“You arrangad that maating, didn't you?”

“I was alraady furious whan you took tha kids to shoot tha commarcial, and I forbada you from using my kids as

monay grabs! Why did you do this too?”

“You would do anything for monay, huh?” “Evan using childran as tools?” Ning Ran was so furious that sha spawad

all sorts of complaints at Chang Xiangyun.

Chang Xiangyun was happily making braakfast and suddanly got yallad at for no raason at all. That upsat har.

“Is that how you saa ma? As a monstar who cara only about monay?” Chang Xiangyun damandad.

“I didn't usad to!”

“You stupid woman. I workad so hard to find good rolas for you to play in and halpad you babysit all tha tima and

this is tha thanks I gat from you?!”

“You'ra tha idiot! You only cara about monay!”

Erbao and Dabao haard thair argumant and hurriad ovar to stop tham.

“Mommy, you misundarstood. Aunt Xiang didn't arranga tha maating,” Erbao axplainad.

“Oh, Chang Xiangyun, you'ra good. You avan got my kids to lia for you.” “Do you saa ma as an idiot? If you hadn't

arrangad that maating, how could that pokar faca hava mat my childran?”

“Ning Ran, you f***ing stupid b****.....”

Chang Xiangyun had always baan a tough woman, and har fury had causad thosa swaar words to flow out of har

lips lika watar in a rivar.

“Do not use bad words in front of my kids, woman!”

Ning Ran's words shook Cheng Xiangyun out of her furious rant.

She shouldn't have used that kind of language in front of the kids, regardless of the situation.

“Dabao, Erbao, go play outside. I need to have a long discussion with that unreasonable woman,” said Cheng


“Stop fighting, you two. Can't you talk nicely like actual adults?” Erbao said.

That shut Ning Ran and Cheng Xiangyun right up.

Arguing in front of the kids was not a nice thing to do.

“Mommy, you misunderstood. We met Nan Chen at the psychologist’s office. Aunt Xiang is innocent,” explained


Dabao nodded.

Ning Ran trusted Dabao more than anyone else. That kid was smarter and more observant than an average adult.

If he said that was the case, then it must be true.

“I made a mistake, didn't I?” Ning Ran turned to Cheng Xiangyun.

“Uh-huh,” Cheng Xiangyun turned around and refused to talk to Ning Ran.

“I acted that way and suspected you because you lied to me before and got my children to shoot a commercial.”

“I'm sorry I blamed you,” said Ning Ran.

“Uh-huh,” Cheng Xiangyun replied coldly.

“C'mon, Aunt Xiang, forgive Mommy. You're best friends, aren't you? Best friends don't fight,” Erbao tried to pacify

Cheng Xiangyun.

Dabao nodded in agreement.

“I'm not her best friend. I don't have unreasonable and immature friends like that,” said Cheng Xiangyun, but she

had obviously calmed down.

“It is my fault, but Xiangyun, thinks about it. If no one arranged for that meeting, why would the poker face be

there?” asked Ning Ran.

“Now that you mentioned it, something does seem off...”

“Who's poker face?” Erbao asked innocently.

“Don't chime in when the adults are having a conversation.”

“Your Mommy refers to Nan Chen as 'poker face',” explained Cheng Xiangyun.

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“But Uncle Nan Chen is so handsome. Why does Mommy call him 'poker face'?” demanded Erbao.

“What do you kids know about facial beauty?” said Ning Ran exasperatedly.

Unhappy with the reply, Erbao refuted, “I know plenty about beauty! Uncle Nan Chen is handsome. He is the second

most handsome man after my big brother.”

Dabao agreed with that statement whole-heartedly and nodded like a cute little bobble-head.

“Uncle Nan Chen even bought us gifts!” Erbao seemed determined to defend Nan Chen.

“He brought presents?” “A CEO brought gifts to a chance encounter with two kids?” asked Ning Ran.

“You're right. Someone did arrange that meeting! Who could it be?”

“It must be the employees at the counseling office.”

“But that doctor is recommended by the police and seemed legit.”

“I'm not implying that the doctor is bad or anything. She must've known that poker face personally and noticed that

the kids looked just like that guy.”

“The poker face has so many sexual partners so he must be worried that he could have two illegitimate offspring,

and decided to investigate,” said Ning Ran.

“That analysis seemed prejudiced and aimed at making him out as the bad person,” said Cheng Xiangyun with a


“Make him out as bad? If anything, I'm being too nice! How good can a man be if he is willing to be with women like

Luo Fei?” said Ning Ran.

“Okay... fine. Please continue. What do you think will happen next?”

“He'll come after my children! No, I won't let him take my children away from me!” said Ning Ran in a terrified


“You're overthinking this. I don't think it's going to be that bad,” said Cheng Xiangyun while shaking her head.

“I worry that it's worse than I think. That poker face is so powerful in the city. How do I fight against him if he's

coming after my children?”

“But that theory doesn't make sense. Why would he come after your children?” “Unless, of course, he's the father.”

“Otherwise, why would he steal your children? He's not in the human trafficking business,” said Cheng Xiangyun.

“So Uncle Nan Chen really is our dad! Yay!” cheered Erbao.

“No, he's not. Why are you so happy? What's so good about that poker face anyway?” asked Ning Ran who was

confused by Erbao's reaction.

“What's wrong with Uncle Nan Chen? He's handsome and rich,” refuted Erbao weakly.

Annoyed, Ning Ran turned to Cheng Xiangyun and complained, “This is your fault. You taught my kid to be money-


“Dang! How is that my fault?” “Besides, I think she's right. Sir Chen is handsome and rich, what's wrong with that?”

“Whatever the case, I don't want my children to have any more contact with him. I forbid it,” said Ning Ran firmly.

Oh no! Then we won't be getting that big meal from Uncle Nan Chen anymore! thought Erbao.