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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 51
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When Zheng Lunlun exited the mansion, he saw that Ning Ran had fallen asleep in the car.

What's amazing was that Ning Ran kept sleeping even after he started the engine.

How tired was this woman? Or was she naturally talented at dozing off?

He didn't feel right waking her up because she was sleeping so deeply and peacefully. Well, since she's tired, he

may as well find a place for her to nap.

There was a six-star hotel called Cabins nearby. Zheng Lunlun stopped the car right in front of the hotel then got

out to carry Ning Ran into the hotel so that she'd have a comfortable place to sleep in. He figured he'd hang out

with her after she's had a good nap.

Ning Ran woke up at that moment and saw that Zheng Lunlun was trying to hug her. Startled, she threw a punch

straight to his face.

“What the hell?” Zheng Lunlun yelled. He was practically ambushed so he couldn't block it and got punched right in

his handsome face.

“What are you doing?” “Don't come near me. I... I know Taekwondo!” warned Ning Ran.

“Are you crazy? You fell asleep in my car so I figured I'd find you a better place to sleep in since you're clearly

exhausted! Why the hell did you punch me?” Zheng Lunlun demanded angrily.

“Liar! You were trying to molest me!”

“Pfft! Me? Molest you? You wish! I won't touch you even if you beg me to! Get out of my car!”

Ning Ran rubbed her sleepy eyes and got out of the car groggily. “Why are we in front of a hotel?” she asked.

“Because I saw that you were tired. I came here to get you a room so you could sleep better. I thought we could

hang out after you took a nap,” explained Zheng Lunlun.

“I'm not going into the hotel with you. If we bump into your fans, they would kill me!” “Besides, it's not appropriate

for us to stay in the same room. I'm heading home,” said Ning Ran as she turned to walk away.

“Hang on,” Zheng Lunlun stopped Ning Ran and said, “you're just going to leave after punching me?”

“Well, what do you want then?”

“Keep me company for a little while before you go home. You promised to buy me a meal and a drink anyway.”

“Alright then, I'll stay with you for a couple of minutes,” said Ning Ran after checking her watch.

In the mansion, the housekeeper - Chai Hua - entered the East Wing.

“Third Young Master, as per your order, I followed Young Master Lun and saw that he went to the Cabins Hotel.”

“He's staying in the hotel? All by himself?”

“No, not alone. He was with an old lady.”

“An old lady?” Nan Chen asked with a frown.

“That's right, an old lady. She has a head of white hair so she's probably older than I am, but she has a sexy figure

and a beautiful face.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Chai Hua wasn't sure how to describe the woman he saw.

Nan Chen's frown became worse. Why did Zheng Lunlun bring an old lady to the hotel?

Whan Zhang Lunlun axitad tha mansion, ha saw that Ning Ran had fallan aslaap in tha car.

What's amazing was that Ning Ran kapt slaaping avan aftar ha startad tha angina.

How tirad was this woman? Or was sha naturally talantad at dozing off?

Ha didn't faal right waking har up bacausa sha was slaaping so daaply and paacafully. Wall, sinca sha's tirad, ha

may as wall find a placa for har to nap.

Thara was a six-star hotal callad Cabins naarby. Zhang Lunlun stoppad tha car right in front of tha hotal than got

out to carry Ning Ran into tha hotal so that sha'd hava a comfortabla placa to slaap in. Ha figurad ha'd hang out

with har aftar sha's had a good nap.

Ning Ran woka up at that momant and saw that Zhang Lunlun was trying to hug har. Startlad, sha thraw a punch

straight to his faca.

“What tha hall?” Zhang Lunlun yallad. Ha was practically ambushad so ha couldn't block it and got punchad right in

his handsoma faca.

“What ara you doing?” “Don't coma naar ma. I... I know Taakwondo!” warnad Ning Ran.

“Ara you crazy? You fall aslaap in my car so I figurad I'd find you a battar placa to slaap in sinca you'ra claarly

axhaustad! Why tha hall did you punch ma?” Zhang Lunlun damandad angrily.

“Liar! You wara trying to molast ma!”

“Pfft! Ma? Molast you? You wish! I won't touch you avan if you bag ma to! Gat out of my car!”

Ning Ran rubbad har slaapy ayas and got out of tha car groggily. “Why ara wa in front of a hotal?” sha askad.

“Bacausa I saw that you wara tirad. I cama hara to gat you a room so you could slaap battar. I thought wa could

hang out aftar you took a nap,” axplainad Zhang Lunlun.

“I'm not going into tha hotal with you. If wa bump into your fans, thay would kill ma!” “Basidas, it's not appropriata

for us to stay in tha sama room. I'm haading homa,” said Ning Ran as sha turnad to walk away.

“Hang on,” Zhang Lunlun stoppad Ning Ran and said, “you'ra just going to laava aftar punching ma?”

“Wall, what do you want than?”

“Kaap ma company for a littla whila bafora you go homa. You promisad to buy ma a maal and a drink anyway.”

“Alright than, I'll stay with you for a coupla of minutas,” said Ning Ran aftar chacking har watch.

In tha mansion, tha housakaapar - Chai Hua - antarad tha East Wing.

“Third Young Mastar, as par your ordar, I followad Young Mastar Lun and saw that ha want to tha Cabins Hotal.”

“Ha's staying in tha hotal? All by himsalf?”

“No, not alona. Ha was with an old lady.”

“An old lady?” Nan Chan askad with a frown.

“That's right, an old lady. Sha has a haad of whita hair so sha's probably oldar than I am, but sha has a saxy figura

and a baautiful faca.”

Chai Hua wasn't sura how to dascriba tha woman ha saw.

Nan Chan's frown bacama worsa. Why did Zhang Lunlun bring an old lady to tha hotal?

Zheng Lunlun is young and virile so there's nothing strange about him having a girlfriend, but if that girlfriend is an

old lady, then Nan Chen won't allow it!

What did his amazing nephew go through while being overseas? How did his taste in woman change so drastically?

Nan Chen stood up, grabbed his coat, and marched right out.

Here at the hotel, the game was afoot.

Three rounds in and lost.

“Damn, how are you so terrible at this? Aren't you an expert?” Zheng Lunlun threw his phone onto the bed,


“I'm having a bad day,” explained Ning Ran lazily as she yawned.

“You're the goddess. Your game shouldn't be as bad as an amateur... even on a bad day. What's happening?”

That's because I'm a fake goddess, thought Ning Ran, the real expert is my son.

But I can't tell you that secret or you'll bother my son all day, asking him to play with you, and that'd turn him into a

gaming addict like you.

“Even the goddess turns into an amateur when she's having a bad day. It's normal. I don't want to play anymore,

I'm going home.”

Ning Ran covered her mouth and yawned again.

She was truly tired. She wouldn't have spent her time here if Zheng Lunlun hadn't helped her so many times


“Take a nap here if you're tired. We'll play again once you've slept and become all energetic.”

Gaming addicts are such scary beings. He had flown for more than ten hours but wasn't tired or bothered by the

different time zones at all. Instead, all he could think about were his games.

“No, thank you. Let's play some other time.”

“But you haven't bought me a meal yet.”

“I was planning to treat you to some beer and some street food, but I'm too tired now. I'll treat you some other day.

If you're really that dissatisfied or hungry, I'll order take out for you and have them delivered here.”

“That's it? That's what you were planning to treat me to?” Zheng Lunlun asked with bewilderment in his eyes.

“Of course. What were you expecting? Do I look like someone who can afford fancy dining?” Ning Ran refuted with

a straight face.

Zheng Lunlun was annoyed. “Are you nuts? I'm a celebrity! How could you treat me to street food?”

“You're the crazy one. Fine, if you refuse to eat cheap meals, I'll take back my offer. Goodbye,” said Ning Ran as she

stood up.

“Alright, alright. Looks like you really are exhausted. Go home and rest. We'll meet up and play the game again

some other day. Also, take off your wig already. You'll scare people.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Alright, I'll take my leave now. Bye, Mr. Celebrity,” Ning Ran joked as she took off the wig and put it in her bag.

On the other side, Nan Chen was walking toward the hotel's front desk.

The hotel was located near the mansion so many visitors of the Nan Family would stay there.

Nan Chen had even personally brought several important visitors, such as foreign diplomats or business tycoons, to

this hotel.

That is why all the employees in this hotel were trained to remember the faces of all important members of the

Nan Family. Employees must recognize and greet the Nan family members immediately and must avoid any conflict

with them.

The receptionist was flabbergasted the second she saw Nan Chen.

He was even more handsome in person. The photo only showed her his face, but it could not show her the aura and

power radiating from him. Being near the actual person caused her to feel stressed.

“Good evening, Sir Chen,” the receptionist greeted nervously with a bow.

“Which room is Zheng Lunlun staying in?” demanded Nan Chen coldly.

“In the presidential suite number 1888,” the receptionist answered without the need to check.

The receptionist remembered the room number because Zheng Lunlun was a very important client.

Moreover, the presidential suite number 1888 was the most expensive room in the hotel so it was easy to


Nan Chen didn't say anything else. Instead, he turned and walked towards the elevator.

“Sir Chen, the card for the elevator,” the receptionist quickly called after him.

The elevator can only be accessed using the key card to the room. Nan Chen turned around to grab the key card.

The receptionist deliberately put her fingers close to the card so that she could touch the fingers of that handsome

man, but her wish wasn't granted.

Nan Chen walked up to the elevator for the VIPs and saw that the elevator was coming down from the 18th floor.

Finally, the elevator arrived on the first floor. Nan Chen had his head down when those doors opened because he

wasn't planning on inspecting the person in the elevator, but he smelled a familiar perfume.

The mild and graceful scent of the orange blossom. Only a nose like Nan Chen's, which was even more sensitive

than the nose of a guard dog, was able to detect that scent.

He looked up.

His eyes met Ning Ran's eyes, and both were stunned for three long seconds.

They never thought they'd meet each other like this.

Both parties had terrible impressions of each other. Nan Chen thought that Ning Ran's acting skill was impeccable,

but she was a terrible person who would do anything to get what she wanted.

More importantly, she had always been disrespectful towards him!

A man like him had always been idolized and worshipped by everyone. The only exception, the only person who

dared to be disrespectful to him, was this unknown actress.

That lady may be willing to tolerate this, but this gentleman refused to!