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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 50
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Although the exterior of Commoner Residence looked aged, the interior has long since been modernized. It

spanned over an area of up to 20 acres and has been equipped like a modern villa, complete with a swimming pool,

a garden, and a mini golf course.

Zheng Lunlun ran up to the east wing, and was greeted warmly by the servant at the door, “Young Master Lun,

you're back! Third Young Master is in the study.”

He came to the study, and knocked gently on the door. A voice was heard from inside, “Come in.”

He opened the door. Behind the antique desk, a man was sitting there, reading.

There was a cup of tea on his right. Unlike his usual cool self, the handsome man exuded a refined aura as he sat

between his books.

“Uncle, I'm home.” Zheng Lunlun said as he bowed.

Nan Chen looked up at Zheng Lunlun and frowned as he saw his outfit.

Zheng Lunlun noticed Nan Chen's and explained, “This isn't a skirt! They're culottes! It may look like a skirt, but

they're actually trousers, so anyone can wear them!”

Obviously, this explanation did not convince Nan Chen, as he still had a cold expression on his face.

If the trousers looked like skirts, then what's the difference? You'd still look like you're wearing a skirt anyway!

What kind of man wears a skirt?

“As for the red socks, it's my natal year, so I'm trying to get some good luck! I'll have you know, even my

underwear is red as well!” Zheng Lunlun continued his explanation.

“Your natal year at 19 years old?” Nan Chen asked coldly.

Zheng Lunlun thought to himself. I thought Third Uncle only studied finance and management. How does he even

know about natal years?

“I'm preparing for it in advance. Even though my natal year is still a few years away, it is always better to prepare

in advance, right?” He could only try to justify himself.

“Three things.” Nan Chen said coldly.

“I'm listening, uncle.”

“One, dye your hair black.”

“But uncle, it's common for artistes to dye their hair these days! My pale yellow hair is actually quite conservative

compared to those who go for colors like green......”

“Dye it black!” Nan Chen repeated.

“Alright, I'll dye it black.” Zheng Lunlun had no choice but to agree.

“Two, no wearing skirts.”

“But these are culottes......”

“No skirts!”

“Okay, okay, whatever you say, uncle.”

“Three. No applying thick makeup!”

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“I didn't! I just applied some eyeshadow!”

“I said no!”

“Alright... I'll do as you say, uncle...” Zheng Lunlun said disappointedly.


“Didn't you say there were only three things? Why is there a fourth?”

Although tha axtarior of Commonar Rasidanca lookad agad, tha intarior has long sinca baan modarnizad. It

spannad ovar an araa of up to 20 acras and has baan aquippad lika a modarn villa, complata with a swimming pool,

a gardan, and a mini golf coursa.

Zhang Lunlun ran up to tha aast wing, and was graatad warmly by tha sarvant at tha door, “Young Mastar Lun,

you'ra back! Third Young Mastar is in tha study.”

Ha cama to tha study, and knockad gantly on tha door. A voica was haard from insida, “Coma in.”

Ha opanad tha door. Bahind tha antiqua dask, a man was sitting thara, raading.

Thara was a cup of taa on his right. Unlika his usual cool salf, tha handsoma man axudad a rafinad aura as ha sat

batwaan his books.

“Uncla, I'm homa.” Zhang Lunlun said as ha bowad.

Nan Chan lookad up at Zhang Lunlun and frownad as ha saw his outfit.

Zhang Lunlun noticad Nan Chan's and axplainad, “This isn't a skirt! Thay'ra culottas! It may look lika a skirt, but

thay'ra actually trousars, so anyona can waar tham!”

Obviously, this axplanation did not convinca Nan Chan, as ha still had a cold axprassion on his faca.

If tha trousars lookad lika skirts, than what's tha diffaranca? You'd still look lika you'ra waaring a skirt anyway!

What kind of man waars a skirt?

“As for tha rad socks, it's my natal yaar, so I'm trying to gat soma good luck! I'll hava you know, avan my

undarwaar is rad as wall!” Zhang Lunlun continuad his axplanation.

“Your natal yaar at 19 yaars old?” Nan Chan askad coldly.

Zhang Lunlun thought to himsalf. I thought Third Uncla only studiad financa and managamant. How doas ha avan

know about natal yaars?

“I'm praparing for it in advanca. Evan though my natal yaar is still a faw yaars away, it is always battar to prapara

in advanca, right?” Ha could only try to justify himsalf.

“Thraa things.” Nan Chan said coldly.

“I'm listaning, uncla.”

“Ona, dya your hair black.”

“But uncla, it's common for artistas to dya thair hair thasa days! My pala yallow hair is actually quita consarvativa

comparad to thosa who go for colors lika graan......”

“Dya it black!” Nan Chan rapaatad.

“Alright, I'll dya it black.” Zhang Lunlun had no choica but to agraa.

“Two, no waaring skirts.”

“But thasa ara culottas......”

“No skirts!”

“Okay, okay, whatavar you say, uncla.”

“Thraa. No applying thick makaup!”

“I didn't! I just appliad soma ayashadow!”

“I said no!”

“Alright... I'll do as you say, uncla...” Zhang Lunlun said disappointadly.


“Didn't you say thara wara only thraa things? Why is thara a fourth?”

“Four, continue your studies while you act.”

Zheng Lunlun wailed. This was what he feared the most.

As someone who enjoyed nothing more than playing video games, studying was the most agonizing thing for him.

He was very terrible with his academics, so his uncle asking him to study felt like the worst thing that could happen

to him.

“But uncle, I'm nowhere near your level. You graduated from universities like Harvard and Oxford. I couldn't even

make it into Flower City University. If you insist that I study, I can only apply for Lanxiang Technical Academy to

learn how to operate an excavator, or New Oriental to study culinary arts. I can't get into a professional university

like Shanghai Theatre Academy or Beijing Film Academy, because I can't do cultural studies! Besides, with a family

background and genes like ours, we don't need academic qualifications to make a living! I was already so famous

even before I started making money, so there really is no need for me to study!”

Nan Chen narrowed his eyes as his expression grew colder.

“If not, then go back to training overseas.”

Zheng Lunlun shrank back in fear. He didn't want to go back there anymore.

In China, he was a huge star. Out there, he was just Tony.

Nan Chen had forbidden him from revealing his whereabouts, identity and even attending any form of gathering

while overseas.

Zheng Lunlun had had enough of such a boring life. He didn't want to go overseas anymore.

“Alright, I'll go back to studying!”

Nan Chen's gaze softened a little.

“Take the day off tomorrow, and report to Director Wang from the crew the day after.” Nan Chen said.

“What kind of show is this? You want me to play the male lead? But, I thought you didn't like me doing TV shows?”

“There is no suitable male lead for this show.” Nan Chen said.

“What does that mean? Is there no one else here that can do it?”

Nan Chen remained silent.

After watching Ning Ran's performance, Nan Chen knew that The Sound of Thunder 2 would be a big hit. This would

be the most successful series from Xingyue Entertainment that Nanshi Corporation has invested in.

Nan Chen was prepared to make this show a classic, not just for making a little profit, but to dominate in the annual

drama awards as well.

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Although Ning Ran has great acting skills, she lacked fame, and that would affect the popularity of the show.

In this day and age where publicity was everything, even the best shows would surely result in failure if they did not

gain enough attention.

Luo Fei had a decent fanbase, but her scenes had been reduced a lot ever since the script was modified.

Moreover, her acting skills were too mediocre. It would definitely form a huge contrast with Ning Ran's superb

acting skills, becoming the butt of the joke for the audience once the show airs.

Therefore, Nan Chen needed to throw in another male lead of a similar caliber to match Ning Ran's acting and gain

more attention.

Only when all the conditions and elements are in place, would this play become a classic work of art with a great

reception and high standards.

So, Nan Chen thought of Zheng Lunlun.

Although Nan Chen had not approved of him getting into the entertainment industry, Zheng Lunlun loved acting

since he was young and had demonstrated a shocking talent for it.

He starred in a movie when he was five, and his performance had won him the best supporting actor award. That

made him the youngest actor in history to ever receive that award.

After that, everything skyrocketed for him. He looked the part for any role he played, and could even play female

characters. His beautiful appearance combined with his godly talent in acting made him incredibly famous.

However, the overwhelming public attention was getting too much for him, and he was losing himself in it.

So, Nan Chen halted all his work in China and sent him overseas to calm himself down.

Nan Chen understood the theory that all things would inevitably start to deteriorate once they reach their peak.

He sent Zheng Lunlun abroad so that he would not overdraw his reputation and talent. He had to take up low-

paying shows, suffer hardships and settle down in a country where nobody knew who he was.

But in this day and age, celebrities cannot be absent from the entertainment industry for too long or they will be


So, when an opportunity such as this arose, Nan Chen decided to have Zheng Lunlun return and make a comeback.

This was beneficial for both the play as well as Zheng Lunlun himself.

If Zheng Lunlun were to be a star, then Nan Chen would want him to be a classic actor instead of some short-lived


Naturally, Zheng Lunlun was too young to understand his uncle's efforts and intentions, and could only do as he was


Ever since he was a child, Third Uncle was the one he had both feared and respected the most.

Zheng Lunlun dared not ask any further as Nan Chen had gone silent.

“I'll give it my best. I won't let you down, uncle.”

“You mustn't reveal our relationship to anyone. And I mean, ANYONE.” Nan Chen said.

“I understand. I rely on my capabilities, not favoritism anyway.” Zheng Lunlun said.