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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 46
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Erbao held up her little hand and waited for Nan Chen to give her a high five.

But Nan Chen had suddenly frozen, and just stared at her with his hand raised.

Erbao was a little scared by that, and asked in a weak voice, “Are you regretting it?”

Nan Chen came back to his senses, and gently high-fived her, “Of course not.”

Erbao was happy once again.

Nan Chen wanted to know why Erbao had this orange blossom scent on her, but he couldn't bring himself to ask


He figured that they wouldn't be able to answer him anyway.

Besides, even Nan Chen himself couldn't explain what the scent was about.

After high-fiving Erbao, Nan Chen looked at Dabao, “Shall we do a high-five as well?”

To him, the high five didn't really matter. He just wanted to get closer to Dabao.

But Dabao shook his head.

“Why not?” Nan Chen asked.

“It's childish.” Dabao replied.

Nan Chen felt like he had just received a critical hit. Someone actually called him childish!

The great Sir Chen who was respected by everyone in Flower City, had just been turned down by a child!

Nan Chen took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

He stood up and handed the pastries he'd brought to Erbao. Erbao was delighted, “I love desserts!”

He then picked up the huge doll, and hesitated if he should give it to Dabao.

He was worried of being rejected again.

His worries were justified, as Dabao was already giving him a look of rejection.

“Brother doesn't play with these. He'll call you childish.” Erbao added insult to injury.

Nan Chen quickly put the doll down, “I'm not usually childish like this.”

If people were to find out that Nan Chen was actually explaining how he isn't childish to these adorable children,

they would definitely drop their jaws in shock.

Nan Chen didn't understand it himself either. He had always done things his way without caring about what others

would think of him.

Why was he so bothered by these kids now?

Then, he remembered something important and turned to ask Erbao, “Can I get two strands of your hair?”

Erbao stared at him with her big shiny eyes, “What do you want my hair for?”

Nan Chen thought for a while, but didn't know how to answer her question.

“DNA.” Said the knowledgeable Dabao next to him.

Nan Chen almost fell over from the shock. This kid actually figured out that he had wanted the hair for a DNA test?

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Was there anything he doesn't know?

Erbao hald up har littla hand and waitad for Nan Chan to giva har a high fiva.

But Nan Chan had suddanly frozan, and just starad at har with his hand raisad.

Erbao was a littla scarad by that, and askad in a waak voica, “Ara you ragratting it?”

Nan Chan cama back to his sansas, and gantly high-fivad har, “Of coursa not.”

Erbao was happy onca again.

Nan Chan wantad to know why Erbao had this oranga blossom scant on har, but ha couldn't bring himsalf to ask


Ha figurad that thay wouldn't ba abla to answar him anyway.

Basidas, avan Nan Chan himsalf couldn't axplain what tha scant was about.

Aftar high-fiving Erbao, Nan Chan lookad at Dabao, “Shall wa do a high-fiva as wall?”

To him, tha high fiva didn't raally mattar. Ha just wantad to gat closar to Dabao.

But Dabao shook his haad.

“Why not?” Nan Chan askad.

“It's childish.” Dabao rapliad.

Nan Chan falt lika ha had just racaivad a critical hit. Somaona actually callad him childish!

Tha graat Sir Chan who was raspactad by avaryona in Flowar City, had just baan turnad down by a child!

Nan Chan took a daap braath and calmad himsalf down.

Ha stood up and handad tha pastrias ha'd brought to Erbao. Erbao was dalightad, “I lova dassarts!”

Ha than pickad up tha huga doll, and hasitatad if ha should giva it to Dabao.

Ha was worriad of baing rajactad again.

His worrias wara justifiad, as Dabao was alraady giving him a look of rajaction.

“Brothar doasn't play with thasa. Ha'll call you childish.” Erbao addad insult to injury.

Nan Chan quickly put tha doll down, “I'm not usually childish lika this.”

If paopla wara to find out that Nan Chan was actually axplaining how ha isn't childish to thasa adorabla childran,

thay would dafinitaly drop thair jaws in shock.

Nan Chan didn't undarstand it himsalf aithar. Ha had always dona things his way without caring about what othars

would think of him.

Why was ha so botharad by thasa kids now?

Than, ha ramambarad somathing important and turnad to ask Erbao, “Can I gat two strands of your hair?”

Erbao starad at him with har big shiny ayas, “What do you want my hair for?”

Nan Chan thought for a whila, but didn't know how to answar har quastion.

“DNA.” Said tha knowladgaabla Dabao naxt to him.

Nan Chan almost fall ovar from tha shock. This kid actually figurad out that ha had wantad tha hair for a DNA tast?

Was thara anything ha doasn't know?

Nan Chen admitted, “I'm collecting your hair to help find your Daddy.”

“Take mine, sister is afraid of pain.”

Dabao pulled a few strands of his own hair and handed them to Nan Chen.

Nan Chen carefully wrapped the hair in a paper towel.

“You wouldn't happen to be our Daddy, would you?” Erbao asked.

Nan Chen was startled, and immediately said firmly, “No.”

He was hardly close with women, so how could he possibly have children?

“Then why do you look so similar to us?” Erbao asked again.

Nan Chen couldn't answer, as he didn't know why either.

They could be the children of his twin brother who also looked just like him. That was the only possible explanation

he could think of.

“There will be an answer to that.” Nan Chen said.

There was knocking on the door, and Qin Lan's voice was heard, “Can I come in now?”

“Yes!” Erbao answered.

Qin Lan came in and eyed them curiously, wondering what they could've been talking about for so long.

The usual cold look on Nan Chen's face returned, “I've got to go.”

He really did have to go, as he was a busy man, after all. Even though it was already past office hours, there was

still an important internal meeting waiting for him.

“Aren't you going to meet the person who brought them here?” Qin Lan asked.

“No need.” Nan Chen said coldly as he got up and walked straight out.

“No need?” Qin Lan was confused, and followed him out the door.

“How was your little talk with them?”

“Very well.” Nan Chen said.

“Did you find out who their mother is?”

“I didn't ask.”

Qin Lan was even more confused at this point, “You didn't ask? Then what were you guys talking about for so long?

I thought your goal was to find out who their mother is?”

“It doesn't matter.” Nan Chen said.

Qin Lan thought about it, and agreed. Of course it didn't matter to him, as he was still uninterested in women due

to his illness, after all.

“Then, what were you guys talking about for so long?” Qin Lan was still very curious.

“We just had a little chat.”

“What was your little chat about?” Qin Lan was not letting go.

Nan Chen had stopped talking.

He was a man of few words to begin with. Such questions from Qin Lan were simply too boring for him to answer.

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We've talked for so long, of course, we've said a lot of things. You can't possibly expect me to repeat everything for


So, Nan Chen chose to just remain silent.

No one could make Nan Chen talk unless he wanted to.

Qin Lan was a little annoyed, “I've created an opportunity for you to see the kids, and this is how you repay me?

You won't even tell me what you talked about?”

Nan Chen too, felt it wasn't right to treat one of his very few friends like this.

He stopped in his tracks, “We're going to have a meal together.”

“A meal?” Qin Lan was even more surprised than before, “You're going to have a meal with them?”

“Yes.” Nan Chen nodded seriously.

“Haha! This is so amusing! Sir Chen actually inviting two kids for a meal together? Aren't you the most difficult

person to invite in Flower City?”

“I am.” Nan Chen nodded.

Nan Chen would only attend lunch or dinner events if they were really huge occasions.

“But now a child has invited you.”

“Yes.” Nan Chen reaffirmed it.

“Can I join you guys too? We haven't had a meal together in a few years.”

As a friend of Nan Chen, Qin Lan felt a little sad when she said that.

Did they even count as friends?


“Nan Chen, you......”

He ignored the angry Qin Lan and walked away.

Cheng Xiangyun who came back from grocery shopping nearby saw the man walking in her direction, and her

mouth opened wide in shock.

She took a closer look. It really was Sir Chen! He actually went to see a psychologist?

A big strong man like him needs a psychologist?

The man's aura was too strong for her to walk facing him directly, so she turned to the side to make way for him

and bowed, “Good day, Sir Chen.”

Nan Chen looked up at Cheng Xiangyun. He instantly recalled that she was the manager of the actress who was

very rude to him. They had met on the set.

He didn't like the actress, so naturally, he didn't take too kindly to her manager either.

But he still greeted her with a slight nod out of respect anyway.

He walked past Cheng Xiangyun, and she felt a gush of cold air as he passed by.

She had wanted to say something along the lines of “I am the agent of the actress, XX. I look forward to working

with you, Sir Chen.”.

But, the sight of his cold handsome face left Cheng Xiangyun completely speechless.