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Celebrity Girl Is My Wife

Chapter 45
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Dabao was indecisive as well.

If they went straight to the point, it would be inappropriate and Mommy might get angry when she found out.

After all, this was something that they had plotted with Aunt Xiang without Mommy's approval.

So, they could only remain silent.

Nan Chen saw right through them and knew they had something that they were hesitant to tell him about.

It was strange for such a young child to have unspeakable secrets.

So, Nan Chen asked them an easier question, “Are you two in school?”

Erbao quickly answered, “Yes! We're attending Zhixing Kindergarten.”

Of course, Nan Chen knew about Zhixing. It was one of the projects under Nanshi Corporation's Education Group.

Zhixing’s hefty fee of five hundred thousand per semester was considered to be relatively high in China, and had a

very limited number of spots as well. Children who could afford to study in Zhixing were generally from wealthy

families, and could even be considered the elites of Flower City.

But if one were part of such a high-end social circle, then Nan Chen should've at least known about them.

But as Nan Chen gave it some thought, there doesn't seem to be anyone with the surname Ning in that social circle.

Nan Chen nodded, “Can you tell me your Daddy's name?”

The two looked at each other once again.

“We've never met him.” Erbao told the truth.

Nan Chen's eyes narrowed, “You've never met him?”

The two nodded in unison.

“Why?” Nan Chen couldn't help but ask.

“Daddy went missing, and we haven't found him yet.” Erbao said seriously.

Nan Chen found it strange that a big grown man could just go missing like that. Could it be that their Daddy is an


That can't be. How could an idiot produce such excellent children?

Besides, how could the father of these kids who looked like Nan Chen be an idiot?

But Erbao had a serious expression on her face and answered the question without hesitation, which showed that

she was telling the truth.

Nan Chen understood that it must be the answer their mother gave them.

She told them that he went missing because they were too young to understand the complicated affairs between


Nan Chen suddenly thought of his twin brother Nan Xing, whom he had assigned to their company's branch in Africa

for training.

Although Nan Xing and Nan Chen were twins, their personalities were complete opposites.

Nan Chen was silent, cold, emotionless, good at strategizing and has a huge vision.

Nan Xing was lively, talkative, and likes to pick up girls. There were a lot of rumors between him and many

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To put it in Nan Xing's words, “To flirt with women is to do oneself and the universe a favor.”

Dabao was indacisiva as wall.

If thay want straight to tha point, it would ba inappropriata and Mommy might gat angry whan sha found out.

Aftar all, this was somathing that thay had plottad with Aunt Xiang without Mommy's approval.

So, thay could only ramain silant.

Nan Chan saw right through tham and knaw thay had somathing that thay wara hasitant to tall him about.

It was stranga for such a young child to hava unspaakabla sacrats.

So, Nan Chan askad tham an aasiar quastion, “Ara you two in school?”

Erbao quickly answarad, “Yas! Wa'ra attanding Zhixing Kindargartan.”

Of coursa, Nan Chan knaw about Zhixing. It was ona of tha projacts undar Nanshi Corporation's Education Group.

Zhixing’s hafty faa of fiva hundrad thousand par samastar was considarad to ba ralativaly high in China, and had a

vary limitad numbar of spots as wall. Childran who could afford to study in Zhixing wara ganarally from waalthy

familias, and could avan ba considarad tha alitas of Flowar City.

But if ona wara part of such a high-and social circla, than Nan Chan should'va at laast known about tham.

But as Nan Chan gava it soma thought, thara doasn't saam to ba anyona with tha surnama Ning in that social circla.

Nan Chan noddad, “Can you tall ma your Daddy's nama?”

Tha two lookad at aach othar onca again.

“Wa'va navar mat him.” Erbao told tha truth.

Nan Chan's ayas narrowad, “You'va navar mat him?”

Tha two noddad in unison.

“Why?” Nan Chan couldn't halp but ask.

“Daddy want missing, and wa havan't found him yat.” Erbao said sariously.

Nan Chan found it stranga that a big grown man could just go missing lika that. Could it ba that thair Daddy is an


That can't ba. How could an idiot produca such axcallant childran?

Basidas, how could tha fathar of thasa kids who lookad lika Nan Chan ba an idiot?

But Erbao had a sarious axprassion on har faca and answarad tha quastion without hasitation, which showad that

sha was talling tha truth.

Nan Chan undarstood that it must ba tha answar thair mothar gava tham.

Sha told tham that ha want missing bacausa thay wara too young to undarstand tha complicatad affairs batwaan


Nan Chan suddanly thought of his twin brothar Nan Xing, whom ha had assignad to thair company's branch in Africa

for training.

Although Nan Xing and Nan Chan wara twins, thair parsonalitias wara complata oppositas.

Nan Chan was silant, cold, amotionlass, good at stratagizing and has a huga vision.

Nan Xing was livaly, talkativa, and likas to pick up girls. Thara wara a lot of rumors batwaan him and many


To put it in Nan Xing's words, “To flirt with woman is to do onasalf and tha univarsa a favor.”

Although their personalities differed, their faces looked the exact same.

Nan Xing had affairs with a lot of women. Could this pair of adorable angels be his children?

“Then, has Mommy ever mentioned Daddy's name?” Nan Chen asked.

The two shook their head in unison.

“Sir Chen, can I have your phone number?” Erbao suddenly asked.

“Sure! Feel free to call me if you need anything. But I didn't bring my name card with me today, so I'll write it down

for you.”

Nan Chen stood up and walked towards Qin Lan's desk to write his number down on a piece of paper.

“No need, just tell brother the number. He can remember it.” Erbao said.

Nan Chen was shocked. He looked at Dabao, “You can remember it if I say it once?”

Dabao nodded with a confident look in his eyes.

Nan Chen had only known one other person who could memorize his number after saying it once, and that person

was himself.

There were hundreds of executives under the listed companies of Nanshi Corporation business empire.

Every time they held a shareholders' meeting, Nan Chen would be able to address all the executives by their names

when he shook hands with them.

That led everyone to think that Nan Chen pays special attention to them. They felt honored and overjoyed to have

Nan Chen to address them by name.

But Nan Chen didn't actually make a deliberate effort to remember their names. He simply was able to remember

names upon hearing them once, and recite them at will whenever he saw the person again.

Nan Xing however, couldn't do it. He couldn't even remember the names of the executives in that single branch

that he managed.

He couldn't even recall the names of women he's dated a month after breaking up with them.

On the one hand, it was because of his poor memory. On the other hand, it was because he's had too many ex-

girlfriends so it was really hard to remember all their names.

Nan Chen wanted to test out the memory of these kids that he suspects to be his nephews.

And so, he read out his personal phone number only once.

Erbao ended up frowning, “Your number is too simple, even I can memorize it, let alone my brother.”

Nan Chen's number was indeed too simple, because the last six digits were all 8. It was the “emperor's number”

given to Sir Chen by the telecommunication service provider of Flower City.

“This is my personal number. I have five other work contact numbers, but they're usually answered by my assistant

or secretary instead.”

Nan Chen then read out five more phone numbers continuously without giving Dabao any time to memorize them.

After he was done, he looked at Dabao, who remained expressionless.

“How many can you remember?” Nan Chen asked.

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“The first one is......, the second one is......” Dabao calmly recited all the five phone numbers perfectly.

Nan Chen was shocked.

Even he couldn't have managed that himself!

“Have you been trained in shorthand?” Nan Chen looked at Dabao with an impressed look on his face.

Dabao just shook his head.

“Brother has never received those trainings! He just has a good brain and can remember things well! He also won

the programming championship! Brother is a genius, and so am I!” Erbao lifted her small chin proudly.

Nan Chen felt like he was melting from their cuteness.

“Good, very good.” Nan Chen nodded his head happily.

“Can we go on a date?” Erbao asked.

“A date?”

Erbao nodded, “Friends go out on dates, right? You can treat me to a meal! I like strawberry-flavored ice cream,


Erbao went on and on with her long list of delicious foods.

He'd heard of some of them, but was completely clueless about the others.

Erbao gulped as she continued.

Dabao gave her a strict look, motioning her to be mindful of her appearance.

Erbao realized she had acted out of place, and quickly put on a serious face, “Of course, I was just simply

suggesting. You don't have to actually treat me to a meal!”

The corners of Nan Chen's lips rose slightly. For someone like him, this counted as a smile.

If a reporter were to capture that expression of his on camera, it would've definitely made the headlines of the

entertainment news, “The ice-cold Nan Chen actually smiled!”

“I'll treat you.” Nan Chen answered affirmatively.

In fact, he actually felt incredibly honored to treat these angels to a meal. This was a matter of utmost importance,

even more so than having a meal with high-ranking guests visiting Flower City from other countries.

Erbao was delighted and her eyes were filled with happiness, “Really?”

“Yes, really.” Nan Chen said sincerely as he put on a straight face.

“Alright, it's settled then! One more question, can I bring Mommy along? She's family, so I should be able to bring

her along on our date, right?” Erbao asked.

Nan Chen had a feeling that he was being set up, but he was enjoying it.

“Sure, of course you can.” He said affirmatively.

“Okay! Give me five! You mustn't go back on this promise, okay?” Erbao walked towards Nan Chen and raised her

little hand.

Nan Chen had never played such a childish game before, but raised his hand anyway.

He then noticed a baby smell on the child, and with it, a scent that Nan Chen was sensitive to.

It was the fragrance of orange blossom!

There was a very faint scent of orange blossom on this child!

It was really faint though, and only Nan Chen could detect it.