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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 56
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Emmett lowered his head and gazed at the way her slender fingers clasped along his skin. But he

didn’t break free. “Isn’t it normal for us to investigate you? Do you really think we’d allow just anyone

into our family?”

His face was enough to bring any man or woman up to the mountains. Even Alyssa couldn’t help but

stagger backward in fear of him. Although he was usually mocking and teasing, Justin had a side that

you wouldn’t want to piss off.

On the first day, Alyssa had entered the Lawrence family, Emmett had already sent a few of his men

over to investigate her past more thoroughly. It was only then he understood her feelings for that man.

As for her pretending to be ugly, that information had gone way back that there was no way for any of

them to verify it.

Alyssa was stunned for a moment. Within a second, her face became serious as she looked at him in a

complicated expression. “You’re saying that Emmett had asked you to investigate me?”

“You think I want to investigate you all by myself?” He blinked irritatedly, turning around. He leaned his

head just enough that they were staring at each other head-on.

Upon seeing her frightened face, he didn’t say anything else as he walked straight into Golden

Fountain Club.

Emmett had originally wanted to sit in the private room, but Alyssa had a feeling that he had some bad

intentions. That was why she wanted to sit in the main hall. With different people surrounding them,

she’d feel more comfortable.

Thus, Emmett compromised and found a table by the window. That way, it was still isolated yet under

the public’s eye.

After ordering the dishes, Alyssa looked up. “When will your cousin be back?”

“I don’t know.”

Upon seeing the look of disbelief across her features, he finally placed his arms on his chest and gazed

at her. “Look, even if I know when exactly he’ll return, why would I tell you? He didn’t want anyone to

know about him.”

Well, that made more sense.

Alyssa lowered her head and fiddled with her phone.

The reason Emmett had given her the phone was probably because he didn’t want anyone to know of

his whereabouts. That would prevent anyone from hacking into her phone to track him or her down. He

was just being safe.

Honestly, she couldn’t help but sympathize with him. Although they had never truly connected before,

she knew from the rumors and his voice that he had lived a hard life.

Emmett stared as her expression gradually saddened. Thinking that he had said too much, he gave her

a string of numbers.

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“What did you just say?” She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him.

Emmett frowned. “It’s Cousin’s phone number.”

Immediately, Alyssa brightened up. It was as if the sun had suddenly bestowed an aura of sunlight

around her features as she quickly opened her phone’s contact list. “Do you mind saying it again?”

Seeing how ecstatic she was, he patiently agreed.

“Thank you.” She quickly saved the number and glanced at the menu, feeling as if she had gotten

God’s gift. “Do you want to order a few more dishes? As thanks for the number…”

Now, she finally had more opportunities to contact Emmett.

“No need.”

Emmett was already right in front of her, yet he couldn’t tell her who he was. Even if he did, would she

believe him? With how much he had tried to cover it up?

The grip he had on his fork tightened, as his expression turned complicated.

The thought was enough to bring down his mood. Was getting jealous of himself going to become a

thing every day of the week now?

However, Alyssa couldn’t care less about his expression. All she could think about was the number on

her phone. She was thinking whether she should call Emmett or send a text message instead.

Perhaps it was better to text first? It would be awkward if she had called him, right?

He might assume that she was just another spammer and would decide to hang up on her, or worse,

blacklist her.

Even as the food arrived, she couldn’t find it in herself to enjoy the meal as she was too busy thinking

of Emmett.

After the two finished their meal, they got up one after the other and left. The exit was right next to the

counter, so she made her way to pay for her meal.

Unexpectedly, she bumped into Skylar and Henry again.

“Alyssa,” Henry greeted sincerely.

“Hm.” Alyssa simply nodded in response, not wanting to talk to them.

Skylar saw the way that Henry was looking at Alyssa and gritted her teeth in hatred. Despite this, she

still found it in herself to force out a smile. “Henry, why don’t we treat Alyssa instead?”

“There’s no need. I’ve already paid for it.”

Just as she finished speaking, the cashier handed the black card to Alyssa respectfully. “Young

Madame Lawrence. Please keep your card. Thank you for dining with us, and we hope to see you


The cashier’s respectful voice attracted their attention.

Alyssa said. “Thank you.”

Both Skylar and Henry were surprised to see the black card glinting in her hand.

Being one of the richest families in Herton City, the Lawrence’s had plenty of businesses under its

name. These included banks and the like, including the limited global black cards. These were only

given to those who were at the top of the industry, and of course, the Lawrence family.

Although Alyssa was holding a secondary card, it was enough to show how important she was to the

Lawrence family.

Alyssa noticed their surprised expressions before glancing back at the card in her hand.

It was obvious that whatever this card was, it was impressive to those in the upper class.

“I’ll be going first.” Nevertheless, she still kept her cool.

As soon as she returned to the car, she peered at Justin. “Do you mind if I ask what the card is for?

Like why do you have it?”

“It’s for shopping.” Emmett answered carelessly.

Shopping? She had seen the look on Skylar and Henry’s faces! This card must’ve been important if it

was enough to incite a reaction from both of them.

Feeling the card burning at the back of her pockets, she immediately stuffed it into his hand. “I’ve

already treated you to dinner. I’ll return it to you now.”

But instead of accepting it, Emmett threw the card back at her.

“What are you doing?” Alyssa pushed it back to him.

This time Emmett threw it right out of the window to the road. “If you don’t want it, then you can just

throw it away,”

He said nonchalantly as if he was commenting on today’s menu.

Alyssa sighed as she pushed the car door open. Without bothering to say anything to him, she dusted

off the surface and shoved it into her pockets, avoiding his stare. This wasn’t the best time to pick up a


After all, the last thing she wanted was to provoke him even further.

Maybe it was best to wait for now. Besides, this was Emmett’s card, right? Once he came back, she’d

hand the card back to him. It was far more logical this way, and she wouldn’t have to interact with his

cousin any longer.

The next day.

Alyssa took a bus to the Moore Group, mainly because the taxi was far too expensive. Although she

already had the money, given the black card in her pockets, that didn’t mean she was allowed to take

advantage of it.

However, as soon as she got off the bus, her face darkened.

Henry immediately walked towards her, unbothered by her darkened features. He called out softly.


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But with every step he took towards her, she took two steps back. “What is it?”

A trace of disappointment flashed in Henry eyes, but it quickly disappeared. “I just want to meet you

and talk to you alone.”

His voice was filled with gentle melancholy. He had never regarded her this way, not when they were

still friends.

He probably needed something from her. “You’ve already said all you needed to say. I still have work,

so I’ll have to go first.” She said coldly, tightening her hold on her bag.

Hopefully, this was the last time they’d ever bump into each other again.

It was true that she had liked Henry in the past, but that was before she knew of his true colors. She

had always looked up at him as her Knight in Shining Armor, only to find out that he’d never act as her


Now that the glorifying filter she had on him was removed, she only regarded the man as one thing, as

Skylar’s boyfriend. That was all he’s ever going to be from now on, especially with how he had treated

her in the past.

“I’m relieved that he’s good to you.” Henry laughed to himself almost bitterly.

Alyssa couldn’t help but be surprised by his response. Even her own mother wouldn’t even say these

things to her, so why the hell was he, an outsider, saying these words to her now?

Without another word, she turned and walked away.

As soon as her back was turned towards him, the disappointment on his features gradually

disappeared. Then, it was replaced with a face filled with determination.

The only reason she was being so cold to him now was to avoid suspicion. She had liked him for so

many years, so she couldn’t get over it that quickly, right? That meant that he could still take advantage

of things.

Emmett had even given her his black card. That meant that he had regarded her as an equal, not just

as his trophy wife.

The Grant family had been on the decline these past few years. As long as he had coaxed Alyssa well

enough, maybe she’d be convinced enough to ask Emmett to favor them more. Maybe that would be

enough to better their situation.

As soon as Alyssa arrived at her compartment, Skylar approached her.

Skylar couldn’t hide the gloating look shining in her gaze. “Dad asked you to go to his office. I suggest

you don’t dawdle around.” She said mockingly as if she knew exactly what was going to go down.

“Did he say what it’s about?” Alyssa picked up her phone and stared straight at her.

Skylar obviously didn’t say much, but her smile did widen. “You’ll know when you go.”

When they arrived at Jason’s office, Alyssa saw Manager Black, the marketing department manager

who she had electrocuted with her device yesterday. Well, it seemed, her morning had just gotten more
