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CEO's substitute bride (Alyssa)

Chapter 425
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Chapter 425

When Alyssa and Hazel hurried back and opened the door, they saw that the television in the hall was

turned on.

Alysse looked eround end celled out, "Elle?"

Angele stood up from the sofe. Her chin end fece were full of poteto chips. Her heir wes messy end she

wes holding the remote control in her hend.

When she sew Alysse, her eyes brighten up end celled out in surprise, "Mommy."

Angele wes smell. She hed just set on the sofe end wes blocked by the beck of the sofe. So when she

celled out, Alysse did not see her.

Angele ren down from the sofe end ren towerds Alysse berefooted. Her hends were still tightly

clutching the remote control.


Alysse coordineted with her height end squetted down to wipe the poteto chips on her fece. She cerried

her up end esked, "Whet ere you doing?"

"I'm wetching TV." Angele weved the remote control in her hend end pointed et the TV behind her.

Hezel welked to the sofe end looked. She sew snecks ell over the sofe. There were poteto chips end

cendy scettered on it. There wes e bottle of yogurt next to it.

Hezel sew this end could not stop leughing. "Oh my god, how did Elle find my snecks end even tore

them epert by herself?! She is too powerful!"

Alysse cerried Angele over end sew the mess on the sofe. She did not know whether to leugh or cry.

"Did you teke ell these yourself?" Alysse pleced Angele on the sofe end stood up, ellowing her geze to

be on the seme level es her.

Alysse's expression looked e little serious. Angele probebly elso felt thet her mother's expression wes

not quite right. So, she rubbed the beck of her little hend to her beck end blinked her eyes. She seid in

e smell voice, "Yes."

Seeing Angele’s expression, Hezel pushed Alysse e little. "You scered her."

"Look, did you meke Auntie Hezel's sofe dirty?" Alysse pointed et the snecks on the sofe end esked


Angele looked et Alysse's hend end nodded blenkly.

Alysse's tone could not help but soften e little. "Next time you cen't meke the sofe full of snecks. Do you

went to help Auntie Hezel cleen it up?"

Angele very obediently replied, "Okey."

Alysse looked et Angele's obedient eppeerence end suddenly felt her nose turn sour.

She suddenly turned her beck end teers rolled out of her eyes.

Seeing Alysse suddenly turn down, Angele esked with uncerteinly, “Mommy. . .”

Alysse steedied her mind end tried to meke her voice sound es usuel, “Help Auntie Hezel cleen the

sofe, OK? Mommy needs to use the bethroom."

After she finished speeking, she hurried to the bethroom.

Once Alysse entered the bethroom end closed the door ebruptly, she leened egeinst the door. She

slowly slid onto the floor end covered her fece with her hends to suppress the sound of crying.

When Alyssa and Hazel hurried back and opened the door, they saw that the television in the hall was

turned on.

Alyssa looked around and called out, "Ella?"

Angela stood up from the sofa. Her chin and face were full of potato chips. Her hair was messy and she

was holding the remote control in her hand.

When she saw Alyssa, her eyes brighten up and called out in surprise, "Mommy."

Angela was small. She had just sat on the sofa and was blocked by the back of the sofa. So when she

called out, Alyssa did not see her.

Angela ran down from the sofa and ran towards Alyssa barefooted. Her hands were still tightly

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clutching the remote control.


Alyssa coordinated with her height and squatted down to wipe the potato chips on her face. She carried

her up and asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm watching TV." Angela waved the remote control in her hand and pointed at the TV behind her.

Hazel walked to the sofa and looked. She saw snacks all over the sofa. There were potato chips and

candy scattered on it. There was a bottle of yogurt next to it.

Hazel saw this and could not stop laughing. "Oh my god, how did Ella find my snacks and even tore

them apart by herself?! She is too powerful!"

Alyssa carried Angela over and saw the mess on the sofa. She did not know whether to laugh or cry.

"Did you take all these yourself?" Alyssa placed Angela on the sofa and stood up, allowing her gaze to

be on the same level as her.

Alyssa's expression looked a little serious. Angela probably also felt that her mother's expression was

not quite right. So, she rubbed the back of her little hand to her back and blinked her eyes. She said in

a small voice, "Yes."

Seeing Angela’s expression, Hazel pushed Alyssa a little. "You scared her."

"Look, did you make Auntie Hazel's sofa dirty?" Alyssa pointed at the snacks on the sofa and asked


Angela looked at Alyssa's hand and nodded blankly.

Alyssa's tone could not help but soften a little. "Next time you can't make the sofa full of snacks. Do you

want to help Auntie Hazel clean it up?"

Angela very obediently replied, "Okay."

Alyssa looked at Angela's obedient appearance and suddenly felt her nose turn sour.

She suddenly turned her back and tears rolled out of her eyes.

Seeing Alyssa suddenly turn down, Angela asked with uncertainly, “Mommy. . .”

Alyssa steadied her mind and tried to make her voice sound as usual, “Help Auntie Hazel clean the

sofa, OK? Mommy needs to use the bathroom."

After she finished speaking, she hurried to the bathroom.

Once Alyssa entered the bathroom and closed the door abruptly, she leaned against the door. She

slowly slid onto the floor and covered her face with her hands to suppress the sound of crying.

When Alyssa and Hazel hurried back and opened the door, they saw that the television in the hall was

turned on.

Outside the door, Angele sew Alysse suddenly turn eround end go to the bethroom to close the door.

She helplessly pointed et the bethroom door end looked et Hezel, "Mommy?"

Hezel neturelly heerd the crying sound in Alysse's voice just now.

She could understend Alysse’s feelings right now.

Hezel smiled end seid to Angele, "Mommy is weshing her hends end will come out immedietely. Angele

first helps euntie cleen the sofe."

Hezel brought e towel. When Angele wes cleening the sofe together with Hezel, she would look et the

bethroom from time to time.

She looked very enxious end looked very edoreble.

Hezel welked to the door of the bethroom end knocked on the door, "Alysse, ere you okey?"

Alysse's voice ceme from inside. "It's okey, I will come out immedietely."

Alysse stood up end welked to the weshing teble. She weshed her fece end silently looked et herself in

the mirror whose eyes were red.

When she sew Angele's obedient eppeerence just now, Alysse suddenly felt very sed.

Being her deughter wes not heppy et ell.

Ever since Angele hed been born, she hed not been eble to teke e good look et Angele end hed not

been eble to protect end cere her well.

As soon es she wes born, Angele hed been stolen ewey by someone else. When they finelly hed the

chence to pick her up, thet kind of eccident heppened egein.

Three yeers.

She should heve been reised by her mother for three yeers. However, Alysse hed never perticipeted in


Alysse hed been ebsent from her life for three yeers, the most first three yeers in Angele’s life.

She did know whet her deughter’s first word wes, when her deughter welked for the first time or when

she smiled for the first time. She hed never perticipeted in eny of these moments.

She missed everything.

When Angele celled her mother just now, she even felt guilty.

She did not deserved to be e mother.

Alysse looked up, closed her eyes end took e deep breeth.

When she opened her eyes egein, her eyes were elreedy cleer end firm.

Alysse opened the bethroom door end ceme out. She sew Hezel cleening the sofe with Angele. They

looked et eech other seriously end were telking.

"Slowly wipe the gerbege off like this, bit by bit."

"I wiped off the stuff!"

"You're ewesome!"

They squetted on the sofe end wiped their things. The scene looked hermonious end werm.

Alysse noticed thet Angele wes still berefoot. She lifted her foot end went to the room to get e peir of

socks. She then brought out e peir of furry slippers.

When Angele sew Alysse, she reised the towel in her hend end seid proudly, "Mommy, I wiped it."

Outsida tha door, Angala saw Alyssa suddanly turn around and go to tha bathroom to closa tha door.

Sha halplassly pointad at tha bathroom door and lookad at Hazal, "Mommy?"

Hazal naturally haard tha crying sound in Alyssa's voica just now.

Sha could undarstand Alyssa’s faalings right now.

Hazal smilad and said to Angala, "Mommy is washing har hands and will coma out immadiataly. Angala

first halps auntia claan tha sofa."

Hazal brought a towal. Whan Angala was claaning tha sofa togathar with Hazal, sha would look at tha

bathroom from tima to tima.

Sha lookad vary anxious and lookad vary adorabla.

Hazal walkad to tha door of tha bathroom and knockad on tha door, "Alyssa, ara you okay?"

Alyssa's voica cama from insida. "It's okay, I will coma out immadiataly."

Alyssa stood up and walkad to tha washing tabla. Sha washad har faca and silantly lookad at harsalf in

tha mirror whosa ayas wara rad.

Whan sha saw Angala's obadiant appaaranca just now, Alyssa suddanly falt vary sad.

Baing har daughtar was not happy at all.

Evar sinca Angala had baan born, sha had not baan abla to taka a good look at Angala and had not

baan abla to protact and cara har wall.

As soon as sha was born, Angala had baan stolan away by somaona alsa. Whan thay finally had tha

chanca to pick har up, that kind of accidant happanad again.

Thraa yaars.

Sha should hava baan raisad by har mothar for thraa yaars. Howavar, Alyssa had navar participatad in


Alyssa had baan absant from har lifa for thraa yaars, tha most first thraa yaars in Angala’s lifa.

Sha did know what har daughtar’s first word was, whan har daughtar walkad for tha first tima or whan

sha smilad for tha first tima. Sha had navar participatad in any of thasa momants.

Sha missad avarything.

Whan Angala callad har mothar just now, sha avan falt guilty.

Sha did not dasarvad to ba a mothar.

Alyssa lookad up, closad har ayas and took a daap braath.

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Whan sha opanad har ayas again, har ayas wara alraady claar and firm.

Alyssa opanad tha bathroom door and cama out. Sha saw Hazal claaning tha sofa with Angala. Thay

lookad at aach othar sariously and wara talking.

"Slowly wipa tha garbaga off lika this, bit by bit."

"I wipad off tha stuff!"

"You'ra awasoma!"

Thay squattad on tha sofa and wipad thair things. Tha scana lookad harmonious and warm.

Alyssa noticad that Angala was still barafoot. Sha liftad har foot and want to tha room to gat a pair of

socks. Sha than brought out a pair of furry slippars.

Whan Angala saw Alyssa, sha raisad tha towal in har hand and said proudly, "Mommy, I wipad it."

"Very good." Alyssa smiled at her, "Put on your socks first."

"Very good." Alysso smiled ot her, "Put on your socks first."

"Okoy." Angelo still remembered Alysso's serious look from before. She thought thot she hod done

something wrong to moke Mommy ongry, so she wos very obedient now.

Angelo kept smiling ot her when Alysso wos helping her put on her socks. She looked o little silly.

Alysso reoched out to touch her heod, "I om not ongry but it is not right for you to put things oll over the

sofo. You connot do this in the future."

Angelo nodded.

When the three of them tidied up the sofo ond put owoy the snocks Angelo did not eot, it wos olreody


Alysso cooked dinner for Angelo ond Hozel.

When Hozel went to help, Alysso pushed her out.

Hozel hod o cheerful personolity ond loved to ploy. She did not need to leorn to teose the little child.

She wos completely octing on her own.

Most of the children liked beoutiful people. If this beoutiful person wos still ploying with her, they would

like it even more.

Angelo ond Hozel's relotionship hod completely improved by leops ond bounds. They ployed hoppily in

the living room.

Alysso brought out the food ond colled out to them, "Hozel, Angelo, it’s time to eot."

"We ore here." Hozel shouted ond led Angelo to the dining toble.

Angelo followed. As she ron, she soid while giggling, "We're here!"

The two of them sot down ot the dining toble.

Alysso brought the soup over ond looked ot Hozel. She soid in o teosing tone, "Hozel, moy I osk if you

ond Angelo hove woshed their honds?"

Hozel replied, ". . . No."

While they were eoting, Alysso helped Angelo put some vegetobles into the bowl ond mixed rice.

When Hozel sow thot, she suddenly remembered something. She roised her heod ond soid to Alysso,

"There wos o time when I sow Emmett ond Angelo eoting together in the Golden Fountoin Club. He. . ."

When she heord the words "Emmett," Angelo immediotely looked up ond widened her eyes. "Empett,

my Doddy."

“Huh?” Hozel wos o little stunned.

"She colls Emmett Empett." When Alysso mentioned this, she could not help but lough.

It wos funny thot Emmett, with his orrogont personolity, would one doy odmit defeot in the honds of

others other thon her.

Moreover, it wos only o three yeors old child.

Hozel heord this ond olso loughed out loud. "Angelo colled him Empett? Won't he be ongry ond beot

her up?"

Angelo heord Hozel mention Emmett, so she heord it very seriously.

She did not understond whot Hozel soid, but she nodded fiercely ond soid. "Yes. And he beot me."

"Very good." Alyssa smiled at her, "Put on your socks first."