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CEO’s Surrender: With You, I Can Never Win

Chapter 83
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Chapter 83

“Tricia told me that your sugar daddy was a Turner. You were taken to a bar last night and had served

several men there. Later, the police arrested those men, who said that their boss was a beautiful girl at

our university. Then, I got the punishment. I rehearsed with Andy all day long yesterday. How would I do

that terrible thing to hurt you? You are afraid that I will take Andy away from you. You consider me as a

rival in love and seek revenge on me, don’t you?”

Debbie burst into tears again.

Andy was in astonishment.

He got several pieces of news from this speech. First, Finley was a mistress of the Turner family.

Second, several men had taken advantage of Finley in a club last night. Third, Finley tried to seduce

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Andy while getting rid of Debbie with some tricks.

Debbie tried to ruin the image of Finley in front of Andy.

What a waste that Debbie didn’t work as an actress!

Compared with Tricia, who was arrogant, women like Debbie were more terrible.

Andy looked at Finley in shock, and Finley looked back at him with a faint smile. “Do you believe


Andy lowered his head hesitantly, thought for a few seconds, and raised his head. “As long as you say

no, I won’t believe one single word of what she said. Finley, I believe you are not that kind of person.”

“I did get kidnapped yesterday. As for the troublemaker, I’ve caught her.” Finley stared straight at Debbie

with sharp eyes.

The Orrico family was powerful in the capital. Only Bryan could find out the troublemaker within

such a short time.

If Bryan punished Debbie, she must be the troublemaker.

Tricia wanted Debbie to spread across the campus the rumor that Finley was working as a mistress of

the Turner family.

Then, the legal Mrs. Turner would become a snobbish mistress in the eyes of the students.

What an evil trick!

However, Finley wouldn’t be defeated by rumors.

Finley approached Debbie step by step.

If her eyes were knives, Finley would have cut the flesh off Debbie one piece after another.

“Andy, look at her! She wants to eat me alive. She must be furious about the truth exposed.” Debbie hid

behind Andy like a frightened dog.

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“Debbie, I have some questions for you. Don’t dodge me.”

“I have nothing to do with what happened. Why did you slander me in front of the principal? I think Tricia

is the masterrnind. Why don’t you go get even with her?”

Debbie looked aggrieved. It seemed she suffered a great aggrievance.

Finley insisted. “You know what you did. Use your brain before you try to get others into trouble.

Debbie, look at my hands and feet.”

Finley rolled up her sleeves and trouser legs to reveal her fair wrists and ankles.

The bruises on her hands and ankles were horrible.

It was a heart-wrenching sight.

Andy frowned with sadness and worry. He asked, “What happened yesterday? Tell me! I’ll take revenge

for you.”