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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72

Olivia was very skilled, but no matter how good she was, this was still a real world, not a fictional world.

She was not so heaven–defying that she could fight against more than ten burly men with her bare


Therefore, Olivia did not make a move. Instead, she turned to Liam. “Grandpa, are you really going to

attack me?”

Liam remained silent.

The old man, who had been influential for decades, did not think it was a good idea to use lynching on

Olivia. Law regulated the world. Even if they had money, they could not do whatever they wanted. Even

if the Taylor family had hundreds of years of wealth accumulation, they still had to act under the rules of

the law.

Olivia’s identity was very special. Not only was she the Taylor family’s daughter, but she was also a

popular new star in the scientific research world.

Although the Taylor family was not afraid of Olivia’s retaliation and did not take her seriously, they still

cherished their reputation. The Taylor family wanted to establish a good image in the public.

However, there was more to it.

Liam looked at Samuel and Amelia, who had a cold gaze. They would not agree to this matter. They

would definitely punish Olivia.

It wasn’t that Liam couldn’t subdue Samuel and Amelia, but he felt that it wasn’t worth it to have a

grudge against his son for Olivia.

More importantly, Amy and Yvonne had called back previously and said that they had already

contacted a famous doctor who lived in seclusion and could treat Liam’s increasingly stiff leg.

The renowned doctor was called Isaac. His personality was extremely strange. Although the doctor’s

medical skills were superb and he had great acupuncture skills, he rarely saved people and almost

never performed acupuncture on them.

This time, Yvonne spent a lot of effort to invite Isaac to treat Liam.

It was said that Ryan’s leg was cured by Isaac.

Therefore, Liam had high hopes for Isaac.



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In return, Liam was willing to make Yvonne feel better.

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No one liked Olivia. Amelia, Amy, and Yvonne all wanted Olivia to be punished.

Then Liam could only sacrifice Olivia.

Olivia was unlucky. Her parents didn’t love her, and she was even

kidnapped. When she grew up, she provoked Emma and Yvonne. It could only be said that Olivia

wasn’t lucky enough, and she deserved it!

Thinking of this, Liam sighed and looked at Olivia. “Emma can’t suffer for nothing.”

Upon hearing this, Olivia felt as if someone had punched her hard in the heart. It was so painful that

she shivered.

“What do you mean?” She still couldn’t believe that Liam would do this to her.

Liam’s words clearly meant that he tacitly agreed that Samuel would attack Olivia.

Olivia turned to William. When she spoke, her voice was dry and bitter. Olivia felt pain in her throat. It

was a sharp pain. “Do you think so too?” William turned his face away and avoided Olivia’s gaze.

Seeing this, Olivia’s heart sank.

Olivia lowered her head and composed herself. When she looked up again, she had completely

changed her appearance. Her eyes were filled with arrogance and coldness.

Softness and grievances were meant for family.

Arrogance and indifference were meant for the enemy!

“Tell me, what do you want? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth?” Olivia looked up coldly and said in

a cold voice.

Emma was shocked by the coldness in Olivia’s words and subconsciously shivered. Emma did not

dare to look up, and she kept her head lowered.

After suffering a few setbacks in front of Olivia, Emma had already left an indelible shadow in her heart.

Therefore, Emma did not dare to face Olivia directly. Emma only dared to play some tricks behind

Olivia’s back and use Samuel and Amelia to deal with Olivia.

At this moment, Ethan said, “Not everyone is as vicious as you. They’re just punishing you according to

the family rules.”


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The evidence was so conclusive that Ethan had no choice but to believe it.

Ethan had always thought that Olivia was an arrogant and cold woman who disdained certain things.

Now, it seemed that Olivia was just pretending.

Thinking about how he had fallen for Olivia before, Ethan felt disgusted. Such a sinister and vicious

woman deserved to die a hundred times over. “Family rules?” Olivia wanted to laugh. “Although my

surname is Taylor, I’m not from your family, right? You’ve never raised me.”

Amelia hugged and comforted Emma gently. When Amelia heard this, she looked up at Olivia with an

indifferent expression.

“Who gave you your life? No matter what, I gave birth to you and raised you for five years. You are

destined to owe me!” Amelia lowered her eyes and said coldly, “I want you to return it to me now!

Otherwise, you should repay us with your flesh and bones. As long as you stay here for five days, you

will not owe me anymore. You will have nothing to do with the Taylor family anymore.”

Repay them with flesh and bones? Olivia wanted to laugh, but she had mixed feelings.

Olivia couldn’t believe how far they went.

Olivia looked up at Amelia and smiled bitterly. “Mom, I’ll return it to you!”

Amelia’s heart trembled. Subconsciously, she felt that something very important had left her body. For a

moment, Amelia wanted to stop it. But Emma’s gentle call beside her ear made Amelia come back to

her senses.

“Mom.” Emma held Amelia’s hand and comforted her gently. “You still have me. I will always be by your



Amelia nodded. She still had Emma. One daughter was enough for her.

Thinking of this, Amelia turned cold again. Without even looking at Olivia, Amelia turned around and

ordered the burly man, “Capture her and lock her upstairs!”

Olivia did not resist. She allowed herself to be carried to the second floor.

Olivia thought to herself that she would pay it off completely this time. From now on, the Taylor family

would have nothing to do with her.



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Liam looked at all of this and sighed deeply.

Liam thought he’d better forget it. He didn’t want to think about it. anymore. He was already old. The

others could do whatever they wanted. Let them be.

Liam took out his phone and dialed the number of Isaac that Yvonne had given him.

“Hello, who is this?” It was an old but strong voice on the other end of the line.

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Liam subconsciously lowered his speed and said in a flattering tone, “Isaac, it’s me, Yvonne’s

grandfather. She asked me to contact you directly.”

“It’s Mr. Liam Taylor?” Isaac’s tone became more respectful. “Hello, hello.”

Liam did not expect the renowned doctor’s attitude to be so good. There was nothing strange about

Isaac at all. Moreover, Isaac respected Liam so much. Isaac should know Liam’s identity.

Liam felt much better when he thought about how he was respected. Liam asked in a low voice, “When

is a good time for you? I’ll go over.” “No need.” Isaac rejected.

Liam was surprised when he heard Isaac continue, “I’ll go to Evervale.”

“You’re coming in person?” Liam was shocked. His tone was filled with surprise. “That’s great, that’s

great. Will this trouble you?”

“It’s no trouble.” Isaac smiled and lowered his voice. His tone was filled with longing and pampering. “I

can visit my granddaughter as well.”

“How old is your granddaughter? I also have a granddaughter. If they are of the same age, they can

hang out together,” Liam said.

Isaac smiled and did not continue the conversation. He only said, “I’ll go over and take a look at your

leg first. Let me tell you in advance that my acupuncture skills are limited. I might not be able to treat

your leg.” “You’re too humble,” Liam complimented. “You can even treat Ryan’s leg. Isn’t my illness a

piece of cake for you?”

“I’m not being humble.” Isaac’s tone became serious. “Ryan’s leg was cured by my granddaughter. My

medical skills are far inferior to my granddaughter’s.”

Liam was surprised. “Is she that good?”



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“Mm.” Isaac nodded. “If she’s here, she’ll be able to treat your leg. However, she said that she wouldn’t

treat any more patients. I wonder if she’ll make an exception for you.”

Liam chuckled, not knowing how to respond.

“Alright,” Isaac said, “Give me the address, and I’ll be there in two days. As for my granddaughter, you’ll

see her after that.”

Isaac’s last sentence was meaningful.

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