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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

After Ethan and Olivia left together, Emma got so angry that she threw knives and forks.

She did not dare to smash the bowls, plates, glasses, wine bottles, and other glass and porcelain

items. On one hand, she was worried that the shards would hurt her when they scattered. On the other

hand, she was worried about making too much noise. If Ethan saw her smashing things, he would think

that she had a bad temper.

Today’s incident was embarrassing enough. Emma did not want Ethan’s impression of her to worsen.

Therefore, she could only throw knives and forks, using these durable, things to vent her anger.

Coincidentally, Yvonne called at this moment to ask how things were on her end.

Emma was filled with anger. She vented it on Yvonne. “What else can it be?” she said. “It’s only been

two days. What results do you expect? Do you think I’m a rocket?”

Yvonne sensed Emma’s anger and chuckled softly twice. She twirled her black hair with her fingertips

and said mockingly, “On my first day at the Taylor family’s home, I made sure she couldn’t stay there.”

Hearing her self–conceited tone, Emma got even angrier. She retorted sarcastically, “Sure. You’re

amazing. You’re awesome! You harmed yourself. Only by almost dying did you manage to keep her

from coming home. You used your life as the price, yet you only kept her from coming home for a few

months. In the end, she received a Lasker Award. All scheming fell through!”

Both of them were furious. They breathed into the phone for a while before calming down.


Yvonne still had some rationality left. She said, “We’re working together to achieve a goal. If you’re

angry, take it out on others, not me.”

Emma also knew that she was being unreasonable. She should not have snapped at Yvonne for no

reason. Upon hearing Yvonne’s words, she said, “I’m sorry. I’ve been in a bad mood lately. Olivia is too

smart. I don’t have a suitable way to deal with her for the time being.”



Billionaire’s Missing Darling

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Yvonne thought for a moment and said, “You can look for inspiration. Aren’t melodramatic romance

s popular over there? Learn the tactics of the supporting female characters to plot against her.”

“That’s fiction,” Emma said. She was left speechless. “You think the drugs in s are common and

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easy to come by, huh? I do have some connections, but the police are not to be trifled with. If they find

out, I’ll be dead meat!”

“You can frame her for hitting you with a car!” Yvonne said. She thought of a plot point.

“Bullcrap,” Emma said as she slumped onto the sofa. “Do you think I’m a secret agent? Planning things

so precisely? Olivia doesn’t even have a driver’s license. Even if she does, I don’t dare to risk my life. If

she were to step on the wrong pedal, I’d be gone. Besides, who could scheme things so perfectly that

she’d hit me without hurting me?”

“You can stage an accident,” Yvonne said.

Yvonne was getting more and more outrageous in her suggestions. Emma rolled her eyes and thought,

“Most cars have dashcams, okay? Even if they don’t, there are surveillance cameras all over the

streets now.”

“You can use drugs,” Yvonne said, thinking of a plot point. In s, a common plot point was that the

female lead got drugged and inexplicably had a one–night stand with the male lead.

Emma was about to say something, but Yvonne stopped her. “You’re not suggesting that you can’t

even do this, huh?” she said.

Her tone was a little nonchalant, but it carried a sinister undertone like that of a venomous snake. She

continued, “Surveillance camera is not an issue. There will always be a few places without surveillance

cameras. If all else fails, go to your place. Don’t tell me that you haven’t even owned any properties

after being the daughter of the Taylor family for so many years.”

Emma was silent.

She thought, “It’s indeed not difficult to use drugs, but how could I get away after that? If Olivia keeps

insisting that I am involved, the police will surely catch onto the slightest clue.

“This is the real world, not a . There are always traces left when

things are done. It’s impossible to go unnoticed by everyone.



Billionaire’s Missing Darling

“I don’t want to ruin my future because of Olivia!”

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Yvonne tapped the table with her fingertips. “I know what you’re hesitating about,” she said. “But if

you’re not ruthless, you’ll lose everything. Are you going to stand by and watch Ethan and Olivia be


Emma did not respond.

She thought, “If I were to use underhanded means to fight for Ethan, others would at most say that I’m

a hopeless romantic. People with high morals may disapprove of my actions. However, I’m not

breaking the law at the end of the day.

“Using drugs, however, is a completely different matter. That will lead to imprisonment.

“I don’t want to take that risk!”

“I knew you would chicken out,” Yvonne said. She frowned, clearly disdainful of Emma’s timidity. “I

have someone on my end. You can use him to deal with Olivia.”

“Who?” Emma asked.

“Yunice Chain,” Yvonne replied.

Emma was stunned. Then, her temples throbbed. She could hardly believe it. She asked again, “That

Yunice Chain from Debrasca who is somewhat involved in criminal activities, right?”

“That’s the one,” Yvonne said. “Who else could it be?” Yvonne’s tone was casual, but when Emma

heard it, it sent shivers down her spine.

“How ruthless!” Emma thought.

In their circle, everyone knew Yunice. His business was not huge, but he was good at ingratiating

himself with influential people to seek personal gain. His business practices were somewhat shady.

However, he was shrewd. He knew whom he could offend and whom he could not offend. He would

never provoke those prominent families. Moreover, he would secretly help these prominent families

with tasks that were inconvenient for them to handle.

Yunice had a distinctive trait. He did not have any hobbies, but he enjoyed fooling around with women.

He was not an ordinary lecher who got involved in transactional relationships. Rather, he had a liking

for sadism. Apparently, he had



Billionaire’s Missing Darling

caused a few women to lose their lives.

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However, those women were just ordinary women with no influential family background. They came for

the money and willingly offered themselves to him. After they lost their lives, he just compensated their

families with a sum of money.

Someone like Emma, who came from a wealthy and prominent family, naturally would not have any

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dealings with someone like Yunice. She knew about these matters as Lola told her. They had even met

a girl who had been mistreated by Yunice.

Every part of this girl’s body was in bad condition. Even her private parts were infected. She had also

gotten involved with drugs, and she was barely recognizable. She crawled on the floor and begged

Yunice to give her some drugs.

As long as she was given some drugs, she was willing to do anything.

The scene at that time was too terrifying. Even though time had passed and many years had gone by,

whenever Emma thought about this scene, she would still shudder with fear.

Emma fell silent. She was no longer in the mood to joke around. She said coldly, “How could we use

him? Yunice is smart. He will never offend anyone that he can’t afford to offend.”

Emma thought, “Olivia is the daughter of the Taylor family. Even without her family background, she is

still a rising star in the scientific community.

“Even social media users of TikTok and Twitter with a considerable number of followers will have a

certain level of influence, what more could be said of Olivia?

“Yunice must be out of his mind if he dares to mess with her!”

“Under normal circumstances, Yunice won’t dare to mess with her, of course,” Yvonne said. At this

moment, Yvonne was like a venomous snake that hissed and flicked out its tongue. “But as long as

there’s a foolproof plan that ensures no one will find out, do you think he will be tempted when he faces

someone as stunning as Olivia?”

“You want me to think of a way?” Emma said as she frowned. “I don’t have a foolproof plan. How can a

living person like her disappear for no reason? Even if the Taylor family doesn’t look for her, the family

that adopted her and the school will still look for her.”



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Emma thought, “Olivia is a person that has trended on Twitter. She is a recipient of the Lasker Award.

Given her prominence, everybody in the country pays attention to her.

“How on earth could I possibly have the ability to make her disappear without a trace?”

“I have a way,” Yvonne said. Her tone was cold and ruthless.

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