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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50

Olivia met Andrew halfway, so she did not immediately go to the laboratory to meet the students.

Instead, she held Andrew.

There was a red mark on Andrew’s face from when he was sleeping. Olivia did not notice it before, but

now that she picked him up, she saw it.

“Why is your face red?” Olivia rubbed his tender little face.

Daniel glanced at him and said calmly, “He was sleeping in the car just now. He was not awake yet.”

Not awake?

Olivia carefully observed the little boy’s expression and realized that he indeed looked a little

discontented, like wilted grass.

“It’s not good for a child to not have enough sleep.” Olivia handed Andrew to Daniel, wanting him to

carry Andrew back.

Andrew refused. He immediately turned around and pointed his butt at Daniel.

Olivia was surprisingly patient with Andrew. When she saw that Andrew didn’t want Daniel to carry him,

she said, “If it’s convenient, I’ll bring him over.”

Daniel nodded indifferently and walked forward.

This Resort Hotel was owned by the Sullivan family. Daniel had a special room here. Sometimes, when

he was tired from work, he would come over to stay for two days.

When the lobby manager saw Daniel enter, he hurriedly brought the room service butler forward to

welcome him.

When they arrived at the private room, the lobby manager took out the room card and opened the door.

Daniel entered first. There was a pair of blue men’s slippers inside.

After taking off his leather shoes, he walked in barefooted. Then, he bent down and picked up the

slippers. He placed them by Olivia’s feet. “You can wear this pair.”

This pair of slippers was clearly Daniel’s.

Olivia did not argue and put on the slippers. The men’s slippers were a



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little big. After she put them on, her fair feet slid forward. She had to walk slowly to hook the slippers.

The lobby manager and the butler followed them in. The two of them were not barefooted. Instead, they

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took out a pair of shoe covers from somewhere and put them on.

Olivia lowered her head and looked at the slippers on her feet that were as big as a boat. Then, she

glanced at the shoe covers on the lobby manager’s feet.

She was speechless. Since there were shoe covers, why didn’t he take them out earlier?

Faced with Olivia’s silent questioning, the lobby manager blinked and said with an innocent expression,

“There’s only one pair left, and I’ve used it before.”

The butler was also very innocent. “I only have one pair, too.”

Alright, Olivia wouldn’t fuss about it.

The lobby manager and the guest room butler sent them to the room and asked for their request before

leaving one after another.

Only Olivia, Andrew, and Daniel were left in the room.

Olivia placed Andrew on the bed and wanted to leave.

Andrew stretched out his fair and chubby little hands and grabbed the corner of her clothes. He blinked

his cute big eyes and said, “Olivia, don’t leave.”

Olivia hesitated. Her mentor and classmates were still waiting.

Before she could think of an excuse to refuse, Andrew was reprimanded by Daniel. “Nonsense. Olivia

still has something to do. How can she keep you company here?”

Andrew had only been acting coquettishly to Olivia out of habit and had not considered anything else.

Now that he heard his father’s reprimand, he immediately lowered his head in grievance.

His big eyes filled with tears.

Why was he crying? Olivia’s heart softened instantly. She coaxed him helplessly and wanted to hug


However, she was stopped midway.

Daniel held her wrist with one hand and said in a serious tone, “Olivia,



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you don’t have to go along with him. How can a child’s request be satisfied completely? He will cry for a

few hours at most. It’s not a big deal.”

Cry for a few hours?

Olivia’s heart softened even more.

Seeing this, Daniel’s eyes darkened. His well–defined face made it impossible to read his thoughts. He

said, “Olivia, you don’t have to feel sorry for him. It’s fine for a child to cry. The key is that he can’t have

a squeamish personality. If it were other children, it would be fine. Andrew doesn’t have a mother, so he

has to learn to be strong.”

He had hit the nail on the head.

As soon as he said this, Olivia’s psychological defense instantly collapsed. She said repeatedly, “I don’t

have anything important to do. I’ll stay here with him.”

Daniel’s lips curved into a smile, and his eyes shone brightly. However, he was good at disguising

himself, so he quickly returned to normal. “Olivia, thank you so much.”

Olivia lay on the bed and slept with Andrew.

Daniel did not move. He looked at the empty space on the other side of Andrew and felt that he could

still lie down.

Hence, he looked at Andrew suggestively.

Andrew thought that his father was saying goodbye to him, so he waved his little hand. “Goodbye,


Daniel was speechless.

What an unfilial son!

He left angrily and went to the living room to sit.

This was a suite with two bedrooms and a living room. In the past, Daniel especially liked to work at a

desk in the living room, but today, sitting here, he didn’t like anything.

The sofa was too soft. He didn’t want to sit on it!

The chair was too high and he didn’t want to sit on it!

The second bedroom was too desolate. He didn’t want to lie down!

In the end, only the bed Olivia was lying in was the most comfortable.

Andrew was not clever enough, so he could not lie on the same bed as



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Olivia. Daniel’s face had always been unhappy like an iceberg emitting cold air. Even the surrounding

temperature had dropped a few degrees. When the butler came in to deliver fruits and yogurt, she

shivered from the cold air emanating from Daniel.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After leaving, she complained to the lobby manager, “It’s all your fault. You insisted that you didn’t have

any shoe covers. Mr. Sullivan must be angry.” She still had a lot of shoe covers in her pocket. The

lobby manager said no and kept winking at her, so she didn’t take them out.

“What do you know?” The lobby manager glared at her. “Have you seen other women enter Mr.

Sullivan’s room? Mr. Sullivan even let her wear his own shoes.”

“No.” The butler shook her head. There was not a single woman beside Mr. Sullivan, not even a female


“That’s right.” The lobby manager smiled proudly. “Mr. Sullivan will be in love soon. Be smart and don’t

ruin Mr. Sullivan’s good plan.”

In the room, Andrew couldn’t sleep at all.

After being delayed for such a long time, his sleepiness had long disappeared. Moreover, as a child, he

was energetic and could not lie down at all.

He propped his legs up and looked at his feet.

After playing for a while, he felt that he was too ungentlemanly. Would Olivia dislike him?

He turned to look at Olivia, who was beside him, and realized that she had fallen asleep with her eyes


“Olivia?” He called out.

There was no response. Olivia was sleeping very soundly. She had been really tired these days and

had not slept well for a long time. Now that she was lying beside the little boy and smelling his fragrant

and soft breath, she relaxed and fell asleep.

Daniel was sitting in the living room sulking when he saw Daniel coming out of the bedroom


“What’s going on?” Daniel raised an eyebrow.

“Shh.” Andrew put his chubby hand to his lips and shushed him. “Be quiet. Olivia is asleep.”



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Daniel walked to the bedroom door and pushed it open. His gaze fell on Olivia’s sleeping face, and a

bad thought suddenly arose in his heart!

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