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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38

With so many people in the Taylor family, the butler instructed the servants to be busy. Mary was

getting impatient. She reached out and poked Emma. “Emma, tell them to leave.”

Emma nodded and raised her hand to instruct the servants to leave.

Lola looked around and found it strange. “Where are your family members? Where did they go?”

Emma didn’t know either. She looked up at the butler.

The butler said, “Mr. Liam went fishing. Mr. Samuel and Mrs. Amelia went to a cocktail party. Mr.

William and Miss Olivia haven’t been staying at home recently. As for Mr. David…”

The butler shook his head. “I don’t know where he went.”

“Emma.” Upon hearing this, Lola came over and asked for gossip, “Is David really going to Yougria in

the second half of the year?”

Emma nodded. “It’s been decided. He will go over at the end of this semester.”

“Tsk tsk.” Lola clicked her tongue and was very surprised. “I thought there were rumors outside. Is he

so obedient and not making a fuss?”

Although Lola and the others were on good terms with Emma, they were rather afraid of David. It was

just that David’s temper was too bad. He would flare up at any moment like a firecracker. They did not

know when they would annoy him by accident.

Elaine was also very curious about this matter. After all, David was famous for being bad–tempered.

Speaking of David, Emma also found it strange. Ever since he ran out of the Taylor family in a fit of

anger that day, he had not returned. Their mother sent someone to look for him, but he did not come


Fortunately, the Taylor family was rich and they had many houses outside. They did not have to worry

that he would not have a place to stay.

Amelia thought that he was in a bad mood and was unwilling to go home, so she did not force him. She

only arranged for a servant to take care of him.



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“He made a scene.” Emma frowned. “But it didn’t work, so he went out to stay.”

“He’s probably angry.” Lola guessed.

Emma did not say anything and silently agreed with her guess.

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The group of people sat in the living room, eating fruits and chatting. After an unknown period of time,

Lola felt tired. She was in someone else’s house, so she was too embarrassed to stretch. She

stretched her limbs and twisted her neck. She turned to ask Elaine, who was looking down at her

phone, “Ella, what time is it?”

It felt like a long time had passed. Why wasn’t Olivia here yet? Wasn’t she right behind them? Why was

she so slow?

Elaine waved her phone and signaled. “It’s almost six o’clock.”

“It’s so late!” Lola widened her eyes and rubbed her stomach subconsciously. “I was wondering why I

was so hungry. I thought it was because I’d lost weight recently and ate less. I didn’t expect it to be


The butler reminded them at the right time, “Dinner is ready. Please eat in the dining room.”

Emma stood up. “Let’s eat first.”

The four of them sat down in the dining room. Lola took a bread and slowly nibbled on it. “I don’t think

she’s coming back.”

Elaine nodded in agreement.

Emma did not care whether Olivia would come back or not. It was even more beneficial for her that

Olivia liked Ryan. At the very least, Olivia would not fight with her for Ethan.

She came back this time for Mary.

Hence, she looked up at Mary, wanting to know what she was thinking.

Mary was a straightforward person and did things straightforwardly. She was impatient to wait here and

said directly, “Ask the butler to call her and ask if she’s coming back.”

“Are you asking about Miss Olivia?” The butler heard their conversation.

Emma smiled at the butler and explained, “We bumped into Olivia’s car on the way just now. We

thought she would go home tonight.”

The butler nodded and asked, “Do you need to ask?”



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“Let me do it.” Emma took out her phone and dialed Olivia’s number.

Olivia was reading a book on the sofa. She had a terrible headache today and did not want to work. A

few calls came from the laboratory and they were all cut off. She just wanted to lie on the sofa alone

and read a .

The in her hand was Gone with the Wind.

In the past few years, she would still read it often. Later on, when she went to university and entered

the laboratory, she had less time and stopped reading it.

That was when her phone rang.

It was Emma.

She slid her fingertip to the answer button and picked up the phone. “What’s the matter?”

Emma was a little surprised to hear the lazy voice on the other end of the line. She looked at Mary and

said, “Olivia, aren’t you coming back today?”

“I didn’t come back yesterday either.”

What she meant was, “You didn’t even ask why I didn’t come back

previously, so why do you ask today? If you have something to say, just say it. Don’t beat around the


“It’s like this,” Emma explained. “I hit your car today, didn’t I? I want to get someone to fix it as soon as


Olivia closed her eyes and said nonchalantly, “Susan has already sent it to be repaired. She will send

the bill over later.”

Emma was stunned.

She did not expect this to happen. She thought that Olivia would use this opportunity to completely let

everyone know about her relationship with Ryan.

After a moment of silence, Emma said, “That car looks pretty good. Even if it’s repaired, the effect

might be irreparable. If you need to fix the damage, don’t hesitate to tell me directly.”

Olivia nodded. “Yes, Susan will contact you for the details.”

With that, the call was hung up.

“She hung up just like that!” Lola’s eyes widened.

The other two were also very surprised.



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Mary stared at the phone and didn’t speak for a long time.

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Elaine tilted her head and thought for a moment. Suddenly, she burst out laughing.

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Lola looked at her. “What are you laughing at?”

“I’m laughing at you,” Elaine said. “You keep guessing and thinking that you’re right, but she doesn’t

take it seriously at all.”

Hearing this, Lola’s face turned a little red. She was embarrassed.

She really didn’t expect this.

At the same time, she was a little unconvinced.

She didn’t believe that Olivia could keep her cool. It was such a good opportunity, but she didn’t use it

to expose her relationship with Ryan.

Emma put down her phone and looked up at the butler, signaling the butler to bring the servants out.

Only the four of them were left in the dining room. She said, “Maybe I’m wrong. She has nothing to do

with Ryan.”

“Then why did she sit in Ryan’s car?” Lola was puzzled.

“Could it be…” Mary turned to Elaine.

“Don’t look at me.” Elaine understood Mary’s meaning and said with certainty, “That’s Ryan’s car.”

“Could it be that she’s not that smart? She didn’t think of this. Or maybe she’s too smart. She doesn’t

want to use the Taylor family to put on the pressure. Instead, she wanted Ryan to leave on his own.”

Lola instantly thought of two possibilities.

Mary spun her phone without saying anything.

Elaine didn’t say anything either.

In the end, it was Emma who came to a conclusion. “She should know Ryan, but their relationship is


Mary looked at her.

Emma explained, “Have you forgotten that the Taylor family investigated her past in order to find her?

I’ve seen her information in Mom’s room.”

“Hurry up and tell me,” Lola urged.

“Yes.” Emma thought for a moment and said, “Her background is very clean. She was adopted by an

old doctor surnamed Smith. She was a top

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student all the way and got into a top university with outstanding grades. She has been in the

laboratory ever since. If she was very close to Ryan, it’s impossible that William’s people couldn’t find

out. It should be just an ordinary relationship, so they didn’t find out.”

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