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Billionaire’s Missing Darling by Theresa Wilde

Chapter 14
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Chapter 14

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After his initial moment of astonishment, Emma’s pursuer quickly recovered from his daze. He sneered

and said, “How do you know that Emma has neurogenic gastritis? You consider yourself a doctor with

exceptional medical skills, huh?”

Olivia glanced at him indifferently and asked, “What do you think she is suffering from then?”

Emma’s pursuer was at a loss for words. He had no idea what illness Emma had. He simply did not

believe Olivia and was bothered by her indifferent demeanor.

“Hmph,” Emma’s pursuer let out a snort. Then, he said, “I’m not a doctor, so how on earth would I know

what illness Emma has? But if I don’t know, I’ll just say I don’t know. I’m not like you. You make things

up even when you’re clueless.”

“How do you know I’m making things up?” Olivia said as she lifted her eyebrows. She spoke very

slowly. However, there was a unique sense of certainty in the way she spoke.

Her casual remark deflated the confidence of Emma’s pursuer.

In reality, Emma’s pursuer had run out of arguments, but he was reluctant to be overshadowed by

Olivia’s arguments. He could only resort to using fallacious arguments to make his unreasonable claim

sound reasonable. “You are making things up,” he said. “Do you have any evidence that Emma has

neurogenic gastritis?”

“Evidence?” Olivia thought. She then nodded and said, “Yes. I do”

“Show it,” Emma’s pursuer said.

Olivia suddenly smiled. Her cool and distant facial expression softened and became more gentle,

instantly bringing a cheerful sense of mischief.

She curled her lip and spoke mischievously, “Are you sure?”

Olivia had been consistently aloof and indifferent right from the start. Even her interactions with Liam

earlier were only slightly more gentle.

Everyone was accustomed to her cold demeanor. Now that they saw her suddenly smiling, their hearts

skipped a beat.

Olivia’s beauty was impactful. Even though the people present had seen countless stunning

individuals, they were still captivated by her charm.



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Emma’s pursuer was momentarily distracted. He suddenly sensed that it was rather ungentlemanly to

put a beauty like this in a difficult position. He wanted to find a way to let Olivia save face.

Then, he heard a clear and melodious voice saying, “Feeling cold, fatigued, weak, as well as having a

sensation of lower back pain and weak legs. These are signs of weak kidneys. Sir, you should consider

nourishing your kidneys.”

This remark was a thunderbolt.

Emma’s pursuer’s face turned as red as a boiled shrimp. He felt both hot and stunned. He was

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completely at a loss.

Others also chuckled softly. The men’s laughter carried a knowing undertone, while the ladies covered

their lips and giggled, their gazes lightly skimming over the crotch of Emma’s pursuer.

After recovering from a daze, Emma’s pursuer felt both angry and embarrassed. He then shouted at

Olivia, saying, “What nonsense are you talking about?”

Olivia looked innocent. She said, “You asked me to provide evidence.”

Standing aside, William looked at his younger sister, who had gone from her usual cold and aloof

demeanor to revealing a playful side of a young girl. His heart softened, and he took a step forward to

stop Emma’s pursuer from expressing his anger. “George, you are in the presence of the Taylor family,”

he said.

As soon as William spoke, Emma’s pursuer immediately calmed down. This was not the appropriate

occasion for him to create a scene.

William glanced around at the crowd. He then took out his phone to make a call.

There was a hospital near the Taylor family’s mansion. It was a private hospital that was controlled by

the Taylor family. All members of the Taylor family would go to the hospital for any health conditions

they had.

William made a phone call. The hospital director was the one who answered the call. In just a few

sentences, he inquired about Emma’s condition.

“Wait a moment,” William said. He turned on the speaker on his phone. Then, he said, “Carry on.”

At the other end of the line, the hospital director was a little puzzled.



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However, his response was relatively fast. He said, “Mr. Taylor, don’t worry. Emma’s condition is not

serious. It’s just neurogenic gastritis caused by stress. She has taken some oryzanol tablets. The pain

has already been eased.”

It was indeed neurogenic gastritis,

After hearing the words of the hospital director, the expressions of the people present all changed


Most of them did not actually think that Olivia had exceptional medical skills. They just felt that the two

sisters of the Taylor family were not as incompatible as they had imagined. On the contrary, the two

sisters seemed to get along quite well. Otherwise, Olivia would not be so concerned about Emma’s

health, knowing even that Emma had neurogenic gastritis.

At this moment, Liam stepped forward with a cheerful demeanor and took control of the situation. “My

two granddaughters have a good relationship with each other,” he said. “Olivia is very concerned about

her younger sister. Please don’t spread rumors and affect their sisterly bond.” The people present

cheerfully echoed as well.

“Alright,” Liam said as he waved. “Let’s continue.”

With the matter resolved, Liam breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that if there were no suitable

candidates, he would have William and Olivia do the opening dance.

Just when he was thinking about this, a youthful voice could be heard. “Still want to dance, huh?”

It was a child’s voice. Everyone was surprised, and they directed their gaze toward the source of the


Then, everyone saw a little boy emerge from the crowd. He was incredibly good–looking..

His hair was curled from being permed. He was dressed in a well–fitted little suit, and he had a small

bowtie tied around his neck.

Someone recognized him. “Isn’t this Mr. Andrew from the Sullivan family?”

Despite being faced with the gazes of the crowd, some curious and others scrutinizing, the young boy

showed no sign of nervousness. On the contrary, he confidently walked a few steps forward.

However, when he met Olivia’s gaze, his chubby cheeks instantly turned


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He suddenly became shy.

Andrew inwardly encouraged himself to be courageous.

He thought, “Don’t be afraid. Be brave. The driver said when I face a girl I like, I’ve got to be proactive

and take the first step to approach her.”

After inwardly encouraging himself to be brave, Andrew took small steps and walked up directly to

Olivia. Tilting his head up, he earnestly said, “Beautiful lady, can I ask you to dance with me?”

As soon as he finished talking, the hall fell silent.

Everyone stared fixedly at the two individuals in the center of the hall. This scene was truly special!

Due to the design of Olivia’s dress, she could not easily squat down, so she bent over slightly and

looked at the young boy, asking him, “What’s your name?”

Andrew introduced himself earnestly. “I’m Andrew Sullivan,” he said. “I’m four and a half years old, and

my dad is Daniel Sullivan.”

Upon saying that, he nibbled on his soft and pink lips as he looked at Olivia. His gaze was filled with a

sense of anticipation, shyness, and a touch of happiness.


Olivia found it amusing. She thought, “I actually sense happiness in the eyes of a young boy. Is it

because my presence makes him feel happy?” Olivia had never been so genuinely adored by someone

before in all her life.

She felt a sense of warmth.

Olivia extended her hand and said, “Sure.”

The music started playing at the right moment. Olivia held Andrew’s tender hand, moving in sync with

his steps as they danced slowly.

Seemingly touched by this heartwarming scene, others also put down their glasses and went to the

dance floor.

After dancing a song, Olivia led the little boy away from the dance floor and found a seat to sit down.

Andrew was extremely curious about Olivia. He kept asking various. questions. “Is your name Olivia

Taylor?” he asked.


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“Yes,” Olivia said as she nodded. “Olivia means olive trees…”

She had just started to explain the meaning of her name when she realized that Andrew might not be

able to read and understand written words vei, so she stopped.

“Are you married?” Andrew asked as he looked at Olivia nervously.

Olivia was amused by Andrew’s look. She playfully teased him. “Take a guess,” she said.

Andrew shook his head and said, “You haven’t gotten married.”

“How do you know?” Olivia asked.

Andrew gave a reason that was quite valid. “If you were married, someone would have definitely

danced with you,” he said. “Wow, you’re really smart!” Olivia said as she stroked his hair. Andrew cared

a lot about his hairstyle. At home, he would not even let his father and grandmother touch it, but he was

willing to let Olivia touch it. He even proactively moved closer to Olivia, hoping she would touch it for a

longer period of time.

“Olivia,” Andrew said. His words were incredibly honeyed. He started fawning, offering compliments

freely and generously, as if he was giving them away for free. “Can I call you Olivia? You’re the most

beautiful girl

I’ve ever seen.

“You can call me Andrew, Olivia.

“What am I supposed to do if I miss you in the future?”

The two of them chatted for a while. In the end, the Sullivan family’s driver could not bear it any longer.

He apologized to Olivia, saying, “I’m sorry, Ms. Taylor, if Mr. Andrew has disturbed you,” he said.

Initially, Andrew was chatting happily, with a constant smile on his face and his dimples constantly


However, when Andrew suddenly heard the driver say that he was disturbing Olivia, he became

nervous right away.

He thought, “Did I really disturb Olivia?”

Andrew looked at Olivia without moving. His gaze was filled with nervousness, worry, and a hint of

indescribable grievance.

“How could he have disturbed me?” Olivia said as she touched Andrew’s soft cheek. “I really like


Upon hearing this, Andrew immediately became happy and said, “I really



Billionaire’s Missing Darling

like you too, Olivia.”

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That evening, after wandering around the subway without managing to find Olivia, Daniel returned

home feeling distressed. He then heard from his driver that Andrew had taken a liking to Olivia and that


hoped Olivia would become his mother.

Daniel was left speechless.

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