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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 625
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I knew this question was cruel, but I couldn't control myself. I needed to know.

"That afternoon, she made our favorite crab rangoons and grilled sea bass for Stella and me. Crab rangoons were Stella's favorite, and I love grilled sea bass." Crab rangoons? That was also my favorite.

"While eating, she insisted that we finish everything and toldI should protect Stella.

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"At that time, I didn't think much of it. But when Stella and I chafter school, there were many strangers in the house, and even a funeral car...

I felt a chill down my spine.

He paused for a long tbefore continuing, "Someone toldthat Aunt Hailey had died. Stella was crying inconsolably, and I held her. Just then, a body was carried out toward the funeral car.

"I ran over and pulled the white cloth covering the person. What I saw was a terrifying face, with black blood around the mouth and eyes..." I stiffened in his arms, feeling my hair stand on end. Atlas's warm hand gently stroked me.

"I was stunned, and then someone grabbedand threwout. That face scared me, but that was indeed Aunt Hailey. I couldn't understand why her face was so terrifying." Atlas huggedtighter, his voice hoarse. "I felt that Aunt Hailey must've known something. Otherwise, she wouldn't have made our favorite food that noon, and a few hours later... she was gone!" Hearing this, I felt a bit horrified. Everything was just too scary.

"I was young and didn't understand what had happened to her. There were various rumors about her death. Later, I searched online to find out why such a thing could happen. The result was poisoning!" I buried my face in Atlas's chest. I didn't want to believe such a terrible thing had happened to such a good person.

"Later, I heard rumors that she missed Mr. Rory so much that she drank poison. This further confirmed my suspicion that she died of poisoning. But I absolutely don't believe she'd leave us and end her life like that. It's absolutely impossible!" His voice was choking with emotion.

"So, that raised your suspicions? How did you link it to the plane crash?" I asked, incredulous.

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Atlas frowned "That was when I remembered that one night before Aunt Hailey died, I was thirsty and went out for water. I overheard Aunt Hailey talking on the phone, and she sounded very anxious. I accidentally heard her say, 'Rory doesn't have a tattoo."" "So Aunt Hailey found out about this?" I felt a shiver down my spine. "It seems like she was murdered." I contemplated Atlas's story as well as the figure of Hailey. Various scenes flashed through my mind. My head suddenly ached, and I couldn't help but whimper.

Atlas immediately looked down at me, worried. "What's wrong? Huh?" I concealed it, smiling at him and quickly responding, "Your hug is making it hard forto breathe." He chuckled with a low, magnetic voice. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" He kissedgently and asked in a low voice, "Do you have a headache? You can't fool me, you know." I nestled into his arms. "You're a sly fox! Nothing can escape you." "It's because we have a telepathic connection, just like when I first saw you in Foswood. That day, I had just returned from Jitador. Fate broughtback to attend that bidding event. "In fact, I don't need to get involved in such bidding events. Mr. Nick handles them entirely ne that day, I insisted on participating in the meeting myself, and I saw you." He successfully shifted the topic, avoiding the terrifying atmosphere.

I was about to say something when he huggedtighter. "Forget it. We have plenty of time. I'll tell you everything little by little, and you can remember bit by bit!" I initially wanted to ask him more questions, but he heldclose, burying his face in the nape of my neck. I understood how he felt.

I wanted to know how many unbearable past events were buried in his heart. However, his actions suggested that he did not wish to continue.

I embraced him, suppressing many questions I wanted to ask. I didn't want to tear open his wounds.

These past few days may have exhausted me. We fell asleep like this not long after.