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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 624
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I felt a twinge of jealousy when he mentioned growing up with the real Stella. Not to mention the affectionate photo of them together.

Growing up together fostered a strong bond.

"So, what's her relationship with Annalise? Why does everyone say you love Annalise?" I looked at Atlas's handsfeatures, always wanting to unravel the mystery.

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The more worried I became, the more I felt that many things were hazy and just out of reach.

I didn't know if it was my dullness or Atlas was genuinely trying to protect me. I'm sure he had his reasons.

Could it be that, as this impostor Stella claimed, there was a secret he couldn't reveal? Atlas huggedtightly, makingfeel at home. Perhaps he treatedthis way because I closely resembled the real Stella. "Don't listen to what others are saying. They're just trying to confuse you. Just trust in what I say," he remindedonce again.

"Looking back, after my parents passed away, I didn't even know what happiness meant. Everyone in my grandfather's family was in mourning and trying to investigate things with my father's family. They all neglected me." This was the first tI heard Atlas bring up the subject. I leaned against his chest, listening intently, afraid of missing anything. I always felt that there was an inseparable connection between Atlas and me.

"Stella and I could only be with Aunt Hailey at that time. She held Stella and me, telling us not to cry. She urgedto live well, inherit my father's business, and establish my own family." I sympathized with him. He must have been a pitiful child, orphaned by both parents.

"Blit on the fact that I was still a kid and couldn't completely understand what Aunt Hailey was saying. I was just immersed in fear, despair, and grief. I really couldn't believe that, in a sudden moment, I would lose three loved ones." I could fully understand Atlas's emotions at that time. After all, he was only ten years old. How helpless he must have felt.

I tried to imagine my situation at ten, but I couldn't feel anything.

"That was the first tI truly understood the word 'death,' which meant a final goodbye. I could not see them anymore." He held my hand even tighter, with one hand on the back of my head, pressing my forehead against his cheek.

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"I was very cowardly, feeling that my entire world had collapsed. It was Aunt Hailey who continuously injectedwith a kind of spiritual support, you know?" He looked down at me. "It was her who gavegoals. 'Grow up quickly. Inherit your father's business. Establish your own family." They were also the hope that keptgoing because she said they were my father's wishes." "She was really good!" I sighed sincerely.

"She was. But one day, two months later, she suddenly left too. Stella and I felt like our sky had collapsed." I could feel his hand trembling slightly as he hugged me. It was almost suffocating, but I dared not move. I knew he must be feeling horrible, and I felt sympathetic.

"Tellmore about Aunt Hailey." I gazed up at his handsface.

I was becoming increasingly curious about her.

"She's beautiful, smart, and generous His description was similar to the one given by Rose. Atlas sighed, and there was pain in his voice. "It's a pity that she met her end due to her intelligence "If it weren't for Aunt Hailey, I might never have realized that there was something wrong with the plane crash. It It was her death that warnedthat everything was a conspiracy. They all died tragically." After saying this, Atlas's eyes were deep, and the muscles in his jaw were tense.

"How did you realize that Aunt Hailey's death was unusual?"