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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 524 A Clear Goal
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Chapter 524 A Clear Goal I took a deep breath of the salty sea air, trying to steady myself.

Ivanna noticed that something seemed off.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" I'shook my head, realizing that even my back felt chilled. "No, I just feel lightheaded!" "Could it be a touch of seasickness? The waves are rougher today compared to last night." Ivanna observed, her eyes fixed on my face. "You look a little pale!" "Maybe! It's fine. A little fresh air will do the trick." I didn't want Ivanna to worry, so I waved it off. "Or maybe it's

-r "TY VIZ, just hunger. I've been on an empty stomach for too long!" "Well, let's go back to the room. Rest for a bit, have something to eat, and then we can go for a walk. The swimming pool I mentioned is in the center and quite large. We can check it out after we've eaten," Ivanna suggested.

"Alright!" We returned to our room. There was still no sign of Atlas. It seemed like he was pretty busy.

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After lunch, the two of us headed to the pool area.

Quite a few socialites were swimming there. They had done their homework and brought all the necessary equipment. Their bikinis were truly |

a A Teed A eye-catching, showcasing their alluring figures, After a quick tour, I didn't find it particularly interesting. Upon observation, I noticed no serious business people around, just socialites and second-generation heirs flirting.

As I left with Ivanna, a woman emerged from the water. She forcefully slapped the water, and it splashed all over me.

My chiffon dress instantly clung to my body, becoming semi-transparent and indecent.

Ivanna reached out and pulled me back, shielding me. I quickly adjusted the fabric against my chest to prevent any exposure,

"Hey! You did that on purpose!" Ivanna glared at the woman in the water. | The woman wiped her face and smiled disdainfully. "What's with the fuss? Didn't you want attention?" "You..." Ivanna stepped forward, but I pulled her back.

"Let it go!" "Hmph!" The woman in the water scoffed, "Pretending to be all high and mighty. Take a good look at yourself.

How dare you show up innocently like this? Shameless bitch!" "Who are you talking about?" Ivanna yelled at the woman.

Suddenly, everyone by the poolside turned to look in our direction. I wiped my face and pulled Ivanna away.

Se IB BONUS "Ignore her!" [scrutinized the woman, She seemed to be associated with Liora. Clearly, she was here to cause trouble, and | couldn't afford any problems.

[was sure there wouldn't be a shortage of spectators eager to see a scene. | couldn't allow them to laugh at my expense.

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"So what if I said it? What's the big deal? You think you're some noble figure. I can't stand those who pretend to be saints but are superficial. There's even a child in the picture, and you're still trying to act pure and seduce any man! Have some self-awareness, lady!" She swam to the pool's edge, lifted herself with her hands, and effortlessly climbed out. The woman had a

remarkable figure. Just a few strings covered her, leaving nothing to the imagination. Ny | She was pretty confident, tossing her wet hair arrogantly as she looked at me.

Her words were aimed directly at me.

"Is this the place you should be? Trying to infiltrate high society? Do you think you belong? If you're here, you better mind your manners. Don't flaunt yourself in front of me. It's nauseating!" The woman's words were sharp and cutting.

I looked over to see Liora, Stella, and a group of ostentatiously dressed women gleefully watching the scene.

I raised an eyebrow. It seemed like this little performance was calculated.

[stood there, drenched from head to toe, my hair sticking to my skin. As I hesitated about whether to respond, I heard a cold scoff, "Hmph! Some people dare to show their faces here. Who told you this is high society? If this is high society, how did someone as classless as you end up here?" I followed the voice and saw a woman in a white dress. Her jet-black hair billowed in the wind, and she exuded an air of aloofness. It was none other than Mia.