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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 518 Interupted
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Chapter 518 Interrupted Stella hadn't had the chance to utter her ill-intended words when a voice from behind interrupted us.

"What are you doing here?" I turned to see it was Atlas.

His clear gaze swept over Stella, and he asked, "What were you talking about?" Stella immediately swallowed the words she was about to say, her expression somewhat flustered.

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However, she quickly changed her demeanor and tried to grasp Atlas's arm. "Atlas, Chloe and I were just chatting about random things.” I maintained my calm smile, appearing nonchalant, observing Stella's rapid

change of expression.

Yet, I couldn't help feeling regretful. I had missed another opportunity. I suspected that whatever Stella wanted to tell me just now would have been another version of the story.

These things felt like fragments of memories, slowly piecing themselves together in my mind.

Without hesitation, Atlas took my hand in front of Stella. "Let's go inside to rest a bit and have something to eat first. We'll set sail a bit later." I saw Stella's lips twitch, but she remained understanding. "Sure, you two go ahead. I'll go find my friends too. Atlas, I want to go back to Pleca Park tomorrow." Atlas cast her a fleeting glance. "Pleca

park is being renovated and not open to the public." I looked at Stella, barely managing to hold back my laughter. How could Atlas say that? Clearly, he was hinting that Stella was an outsider.

As Atlas led me away while holding my hand, I couldn't help but glance back at Stella. Her face was twisted into an ugly expression.

perhaps she harbored deep hatred for me, but I couldn't shake the feeling that she was also powerless at this moment.

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After all, be it Celine or the Pierce family, they could no longer control Atlas. In this case, Stella was merely a small pawn in their game, and an inconsequential one at that.

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