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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 491 Striking a deal
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Chapter 491 Striking a Deal The next day, I had just walked into the office when Atticus followed suit.

I'wondered why he was here or if it had anything to do with yesterday’s events.

After sitting on the couch, he said, “Congratulations, Ms. Chloe!” I smiled. Indeed, these past few days have been filled with so much good news that it was almost overwhelming.

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Taking a seat on the couch, I looked at him. “Mr. Atticus, you're not just here to congratulate me, right?” Carol brought in some tea, and I said.

“The tea here is sourced from the Vanderberg Palace. Have some.”

"You certainly have your ways. You got tea from the Vanderberg Palace. You only recently met Bella, but your relationship with her has already progressed." Atticus’s words held a deeper meaning.

“Are you referring to yesterday’s incident?” I scrutinized his face. “For me, that was an accident.” Atticus affirmed, “I’m here because I need your help with something.” “How can I assist you, Mr. Atticus? If I can, I'll give it my all.” He looked as if he were grappling with his thoughts, trying to find the right words.

Then he said two words that shocked

me. “Divorce!” Iwas stunned for a good while. “Mr.

Atticus, are you joking? I'm afraid I can’t help you with this. It’s not easy to dissolve one marriage. I can’t involve myself in just anything. Besides, you're well aware of how your sister-in-law feels about me. I...” Atticus leaned in on the couch. It seemed like saying those words brought him relief. He looked at me with solemnity. “It’s because of your conflict with Liora that only you can help me with this.” “Oh?” I1ooked at Atticus’s face. This man was the most difficult to read.

“This marriage should have ended long ago. The things Liora has done over the years are unspeakable and too many to list. If it weren't for the

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B= INOW greater interests of the Cole family, 1 would have parted ways with her long ago. You understand this, too.” BURR “Ms. Chloe, I won't let you get entangled in a dilemma. You just need to help me curb her ambitions and dampen her spirit. I have other ways to handle the rest! Besides, I can assist you in achieving what you want!” My heart skipped a beat. I had to admit —Atticus was cunning. He wanted to make a deal with me. Though, how could he know about my plans? He made it sound easy, asking me to curb her ambitions. In reality, he wanted me to be the one to unveil Liora’s secrets.

He would take advantage of the

situation and reap the benefits, “Chloe, from the day I met you, I never Saw you as an enemy or a competitor,” he said, then paused. “I admit, I once tested your relationship with ATL Empire. You know, in our business world, it’s not unreasonable to do so.” I gave a faint smile. He wasn’t wrong, I had similarly used him.

“But I realized that ATL Empire didn’t care to compete with me. Over time, I have admired your integrity, Ms. Chloe.

So, I've considered you a friend.” “If we put it this way, you've helped me even more. I remember it well!” "Perhaps you didn’t think much of it when you helped me resolve the

Thompson family issues. But you solved a major problem for me. I'm well aware of the hostility Liora holds | against you. She’s someone who never forgets a slight!” “I’ve experienced it firsthand.” I took this opportunity to share with Atticus some of my encounters with Liora, including yesterday’s incident at the Beringer residence.

He replied, “So I owe you an apology. I bear some responsibility. But I also know her well. She’s relentless, so I’ve decided to end this marriage.” It seemed Atticus was resolute in his decision.