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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 442 Furious
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Trinity stared menacingly at him.

"Jared, you know what ’m capable of! You've seen what happens to those who defy me!"

"Then do as you please!" Jared's tone

was uncompromising as he carried Ivanna to the exit.

"Get him!" Her people swiftly surrounded Jared, each brandishing ominous- looking


I was instantly on edge and ready to act in anger.

Ivanna couldn't afford any more delays.

She had been soaking in that water for 48 hours.

1 I could not imagine how Ivanna survived that long in the sweltering heat of the day and

the eerie darkness of the night.

"Trinity!" I yelled, fearlessly taking a step forward.

"If any harm comes to her, I won't let you go!" Lauren immediately pulled me back I

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struggled free from her grasp, locking eyes

defiantly with Trinity.

"Let go of me!" Trinity glared at me.

"I’ve never seen someone so clueless about their mortality!" "Then come at me!" I yelled.

"Right now! Come on!" Trinity approached me with anger.

Atlas, who had been standing by my side, barked, "I dare you!" Trinity hesitated before

making her next move.

"Step aside!" Jared's stern command echoed, directed at Trinity's subordinates.

They looked at Trinity for guidance.

1 Before she could speak, Jared said, "Don't force me to act, or it'll be a lose-lose situation.

You’re not stopping me from saving her.

You'd better pray she's unharmed!" Jared's words were chilling as he said, “Anyone who

dares obstruct me will suffer! Step

aside!" "Jared!" Trinity's cry sounded desperate.

"Get out of the way!" Jared's eyes were now burning with intensity. Tinstinctively shuffled

after this harsh command. Those who were trying to stop him dropped their arms and

stood still.

Jared carried Ivanna and walked out the door.

I quickly grabbed Lauren and followed Jared, not catching Trinity’s response.

Upon entering the building, I noticed that Ivanna's face was deathly pale and showed no

signs of life.

Water was still dripping from her body.

I felt a sudden wave of despair.

"Ivanna, please be okay!" Jared's face darkened.

His gaze remained fixed on Ivanna's pallid, lifeless face.

Inside the elevator, the only sound was his heavy breathing.

He cradled her, pressing her ashen face against his.

"Ivanna, wake up!" I couldn't help but choke up.

I had wanted to scold Jared, but I swallowed my words.

It was only then that I realized Atlas hadn't come out with us.

I couldn't help but worry.

Could he be in a confrontation with Trinity? Earlier, Dylan's men and Trinity's were poised

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with guns drawn, ready for a standoff.

T involuntarily glanced at Lauren beside me.

Her face was just as pale, and she stared at Ivanna.

Lauren gave me a reassuring pat.

"Don't worry, she wouldn’t dare!" Upon reaching the first floor, the corridor outside was

filled with a sea of black-clad figures.

When they saw Jared carrying Ivanna, they made way for him.

Lauren and I followed closely behind, each getting into our respective cars.

We joined the massive convoy on the streets of Foswood that escorted Jared's vehicle.

The cars shot through the street, and when we arrived at the hospital, medical staff were

already waiting at the entrance.

It was clearly Atlas's arrangement.

Ivanna was taken in.

Jared, covered in an incredibly foul rust- colored stain, followed closely.

I couldn't even fathom how dirty the water inside that iron tank must have been.

After rushing the whole way, we were finally stopped at the emergency room's doors.