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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 436 Falling Apart
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I asked Atlas to wait for a call from Dylan or Grayson.

Then, I left Vanderberg Palace with Lauren and headed to Amethyst Apartments.

Lauren was anxious on the way, saying, “Thank goodness you’ re back.

I was worried on my own.

Ch, how’s Ava?” “She’s okay now, but Atlas thinks she might be traumatized.

That’s why he arranged for my parents to stay with her for a while longer.” Lauren glanced

at me while driving.

“I had no choice but to call you.

I’m sorry for disturbing your time with your family.

You finally got a chance for a vacation, but...” “Don't think that way.

How could I ignore Ivanna? Anyway, it was about time I returned.

After all, Atlas is a busy man, and I shouldn’t always expect him to be with me.

Still, Ava’s very attached to him.

She kept asking when we'd be back when we were leaving.” Lauren nodded approvingly

and said, “I can see how much Atlas

cares for Ava.

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He does more than Matthew.” I laughed at her statement, “Hahaha, Matthew seems to

have forgotten he even has a daughter.

Grace visited Ava the morning the incident occurred.” After some thought, Lauren asked,

“So, what happened to Ava exactly?

You left so quickly, and I didn’t have the chance to ask for details.

There wasn’t any news about what happened, even though it was wild.

I guess Atlas stopped the news from spreading.” I sighed, “It’s complicated, but I’1] tell

you the details after we find Ivanna.

I don’t know why so many terrible things are happening lately.” T could only think of


The more I thought about her, the more uneasy I felt.

“Ivanna falling into Trinity’s trap won’t end well.” Lauren became restless, saying, “I’ve

always felt something was amiss. I figured something like this would happen sooner or

later. Still, I never thought I'd lose contact with her so suddenly.” When we arrived at

Amethyst Apartments, I went home and collected Ivanna’s house keys. Immediately after,

I went to her apartment and opened the door. I felt uneasy, fearing I might see something


Fortunately, everything remained in their place.

It looked like Ivanna had just left for work and hadn't returned.

Her bed was tidy, and her nightwear was on a chair.

Then, I saw the lilies on the coffee table in the living room with no signs of wilting.

After a quick search, Lauren and I returned to Vanderberg Palace.

However, I was puzzled when I realized Atlas wasn’t there.

While I wondered where he went, Bella knocked on the door and entered with some tea.

I greeted her, “Long time no see, Bella.” She replied, "Mr.

Atlas and Mr.

Jared are in the room on the fourth floor." My eyes widened when I heard that.

"Jared’s here?" She nodded.


Atlas invited him." I became even more puzzled because Atlas didn’t let me call Jared but

invited him here.

It seemed they knew each other, which surprised me.

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“ll get you some food first. Don’t rush—you have to eat,” Bella said before leaving. I

figured she came to inform me about Atlas’s whereabouts.

Soon after, Atlas returned, and I approached him, asking, “Where's Jared? What did he

say?” Atlas glanced at me and

whispered, “He left.

Don’t worry.

He won’t let anything happen to Ivanna.” I was annoyed.

“Something already happened, yet Jared’s saying he won’t let anything happen to her?”

Lauren asked, “Does he have

information about Ivanna? I told him about Ivanna yesterday, and he should know Trinity


He should know something by now, right?” “Trinity isn’t in Foswood.

She went abroad three days ago.

For now, Ivanna’s disappearance has nothing to do with her,” Atlas provided a crucial

piece of information that he must’ve

obtained from Jared.

"She's not in Foswood?" I widened my eyes in disbelief.