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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 427 Powerless
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The child’s cry startled me, causing my ears to perk up as I told Atlas, "Listen, it’s Ava!"

We strained our ears to listen for her amid the helicopters above us.

"It must be Ava!"

I took advantage of Atlas’s brief distraction and leaped out of the car.

The wind from the helicopters made it difficult for me to stand steadily.

Atlas held me firmly from behind and said, "Get back in the car and listen to me! They're

searching for her!"

"Let me go! I can hear her crying!"

I struggled and pushed against Atlas.

Ava's cries were unbearable, and I knew she was nearby.

Suddenly, one of the aides in the car ran over to inform Atlas, "They’re on the bridge!"

Atlas and I were shocked.

A moment later, Atlas caught me and brought me back into the car, sternly ordering the

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driver, "Let’s go!"

The driver sped toward the bridge, and we soon saw Dylan’s group forming a blockade.

Our car screeched to a halt before them, and I got out to look ahead.

Those who were initially facing the car turned backward.

They initially facing the car turned backward.

They had been checking vehicles coming onto the bridge.

Shockingly, the target appeared, causing everyone to be on Shockingly, the target

appeared, causing everyone to be on high alert.

My eyes widened in shock when ! looked at the bridge deck.

It was a terrifying sight.

A tall and burly man held a gun while extending his other hand over the bridge railing.

He held onto Ava as she dangled like a rag doll outside the bridge.

She cried and called for me incessantly.

Beneath her was a seemingly bottomless abyss, and the man could let go at any moment.

I cried mournfully, "Ava!"

I escaped Atlas’s grasp and rushed toward the bridge.I recognized the man.

He was the one with the snake tattoo at the hospital that day.He looked at the people who

cornered him at the bridge and laughed maniacally.

Gradually, he moved toward the middle of the bridge.

Atlas caught me again and pulled me back into his arms, trying to stop me.

Still, I couldn’t hear anything he said.

After all, my daughter was in danger.I couldn't bear to think what would happen to Ava

since the burly man could let her go at any moment.I just wanted to run over and snatch

Ava away from I just wanted to run over and snatch Ava away from him.I struggled and

looked at the man, slowly retreating.I yelled, "Put her down! Atlas, save Ava, please!"

"Mommy! No, don't...I want my mommy!"

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Ava's cries seemed to drown out the helicopters’ buzzing.

She struggled to escape as I shouted, "Don’t move, Ava! Don't be afraid! Mommy's here!"

I feared her struggles would cause her to fall.

However, no one dared to act rashly or fire their guns.

They could only helplessly watch as the man retreated.

The man sneered, his words unclear due to the helicopters.

However, I knew he was taunting us from his smug expression.

Fearing for my daughter's life, I struggled like a mad woman to break free from Atlas.

After all, I couldn't just watch my daughter disappear.

Atlas pushed me toward Dylan and shouted, "Watch her closely!"

Though Dylan held me tightly, he shouted at Atlas, "Mr.Atlas! A moment later, I saw the

determination in Atlas's eyes as he crossed the barricade, advancing toward the man

without hesitation.