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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 401
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| Chapter 401 How Did You Two Meet? That just proves he’s not your true partner! A true partner can give you everything you want and also protect you. He can’t give you anything but trouble.” My words were harsh, but Ivanna didn’t argue.

After a long pause, she murmured, “Actually, I've struggled with it, too. But | can’t bear the pain of leaving him... I'd rather face death head-on.” | fell silent since | understood what Ivanna was saying.

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How could | break my addiction to Atlas? Perhaps, like our current situation, the best way was for him to have a change of heart.

“How did you two meet?” | asked Ivanna.

She sat motionless on the sofa, her voice soft and distant as she recounted the story.

“It was coincidental. It was about one of my artists, Vanessa Oakley. She was taken to Emgrand Nightclub and caught the eye of some playboys there. Coincidentally, Vanessa was a promising new talent | had

, high hopes for.” | sat next to her, listening intently “The day things went south, she called me. So | rushed to Emgrand Nightclub without a second thought. One of the playboys had a big influence, so | had no chance. He threatened to harm both of us. | didn’t hesitate. | grabbed a bottle and smashed it right on his head...” | involuntarily gasped. The situation was even more severe than | had thought.

“I had no idea how powerful that playboy was. The nightclub was already surrounded before | could escape. They had us cornered. | was angry, but | also felt helpless. | threatened them with a broken bottle, aiming it at my vein. But they weren't scared.” “You were too reckless!” | exclaimed, my heart pounding.

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“At that moment, Jared appeared. He witnessed the entire scene and stared at me for a long time. Deep

down, | sensed he was my only chance at escape. All my pretenses crumbled.

*I looked at him with tears running down my face and said, ‘Save me!‘ | don’t know why | did that, since | didn’t know who he was.” As lvanna recounted her story, | realized she had been through quite an ordeal.

“Jared had smiled at me. Then he said to the leader, What should we do? She asked me for help. We my life!” can’t afford a bloodbath here, can we?‘ I'll remember those words for the rest of As lvanna spoke, it seemed like she was transported back to that memory. A single tear ran down her cheek.

“A sea of people were closing in, and | had resolved to die. It was like | had already stepped onto the path of no return. H-He gave me hope, and he went to discuss with the leader.” Ivanna’s story filled me with dread. | couldn't fathom the situation she had been in. Jared won over 5 Ivanna because he provided her with a sense of safety.

“1,had no idea what they discussed, but they only returned after half an hour. The leader glared at me and

| waved his hand before leaving. Then | realized | was saved. | fell to the ground, and my knees were against the glass shards.” Ivanna chuckled softly, wiping a tear from her eye and taking another sip of her drink. 1 “He picked me up immediately. | didn’t even know then that he owned Emgrand Nightclub. | threw myself into his arms, trembling and thanking him repeatedly.” | could picture lvanna trembling in that man’s arms. It was a vulnerable sight that could easily ignite desire in a man “lvanna, sometimes you're too impulsive. You don’t consider your safety,” | told her, unsure if it was a reprimand or praise. “But in this case, you did nothing wrong. You were so brave.” Ivanna asked, “Chlo, did | make a mistake? You admit | wasn’t wrong, right? To me, from the moment Jared saved me, he became my master. After that one moment, | was destined never to leave him.” | fell silent, but | understood.