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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 383
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Chapter 383 Making Things Difficult Atticus smiled faintly. “Unless Celine is willing to go all out.” My heart raced. He was right that if Celine went all in, ATL Empire wouldn't be the only one affected.

Was Atticus trying to imply something to me? However, since it involved Liora, | couldn’t openly ask.

| had always consciously avoided discussing Liora with Atticus.

Atticus asked, “Is your inclination towards high-end designs inspired by Pinnacle Group?” I nodded. “Yes.” After all, it was Atticus who introducedto Dominic.

“A word of caution. Don’t rush things. Pinnacle Group has an exceptional planning team, considered among the global elite. But that means no one has replicated their success yet. Be careful!” Atticus warned.

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*Are you trying to setback?” | asked with a light laugh.

“Not at all. 'm merely offering a reminder. Sthings require the perfect alignment of timing, location, and personnel,” he advised.

“Got it. Thanks for the advice. I'll proceed cautiously,” | replied, feeling a heightened appreciation for Atticus.

It meant a lot tothat he could offer such direct advice. Our conversation lasted well into the afternoon.

When it was tforto leave, Atticus said, “Actually, it was Atlas who increased the number of bodyguards.” | froze but didn’t turn around. Instead, | waved and walked out briskly. Truthfully, | was already aware that Atlas’s men were among the bodyguards that day.

| had also confirmed this at the hospital. When | mentioned that things had settled down, Atlas didn’t refute it. | knew then that his involvement went beyond providing information.

| found it fascinating that Atticus was unfazed by my questions. | wondered if his indifference was toward Liora and Celine or if a secret existed between him and Atlas.

Something toldthat things between them weren't that simple.

| didn’t leave Vanderberg Palace but went straight to the fourth floor. After all, Bella had extended an invitation, and | couldn't decline.

To my surprise, we seemed to have known each other for years. She had prepared lunch forwhile | was downstairs chatting with Atticus.

This immediately wonover. Perhaps her reputation preceded her, but for her to cooklunch in such a situation said a lot.

Her soup was fantastic, and the utensils she used were exquisite. It madefeel slightly embarrassed. | had never experienced such refinement before. Even as a full-thousewife, | had never put in this level of effort.

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Bella was the epitof elegance and sophistication. During lunch, we talked as if we were old friends. If not for an incoming call, we might have continued chatting..

It was Carol on the line, saying that they needed to shoot a promotional video for the sample rooms at ATL Empire. Harmony was dissatisfied with the interior design and requested a change.

| frowned. “A change?” “Yes, she specifically requested your presence for this!” Carol's tone was tense. “Both parties had already agreed on this during previous discussions.” “I'll be right there!” | hung up and apologized to Bella. Carol showedthe visual materials for the sample rooms back at the office.

It madescoff. It wasn’t something a spokesperson would demand. A promotional video was not mentioned when Tanum Corporation and ATL Empire signed the contract.

Carol could tell | wasn’t pleased. She continued, “She’s asking to change the accessories when we do the shoot. Isn't she just intentionally making things difficult?” Just as we were talking, their call cin again.

| told Carol, ‘Let them know we're on our way!” I had Carol coordinate with the Interior designer so that we could all go to ATL Empire together. However, | immediately put my complaints and frustrations aside once we were in the car..

Since this was Harmony’s request, then so be it. If we could use her popularity to promote our designs, it might not be a bad thing, When | arrived at ATL Empire, the meeting room was filled not only with the project head from ATL Empire but also with lvanna, Harmony’s agent, and her assistant.

It was clear. With power comes arrogance. She hadn't even waited to see the outcbefore becoming high—handed.

| simply smiled. “Since we're not satisfied with the showrooms, what can we discuss in this meeting room? It might be more productive to head to the showroom instead.”