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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 370
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Chapter 370 Finally Making an Appearance | didn’t interrupt Lauren and refused to believe Atlas was behind everything.

After dinner, | slept through the night. | woke up the following morning, still wondering who had visitedlast evening. Later, Grayson visited and toldAtticus had sent those bodyguards, which relieved me.

| would choose Atticus if | had to choose between him and ATL Empire. The favor | owed to Atticus was easier to repay.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

| stayed in the hospital for half a month, and the investigation concluded as expected. The authorities had found a convenient scapegoat. Naturally, | felt dissatisfied with the result but could do nothing.

Still, I knew the details because | was directly involved. Finally, | could put weight on my foot and walk. The doctor advisedto exercise more to aid my recovery. On the day of my discharge, Harmony c to my ward. 1 | was somewhat surprised. | thought Harmony would have visited earlier, yet the authorities had closed the case. She removed her sunglasses and looked at me. She said arrogantly, “You look well.” “Thanks to you,” | calmly replied.

| didn’t know when it started, but our conversations had taken on a peculiar tone.

Although my words seemed indifferent, they were not unwarranted. After all, Harmony’s recklessness and lack of foresight led to this disaster. | wouldn't be here if she had listened tothat day.

She put down her sunglasses and scarf but kept gazing at me. She looked confused.

| chuckled and asked, “What's on your mind? If you have questions, feel free to ask.” She smiled and calmly replied, “You do understand me.” “You're flattering me. It's not that | understand you—you're just an open book.” She nodded and admitted, “I do have questions.” “Ask away.” | leaned back on the bed.

“Did you not inviteto the rooftop that day? How do you feel about Atlas? You better tell the truth,” Harmony spoke firmly and looked atdisdainfully.

| observed her this time. | still couldn't tell if she was genuinely foolish or just acting. It seemed Stella hadn't intended to hurt Harmony initially. The former probably wanted to take advantage of the foolish girl to deal with me.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| thought Harmony didn’t cooperate as Stella had expected. Immediately after, | realized that was false- Harmony was just an idiot.

Stella simply decided to deal with Harmony during the banquet. However, the former didn’t expectto try and save Harmony.

Harmony and | would've died if | didn’t react that night. Stella's timing was off, or she didn’t expectto stop arguing with Harmony so soon.

| had turned and walked away, Inadvertently shortening our ton the rooftop. Stella also never expectedto try and help Harmony. If | were Stella, | would've stepped back to eliminate the problem.

If that had happened, the situation might've been even more dreadful. Even the thought of it sent chills down my spine.

Ultimately, my kindness saved me.

Harmony looked like she had something to hold over me. She appeared relieved and satisfied, saying, Why aren't you answering? You don’t have wishful thinking toward Atlas, do you? It seems you do like him! Her expression lefthelpless. Finally, | couldn't help but laugh.