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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 349
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Chapter 349 Intimacy in the Elevator When the elevator dinged on her floor, | was confused. | looked up just as the elevator doors opened.

Flustered by what | saw when the doors opened, my face turned red. | felt embarrassed and didn’t know where to look.

Perhaps sensing something, the two people inside the elevator quickly separated and turned to face me.

| hastily waved and said, “I didn’t see anything! You can continue!” The two individuals in the elevator were Ivanna and another man. The man was tall and well-built, and | didn’t dare to look too closely.

“Chlo!” Ivanna called out, her face flushed.

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She quickly stepped out of the elevator and grabbed my arm. | could smell a faint scent of alcohol on her. It appeared that they had been drinking.

“I-1 haven't seen you for a while, and | just returned from Solaris,” | stammered.

When | noticed the man exiting the elevator, | hurriedly fled inside. “I'll talk to you tomorrow!” “Chlo!” Ivanna’s face was still red. “Are you sure you're okay?” “Yeah, let's talk on the phone tomorrow.” The elevator doors closed just in time, and | sighed in relief. It seemed like she was too busy with her love life.

It turned out that she prioritized her lover over her friends! She will get a stern talk tomorrow for not tellingabout such a big development.

However, | was thrilled for her. It seemed like Ivanna had found herself a boyfriend. | regretted not getting a good look at the man earlier.

Perhaps my exhaustion from the spa and relief that lvanna was doing well helpedfall asleep within minutes of getting home.

It was my first good night's sleep since Atlas’s accident.

Carol calledbefore my alarm clock the next day. She said, “Ms. Chloe, you need to check today’s headlines.

From her tone, | could tell something big had happened.

I rolled over and grabbed my phone. | noticed that ATL Empire was dominating the news. Someone had aked information about the upcoming ATL Empire shareholder meeting was puzzled. How did this internal corporate matter becpublic news? Someone turned a leak into a major news event.

Social media posts were full of discussions, and a detailed analysis article provided a complete picture. of ATL Empire. It was a thorough analysis that didn’t favor Atlas or Celine.

Instead of aligning with their interests, the analysis was thorough and insightful.

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| | found it odd because, as far as | knew, very few people had access to the internal workings of ATL Empire. This article was too well-informed to be the work of an outsider.

So, who was behind this? | quickly realized that this situation was unusual and that someone with insider knowledge might be involved.

| rushed to get dressed and head to the office. On the way, | called Grayson, who said he was also on his way.

When | arrived at the office, Ryan and Grayson were already there. | learned Ryan and Grayson were living together for work while renting Eleanor the other apartment.

Shortly after, Carol arrived at the office with breakfast. She looked atand asked, “Did you eat yet?” “None of us ate!” Grayson replied. He asked Carol if she had bought enough breakfast for everyone, and she blushed and left, promising to return with more.

| knew she went downstairs to buy more food for us.

Anxious, | asked Grayson, “Have you found out who did it, and whose side are they on? Are they siding with Atlas or Celine?” Grayson said, “We couldn’t find out who's behind this, but it's not a neutral party.” Setting the sto Ryan added, “This is for something, and something major is bound to happen next.” | asked, “But who is benefiting from it? Atlas or Celine?” “Perhaps Celine is making excuses to gain support. ATL Empire is a global conglomerate, so its actions.

are closely watched. Currently, Atlas doesn’t have decision-making power, so Celine might be creating a narrative to justify her actions,” Grayson said.

| nodded in agreement with Grayson’s perspective.

Exactly Why did she announce Atlas’s condition and the decision to send him to Monora?? Ryan advised us to continue monitoring the situation. Suddenly, | wanted to hear Atticus’s opinion