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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 347
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Chapter 347 Bumping Into Dylan Lauren had booked a luxurious suite with its own hot tub. However, my dad was old-fashioned and preferred to soak outdoors, so we reluctantly let him go.

Ava was thrilled to visit this kind of place for the first time. She kept admiring her swimsuit and dancing in the mirror. My mother joined the fun, and they both had a great time.

Lauren and | continued to discuss the state of ATL Empire. She expressed her helplessness and said, This time, | really don’t know what to do. Nobody can get in touch with Atlas.” “Don’t blyourself. I'm well aware of this. Pleca Park is off-limits now that he’s injured and there for treatment. Plus, Celine has arranged for her own people to guard him. It's as if he’s under house arrest.” | was getting more anxious after learning he'd be treated in Monora. Something didn’t seem right. He would be taken to Monora unaware and can't defend himself if Celine tried to hurt him.

“Ive received word that they plan to send him to Monora for treatment,” | continued. “If he were conscious, it would be a good thing, but in his current condition...” | couldn't finish my sentence, and Lauren understood my concern.

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“Don't overthink it,” she comforted me, then changed the subject. “Are you hungry?” Bathing in the spa was tiring, and it didn’t take long for us to feel hungry.

| stood up and said, “I'll check on my dad and order food. Let's eat while we enjoy the spa.” Lauren agreed. “You go check on your dad, and I'll order the food.” | wrapped myself in a towel and headed out. The corridor was quiet, which showed that the soundproofing here was quite effective.

As | walked through the corridor, a door suddenly swung open, and a man emerged from that room. | instinctively stepped aside and glanced into the room.

| was surprised to see Dylan inside, eating and conversing with someone. The man who had left the room quickly shut the door, blocking my view.

| didn’t recognize the man who had left the room. He seemed to notice my curiosity and looked at me.

Feeling a bit self-conscious, | averted my gaze and continued walking.

However, | couldn't shake my suspicion. Could it really be Dylan? Since the accident, there had been no news of him, and it was as if he had disappeared. How could he he being transferred to Monora? Did Dylan get injured in the first place? | walked outside, forgetting my initial purpose for leaving the spa area. My dad must've been looking for me, and when he sawcout, he called out to me.

| was startled and finally remembered that | was looking for him. “Dad, let's go inside and have something to eat. We've already ordered food.” When | passed that room again, | wanted to knock on the door and see if it was really Dylan inside.

However, my rationality prevailed. | had already caused too much trouble, and | couldn't afford to act recklessly, especially at such a critical moment. If it was Dylan, he must have a reason for being here.

| asked my dad to return to the suite while I lingered in the corridor, hoping for another chance to see that door open. At the very least, | wanted an opportunity to ask—about Atlas’s condition and why he had to go to Monora. | needed to confirm if the news was accurate.

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| The opportunity was too good to pass up, and | didn’t want to miss it. To my disappointment, the door remained closed..

It wasn't until Lauren foundpacing in the corridor that she approachedand asked quietly, “Chlo, what are you doing here?” I quickly pulled her aside and pointed to the door, whispering, “I saw Dylan in there.” “Who?” Lauren asked in confusion.

“Atlas’s assistant. | haven't heard anything about him since Atlas’s accident. But just now, | saw him here!” “Are you sure?” | hesitated.

Lauren folded her arms and appeared to be deep in thought. Then, she pulledtoward the door.

Startled, | reached out to stop her but missed. She had already reached the room, and | nervously followed.

Lauren lightly knocked on the door while smiling.