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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 346
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Chapter 346 The Crisis Worsens Grayson’s explanation helpedunderstand the connection between the Pierce Corporation and ATL Empire, clearing up sconfusion.

“So, this means that after Atlas’s parents had their accident, Celine took over ATL Empire.” “Yes, because Atlas was only ten years old at that time.” While this clarified things for me, | was still puzzled about why Atlas only took over ATL Empire after many years “This time, Celine’s plan is even sneakier,” Grayson said. “She wants to use Atlas’s coma as a chance to dilute the shares and merge ATL Empire and Pierce Corporation.” | becanxious. “But wouldn't Atlas suffer heavy losses? That would mean that all his efforts in the past years would be in vain.” “This is why Celine’s actions have shocked the whole conglomerate. Overall, they're known as ATL Empire, but they always make a distinction between the Pierce Corporation and ATL Empire internally.

They are always at odds with each other. | think there's a reason they call the whole conglomerate ATL Empire, Grayson explained.

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| suddenly understood Grayson’s point, “You mean that Celine did this to mourn her brother publicly and to continue the empire he has created-" Before | could finish, Grayson snorted. “She’s doing it to gain more power. Pierce Corporation was already going downhill and had been revived mostly because of Louis. The newly formed ATL Empire had a bigger market presence and more profits.

“Of course she'd want to fly the ATL Empire flag. Otherwise, who would want to do business with Pierce Corporation?” “This woman is a real dictator, a tyrant!” | couldn’t help but express my frustration.

This time, things went chaotic after Mr. Atlas went into a coma. Speople are said to have switched sides even within ATL Empire, which caused conflict. People like Nick, the old retainers, are feeling the pressure,” Grayson added.

Grayson, this is very important. Who said that Atlas’s condition was getting worse?” | asked him with a serious expression.

“It was Celine, Grayson replied confidently.

This revelation made my heart skip a beat. What could | do at this point? | couldn't even see him as ! wished. Ever since his car accident, | had been causing trouble for them.

Still, seeing Celine try to take over Atlas’s legacy broke my heart.

Though hesitant, | grabbed my phone and considered calling Nick. He was the only one | could trust in this situation. However, | didn't dare to make the call.

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The office was still under renovation and chaotic, just like my current state of mind. | gave sbrief instructions to Grayson and left the company. | didn’t want to stay there, as my thoughts were in disarray.

| left and called Lauren, who knew | was hbut hadn't seen me.

“Why don’t we take your parents to the spa and have dinner there tonight?” she suggested.

| liked the idea. It had been a while since | spent twith my family. “I'll call my family, contacting Ivanna. It's been a while since I've seen her. Is she hibernating or something?” and you can try “Okay, let's meet at the spa later,” Lauren replied before hanging up.

| picked up my parents and Ava, then headed straight to the spa. When | arrived, | saw Lauren waiting, but there was no sign of lvanna, “Where's Ivanna?” She shrugged and replied, “She said she’s not free to join us.” | couldn't help but mutter to myself, “What is she so busy with?” “When | called her, she turneddown right away,” Lauren said with frustration. “I think that girl is hiding something.” “What do you mean?” | was a bit skeptical. “She wouldn't keep things from me.” “Hmm.”