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Beyond the Divorce by Third Blossom

Chapter 337
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Chapter 337 A Godsent Opportunity | had been preoccupied with Atlas’s injuries these days and neglected work. Ryan noticed my skepticism and smiled, saying, “I'm confident we can succeed.” “How are you confident about this? Are you saying...” | hesitated in making assumptions.

“Unless something unexpected happens, then yes.” Ryan grinned.

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| stared at him, dumbfounded. Considering his calm demeanor, he didn't appear to be joking. | cautiously asked, “Are you saying we might secure phase two?” Ryan nodded with a smile. “Why not? Who says we can’t secure a major project?” “Are you serious?” | felt elated. “Were you working on this all along? | wondered why you were rarely around.” “You wouldn't have trustedwith this job if | sat around all day hoping for projects to cto me. We can’t let Matthew win,” Ryan said smugly.

I laughed, “Haha! Tellthe details. How'd you manage to get in touch with them? If we secure this, we’ll have a smooth road ahead.” Ryan explained the process toin detail. Evidently, we owed thanks to his mixed-blood junior, who had secretly admired him.

“Her name's Joyce Alvarez—she’s already a famous designer. The authorities were looking for internationally renowned designers for Avalon Hills, and Joyce’s mentor recommended her.” “That's quite a coincidence. What happened next?” | couldn’t wait to hear more.

“The company | worked for was involved during phase one. Joyce had already received notice for phase two stago. | had planned certain aspects of the project, allowingto reconnect with her.” “Why didn’t you mention this before? You didn’t reveal much when we discussed her on New Year's Day.

You said you exchanged greetings and parted ways,” | relentlessly questioned.

It's true that we didn’t have much contact then. Joyce contactedindependently this time, which is just a fortunate coincidence. She introducedto the project's key figures. We had many productive meetings, which led to a potential partnership.

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“Bull, I couldn't tell you until | was almost certain,” Ryan explained.

“So, since you're discussing it now, does that mean you're almost certain?” | was getting excited as “Yes, unless something unexpected happens,” Ryan beamed, reassuringeven more.

| palmed my cheeks, then clasped my hands together. “Thank goodness! We finally have hope!” Ryan marveled, “Liora has been fighting for this, and her network already extends to the highest levels in the province. I'm amazed at how connected she is in these domestic relationships, but she won't have the upper hand.” e to meet Joyce. I'm curious about this woman who becmy fateful benefactor.” TdNike *Sure, after we sign the contract,” Ryan replied. “Matthew won't be too calm once he hears the news. He's staked everything on phase two in partnership with the Thompson family. He plans to use it to expand the company and establish a strong foothold.” “But you revealed the details to him earlier. Is that okay?” | was slightly nervous. | feared Ryan might not fully understand the dynamics, and things might get out of hand.

Ryan said, “l want to use this information to create internal strife between them. Do you know who else is competing for this project?” Confused, | shook my head. ‘Is it Celine and her team?” “You're spot on,” Ryan confirmed.

“Are you trying to stir the pot?” | boldly guessed.

Ryan smiled with ease. “Smart! By making them undermine each other and expose their weaknesses, we can quietly wait for our opportunity.” “So we'll just sit back and reap the benefits?” | mischievously smiled.

Ryan also smiled contentedly. “This time, Liora is leveraging Atticus’s connections. | believe he may have sgrudges against Liora for doing this.” | suddenly realized this might be my opportunity. “So, that means the information you just disclosed will likely drive them to push even harder, maybe resorting to extrmeasures.