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Betrayed by My Beta Mate by TheNich29

Chapter 28
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Betrayed by My Beta Mate Chapter 28

28 Failed

Lorraine POV

When Amelia said that Charles had rescued her from the people who should have protected her hope

blooms in my chest. I love my mate and I hated the choice he made. I will always stand by Lincoln, but

I pray that Charles returns with him. That he has truly made things right. It’s Lincoln’s decision but I

know my son’s heart. “Lorraine, I know that Lincoln wants to forgive his father.” She wraps me in a hug

and I thank the goddess again for giving this woman to my son. “How are you feeling Amelia?”

“Honestly I’m fine.” “Little bean has been moving all over the place all afternoon despite everything

that’s been happening.” I lay my hand on her belly and I feel him kick against my hand. A few moments

later, the door flies open and Lincoln walks in followed by Charles. I don’t even say a word, I just run to

him. Feeling his arms wrapped around me I can feel the tingles despite my rejection. I hear the door

click shut and I pick up my head to look into Charles’s eyes. “I’m so sorry” he starts to say but I pull his

lips to mine.

When I pull back, I place my forehead against his. “I know your sorry for what you did.” “I’m more than

sorry Lorraine.” “After you rejected me I realized how I would have devastated our son.” “I was

devastated losing our bond and I know it is what I deserve.” I place my hand on his cheek. “I, Lorraine

Marie Thomas, accept and solidify my bond with Charles Jacob Thomas.” I instantly feel the strength of

our bond and Charles throws me over his shoulder. “Charles what are you doing?” “I’m going to make

sure our bond is solid by taking you to our room to mate and mark again.” I laugh “you won’t get an

argument from me.” We head out the door and toward our room.

Lincoln POV

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

We head downstairs to another office. I have Amelia’s hand in mine because Talon and I need her

close. That is twice we almost lost her. Michael looks so distraught. “Michael talk to me, what’s going

through your mind right now?” “Lincoln if Elder Thomas was helping Jennifer and Max do you really

think he took Max to the Elders territory for a trial?” “We are about to find out Michael but honestly, no I

don’t.” I pick the phone up off the desk and it rings three times before he answers. “Alpha Lincoln, I’m

sorry I haven’t got to call you about the investigation.” “I know it’s probably not what you want to hear

but we were unable to prove Atlas killed Elias.” “Right now Elder James, I don’t give two sh*ts about

Atlas because he is going to die regardless if he killed his own brother or not.” “Alpha Lincoln what has

happened?” “I have a question before I tell you why I am calling.” “Go ahead” Elder James says.

“Where is Maxwell Major?” There is silence for a moment. “Alpha Lincoln I’m confused by your

question.” “Maxwell is part of your pack.” “Why would I know where he is?”

“Elder James I need you and the other Elders to come to the pack today to discuss Elder Thomas,

Maxwell, and Jennifer Lorris.” “I have no problem coming to your pack but I need more of an

explanation to bring all the Elders.” “Elder Thomas has aligned himself with that ba**ard Atlas and

attempted to take my Luna again today.” He growls “we are on our way.” I hang up before I turn to

Amelia and Michael. “I need to get the book with my numbers from my office.” “I have one more call to

make before we prepare for the Elders arrival.” They follow me upstairs and once we are in the office, I

dial the number while the phone is on speaker. A few seconds later, he picks up. “Lincoln to what do I

owe the pleasure of this call” Atlas says with that smug tone. “Are you looking for my mate?” “How

does it feel to lose her?” “I wouldn’t know since she is standing here in my arms.” There is silence and I

know he is debating whether to bite. He thinks that I’m bluffing.

“Nothing to say Atlas” Amelia says. He roars “Amelia what have you done?” She laughs “you ask me

what I have done you pathetic excuse for a wolf.” “You actually sent my so-called parents to take me

from my mate.” “You are my f**king mate and I will have you if I have to kill that entire f**king pack.”

“That will never happen and you are done talking to my Luna.” “This call was purely to let you and

Thomas know that your time is limited before you go to meet the goddess and pay for your crimes.”.

“I’m sure Thomas is listening and if not, you can let him know that he will pay just as you will.” “You

really believe that I am afraid of you and your pack Lincoln.” “Now Atlas, I know you really don’t think

your pathetic pack can take mine on and win.” “I welcome you to bring your warriors so I can show you

what real warriors look like.” “I plan to rip your head from your body for all you have done to my Luna” I

say before I disconnect the call.

An Hour Later

Elder James

After I hang up with Lincoln, I call for the other Elders to come to the meeting hall. Once they arrive, I

tell them about Thomas recent behavior and my phone call with Lincoln. “Do you really believe he

would betray his vow like this” Elder Marcus asks me. “I wish my answer was no but honestly I believe

that Thomas thinks that Alphas are above our laws.” “We have all been Alphas and the reason we

became Elders was to ensure that the laws applied to all wolves.” “Thomas apparently has different

ideas and I for one am not going to allow him to abuse his powers.” “He will receive a trial as all wolves

should to determine his punishment but he will need to be stripped of his title.” “Are we all in agreement

that he needs to be dealt with accordingly?” They all nod and agree with everything I have said. “Alpha

Lincoln has requested us at his pack after a kidnapping attempt was made on his Luna today that

Thomas took part in.” They all gasp and I can see how upset they are by my words. “We will leave in

twenty-minutes, so ready yourselves and meet me at the SUV.”

We are on our way to the Nightfire pack. I still can’t believe that Thomas would be so stupid. I can’t

believe he betrayed the vow we all took to uphold werewolf law. To be impartial to all packs. I brought

three of the four remaining Elders. Elder Zane remained with our warriors in case Thomas tried to

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

return to the Elder’s territory. I gave him strict orders to place him in the cells until we return. We are

about fifteen minutes from the pack when I hear a wolf howl. I turn to look out the window when all hell

breaks loose. I look back in time to see three wolves come out of the trees and stands in the road.

Elder Marcus cuts the wheel and before I know what’s happening, the SUV is on its roof. I free myself

from the seatbelt and begin to crawl from the window. The other Elders are doing the same. We all

stand facing the wolves and the five more join the other three.

“Well, gentleman, it looks like you had a little accident” I hear a voice from the trees. I almost expect to

see that ba**ard Atlas but instead Maxwell walks out. “My new Alpha wants his Luna back and you

gentlemen are interfering.” “Max, what the hell are you thinking?” “Do you really believe that Atlas cares

anything for you?” He growls “he respects me more than that ba**ard Lincoln does or my own brother

for that matter.” “He was willing to allow Lincoln to kill me over a woman that means nothing to the

pack.” “I hope you know that you will all die for standing against us and betraying your true alpha.” The

wolves growl and we all shift. Five of the wolves are average size but Max and one other wolf are

larger than average. They start to circle around us before they snap their jaws at each of us. It’s a

scare tactic since they outnumber us. I have had more than enough of this bullsh*t. I lunge in Max’s

direction. He is able to dodge but I turn back, biting down on his hind leg. Before I can break it one of

the other wolves jumps on my back biting down into my shoulder. Gunnar my wolf whines at the pain

and I shake him off.

I look around and the others continue to fight, but with their numbers, despite their size we are

struggling to take these ba**ards out. Elder Marcus is being held down as another wolf approaches. I

run in his direction, jumping on the wolf, knocking it to the ground. I bite down, breaking its neck. I turn

to return to the fight but Max and another wolf jump at me at the same time. We roll and I end up

pinned under Max’s wolf. The other wolf bites down on my front leg. Maxwell’s wolf bites down on my

neck and I can’t breathe. I expect him to bite down ending my life but it seems he wants to suffocate

me. He wants to feel powerful for killing an Elder I’m sure. Darkness takes me under and I pray that the

goddess protects Lincoln, Amelia, and their pack.