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An Understated Dominance (Dustin Rhys)

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89

There were a lot of people gathered in the bar. Some of them were spectators. Others were involved in the fight.

The group that the onlookers were most interested in was a small group led by James. A few of them had bruises

covering their faces and blood rushing from their faces. They were forced to kneel on the ground, looking hopeless.

“James, how did you end up like this?” Dahlia could not help but frown when she noticed James‘ injuries.

“Sis! You’re finally here!” James staggered as he stood up. It was almost as if he had met an angel.

“Oh! My poor son! Who did this to you? Tell me. I’ll give them what they deserve!” Florence shrieked at James,

heartbroken. Even when her son made a mistake, she could not bring herself to life a finger against him. There was

no way she would allow others beat him up like this.

“Mom! That’s the bastard who hit me!” James pointed behind him, looking vicious.

Florence followed his gesture, and her eyes fell on a beautiful woman in a revealing dress sitting calmly at a table.

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Behind her stood a few burly, strong–looking men.

“Bitch! You are all dead meat! My sister is the president of the Quine Group! You will pay for hitting me!” James

roared. They would pay twice the price of what he had gone through!

“The Quine Group? Is it powerful?” The woman in the red dress swirled her glass of wine, unfazed by his words.

“Humph! You don’t even know the Quine Group! I knew you guys looked uncultured! Let me warn you. Hurry up and

apologize to my son and settle for his medical fees. Otherwise, you’ll all pay the price!” Florence warned.

“Old bitch! You dare disrespect our boss? I’ll rip your tongue apart!” shouted one of the men standing behind

the woman in red. He pulled out a switchblade.

“What? Are you threatening me? You think you scare me?” Florence scoffed as she stumbled two steps

backward with fear. She was stubborn.

“What happened?” Dahlia had always been the rational one. She started asking about the situation.

“What happened? You should ask your brother about that.” The woman in the red dress stood up slowly and

pointed at James. “He started making a commotion at my place. He even started hitting my men. I was just

teaching him a lesson. I’m not crossing the line, right?”

“I’ll pay for the damage done. But why did you have to be so cruel to him?” Dahlia asked, frowning.

“Cruel? Haha! I already went easy on him. Otherwise, he would’ve lost more limbs!” The woman sneered. Enough! I

won’t waste another second with you. If you want to settle this peacefully, hand over 700 thousand dollars! If you

don’t, none of you will leave this room!”

“700 thousand dollars? Why not go rob someone?!” James roared.

“That’s right! I haven’t dealt with you for hurting my son! How dare you ask us for money? Where did you get

your guts?!” Florence glared at her.


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Chapter 89

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“You guys better come to your senses while I’m still being nice. After my man gets here, it won’t be as simple as

handing over money,” the woman replied calmly.

“So what if you have a man? Tell him to come here this instant if you dare! I want to see how capable he really is!”

Florence pushed, unafraid.

“You’re messing with the wrong guy! Do you know who our lady’s man is? He’s Sir Draco! Our leader of South

City, the Cobra!” boasted one of the men.

“The Cobra?!”

The Nicholson family immediately turned pale.

Swinton had four main territories: the North, South, East, and West Cities. East City was ruled by the King of the

Underworld, Trevor Spanner. Meanwhile, South City was ruled by the infamous Cobra!

Compared to the King of the Underworld, the Cobra was said to be even more relentless and vile. According to

legend, the Cobra loved raising alligators. Anyone who dared cross him was fed to his gators. People from West City

could not afford to offend the Cobra.

They really were in trouble this time!