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An Impossible Marriage Novel

Chapter 171
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Chapter 171

That afternoon, Elizabeth created a ruckus in the kitchen as though she were venting her frustrations.

When it was time for dinner, Nina was still asleep, and Elizabeth refused to wake her up.

Margaret was afraid that Christopher would return suddenly and take off his clothes to shower without

realizing there was someone else in his room. She pondered for some time before deciding to give

Christopher a call.

The call connected within seconds. Margaret didn’t bother beating around the bush and said, “Nina is in

the Lewis residence, and she’s currently sleeping in your room. I had to rest in the guest room. When

you return, you’ll have to be careful.”

Christopher was miffed. “Nina? Nina Moore? Mr. Moore said that she’d be putting up with us temporarily,

but I thought she won’t be here until much later. Tell her to sleep in the guest room. I’ll call her when I’m

done with work.”

After hanging up, Margaret relaxed slightly. It was past ten when Nina finally woke up. Feeling drowsy,

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Margaret told her, “I can only sleep in my own bed. This afternoon, I couldn’t sleep well in the guest

room. Why don’t you sleep in the guest room? Christopher will be back a few days later.”

Nina grunted in acknowledgment and went to the kitchen to grab a bite. After filling her stomach, she

changed her clothes and went out.

Elizabeth grumbled while she cleaned the master bedroom. Right after lying down on her bed, Margaret

let out a contented sigh. I used to hate sleeping in this bed, but I gradually grew used to it.

Some time later, a commotion sounded downstairs. The door was slammed shut, and someone’s heels

were clicking against the floor noisily. Margaret was jolted awake. Her mind was in a daze as she sat up.

Glancing at the clock, she realized it was four in the morning

It was clear that Nina was back, but Margaret couldn’t really yell at her. Tamping her frustrations down,

she buried her head beneath her pillow and went back to sleep.

The next morning, she only woke up at ten in the morning. When she came downstairs, Elizabeth

immediately complained, “Nina stayed out and only returned at around four in the morning. She was

drunk and vomited everywhere-downstairs,

on the stairs, everywhere. It was so disgusting! Mr. Lewis will fly into a fit of fury when he comes back

and finds out about her actions. How long will she stay here? If this isn’t coming to an end soon, we’ll all

go crazy!”

The usually quiet Fredrick spoke up. “She’ll be here for at least two months.”

Elizabeth’s entire being shivered. “I hope Mr. Lewis comes home as soon as possible to teach her a

lesson. I can’t take it anymore!”

Margaret found her reaction amusing. “All right. Elizabeth, she’s a guest. Just put with her for the time


Indeed, Margaret wasn’t someone who would start an argument or vent her anger at someone else.

When she was taking a nap that afternoon, heavy metal music pounded from the guest room. She woke

up abruptly, drenched in sweat. Nina will never stop kicking up a fuss when she is awake, huh? I can understand Elizabeth‘s feelings now.

Before she was discharged from the hospital, the doctor reminded her to have more rest. Half an hour

later, Margaret lost her composure and went to knock on the guest room’s door. “Nina, keep it down! I

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need to rest!”

Nina opened the door and scrunched her brows. “Why are you that weak? You do nothing but eat and

rest all day. Are you a patient? Look how skinny you are. I bet Christopher won’t dare to go all out when

you’re having sex, right?”

Margaret’s face soured at her words. Everyone had their own limits. She hated it when someone joked

about sexual matters, especially when it was someone she wasn’t familiar with.

“Ms. Moore, this is between me and Christopher. We’re in Chanaea, so please watch your words. After

all, we have different mindsets. Not everyone acts like you. I have just been discharged from the hospital,

and I need to rest. When you’re at home, can you please keep it down? There is plenty of entertainment

in Dellmoor. You can have fun at all times outside. It won’t hurt to go around the city and get familiar with

the surroundings.”

Nina’s expression soured. She turned and switched off the speakers. “All right.”

There was no telling whether she was happy or upset from her voice, Margaret wasn’t in the mood to

ponder over Nina’s answer. She then spun on her heels to return to her room.