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Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa

Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa Chapter 93
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Chapter 93


“No.” Alaria said, takingoff guard with her response.

I had to double take as I looked at her, processing the fact that it was her response as she kept her eyes on mine,

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked, and she nodded.

“I said no, Enzo.” She repeated, confirming my doubt. I didn’t say a word for a m oment, keeping my eyes on her, and she shook her head at me. “I’m sorry, but I am not going to allow you to useagain, and use what I was once willing to offer you when I was your wife. He has a mother, and though I do understand that you don’t want him to be with her, I will not be that pawn that you are going to use.”

“I never said that you were a pawn, but it was you who wanted to take care of an d raise both kids…”

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“I am not your wife, nor am I your Luna, and even if I was one, I wasn’t going to raise a boy who isn’t mine after what you did to me, Enzo.” She said, stopping me. Sh e took a step back, and I watched her calm demeanor turn into an aggressive on e. “When you called my son a bastard, I didn’t react, I didn’t punch you in the g ut as I should have. But you are not going to expect more than that from me.”


“What, Enzo? What gare you going to try this time? Because I am fucking fed up of them.” I said, stopping him. “I am tired of you looking down on me, of you looking atas if I was the…”

“I am not looking down at you, but you are the one person that I know would be…”

“I am not going to be willing to do anything for you. That woman that you knew, that old Alaria, she is gone. You managed to somehow kill her inside, you broke more in me than one should know possible.” She said, stopping me. “This is not one of th ose stories where the woman would just bend the knee for the man that broke her. If that is what you see in me, and if that is what you are looking for, then I am going to suggest that you hire yourself a damn maid who is going to be willing to take your shit,”

“I never said that, Alaria. But…”

“But nothing,” she said, stopping me. “And if that is the price that I am going to have to


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pay for being here with any son, then I can, very much, choose to leave. The nu mber of houses and hotels that I can stay in are countless, and the need to stay here is not one that I am going to need”

I watched as she took a step back before 1 slammed my hand on the countertop , not caring that I bruised my palm. She didn’t bother turning to look at me, but it was Ashton who jumped, clearly surprised of what he just heard.

“Mama, what happened?” I heard him ask.

“Nothing, baby” Alaria said, lifting him in her arms. “Your father just dropped something. Now con, the two of us ar e going to get ready.”

“Where are we going?” He asked, frowning in confusion.

“You are not going to take my son anywhere, Alaria.” I said, not waiting for her to answer him. She froze, not saying a word as she kept her back to me.

My heart raced against my chest, and I watched as she nodded at one of the ma ids. The woman walked toward her, and Alaria put Ashton down. Their eyes met, and he walked t oward the maid, and I knew that she was going to take him to bedroom.

“Who the hell do you think you are to decide what I am going to do with my son? ” She asked, shaking her head in question. “He is your biological son, but I don’t think that it gives you any right over him conside ring the fact that you were never there for him as his father.”

“He is my son, and I am not going to leave you to take him from me. Nevertheles s, we have our laws and rules. You may not be my wife nor my Luna, but these ru les

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imply on you too. I doubt that you forgot that much about who you are.” I said, a nd she scoffed.

“And I doubt that you believe that I am going to be ignoring everything that you have done to bothand my son so far. You may have been kind to him, and I understand that you think that you are trying, but the fact that you are trying to make decisions…”

“What the fucking hell is your problem? Huh? What happened to that kind woma n who was playing the loving role…?”

“That kind woman is more than willing to turn into your nightmare if she has to f or the safety of her child. And trust me, I am more than willing to eat you and th e damn bastard who is going to put my son in danger. Rather than thinking of co nsequences, you threatened the man to take his son. I understand that Alonso is not in fault here, but you thinking, just a damn thought that I am going to allow you to disrupt the peace that I made for my chi ld, to break the safety that I have fought so hard to build for him,”


08:26 Thu, 11 Apr

Chapter 93

you are very wrong, Enzo.” She said, keeping her eyes fixed on mine.

“And you think that I am going to allow you to do what you want when…”

“The idea that YOU think that I am going to ask your permission before I do anyt hing is one that I find amusing, actually.” She said, stopping me. “Anyhow, you g ot my answer concerning the situation. You want to raise Alonso as your own, it i s your choice, but if him being around is going to put Ashton in danger, I am goin g to rip YOUR heart out of your chest using my bare hand. And trustwhen I s ay, I am not very kind when it comes to my son…”