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Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa

Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa Chapter 63
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Chapter 63


I had to force myself to keep my eyes away from Enzo as his words stuck in my head. throughout the entire car ride.

His eyes were fixed on the road, and he would occasionally be talking to Ashton, but I was quiet. I had nothing to say.

“Where are we going, mama?” Ashton asked, snappingout of my thoughts. I hated to admit it, but this was ONE moment when I hoped that he wouldn’t ask me. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, but I knew that it was impossible, especially considering the fact that my little one was a toddler.

“We are going to have breakfast. Me, you, and your father. But I don’t know where he plans. on taking us, I am going to let him make this as a surprise.” I said, and Enzo smiled. A small dimple, one that I remember seeing when the two of us were married, I doubt that he’s had it in a long time. At least, I haven’t seen it throughout our entire stay in the Estate.

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“We are going to a place your mom liked a long tago. I am sure that you’re going to love it. It also has a big fountain. You can throw a coin and make a wish. We did that once upon a time.” Enzo said, and I looked at him.


“He never got to see the two of us being together. We might as well allow him to have that beautiful memory.” He said, stopping me. I looked at the man for a moment as a blush crept to my cheeks at the memory. It was the first date that he genuinely askedto, and I could swear that it was the first tthat I realized that I was in love with him.


“Why this place in specific?” I asked, shaking my head at Enzo. It was a little too local for Enzo’s style, and I knew that if anyone would have toldthat I would be seeing him here, I would have believed that they were lying. The man was often closed to himself and he had his own boundaries. Being in a place where there were many humans, especially normal. people, wasn’t his style.




Emergency calls only

Chapter 63

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“It is a place for the two of us to drop all boundaries, all the rules that bind us to who we are. Our Alpha and Luna titles, our riches, everything. The two of us can just be together, ast lovers, away from all the pressure that we were put under.” He said, and I smiled. He had his arm wrapped around. my waist as the two of us walked inside the restaurant.

The place was mostly empty as it wasn’t a rush hour, but I knew that it wouldn’t be for too long. People were bound to leave work or chere for a simple snack. I didn’t know what we would be doing when that happened, but I didn’t mind. I liked the crowd at times.

A fountain’s sound could be heard in the background, and I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of it. It was huge, and a few couples stood by its side, throwing coins, and making a wish. Skissed, others hugged, and many just sat in front of the fountain on the fioor.

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“Do you like the place?” Enzo asked, snappingout of my daze. I smiled and nodded, looking at him as he followed my gaze to land on the fountain. “Do you want to make a wish?”

I nodded, and the two of us walked toward the fountain. Each one of us threw in a coin, and I remember making my wish to be with him. To be happy and in peace, no confiicts, and away from all the pressure that we were in.

Little did I know was that he might not have been sharing the sthoughts. Or even if he was, they weren’t as pure as mine were to him.

“What did you wish?” Enzo asked, and I laughed, shaking my head.

“You know the rules. We don’t tell what we wished. We would be losing that wish and it won’t be coming true.” I said, making him chuckle.

“Come, Alaria, you don’t believe in that, do you?” He asked, teasing me. I leaned in, brushing my lips against his for a moment. He didn’t move, nor did he pullcloser to kiss me, allowingto take things where I wanted them to be.

“A wish is a wish. And you are mine, Enzo.” I whispered, connecting my lips with his in a quick peck. “But I won’t go into more details.”

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pullingto him, deepening the kiss. He didn’t even care about whether or not we were in public. The two of us pulled away, and I blushed as he rested his forehead against mine.
