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Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa

Alpha Enzo by Ls Barbosa Chapter 119
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Chapter 119


“The fact that after everything and after going against us and getting a divorce,

then coming now to request for help amazes me.” Elder Caspian said, looking at

me. “You hiding your son for the years is also a crthat you are going to have

to be punished for. I do hope that you are aware of it.”

“I wasn’t going to put my son in the lion’s den on his own. At that point, the

Alpha had his mind set on what he wanted to do, and I didn’t intend to lose the

child that I raised myself.” I said, and he scoffed. Enzo looked atand shook

his head, silently askingnot to respond the way that I was. But I was always

known to speak my mind to these elders. It was one of the reasons why as a

Luna, I may or may have not caused them more trouble than they would like to

deal with.

“No Alpha allows harm on his own son.”

“And yet, the woman who has faked the fact that her son was the Alpha’s would

have.” I said, and the man took a deep breath. “I am not saying that I am right,

but the last thing that I would have done was put my child in danger. Regardless

of how much you wantto do so, I am not going to allow that to happen.

Needless to say, you are going to have to understand that as a person, I know

what it best for my child…”

“Your child is not of your own blood, not alone.”

“And that is why you find him here.” I said, glaring at the man. “I neither hid him

for his whole life, nor am I refusing his position by his father’s side. My one

aspect and issue was the woman who would have put him in danger. And now,

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

even though I know that she is a risk that I do not intend to deal with, you don’t

seehiding my child. I am merely teaching him that his place is here within

his own father’s pack while I protect him as his mother.”

“As for being punished, I believe that the decision goes to the Alpha to make.

And I doubt that you would expectto do anything that would harm the

woman for protecting and raising my son the way that she did.” Enzo said,

looking at Elder Caspian who raised an eyebrow.

“I must say, I am amazed by what you are trying to form as a relationship.

However, I will have to remind you that as an elder, I do not fall for such acts or

games. You can find someone else to play them on.” He said, and I took a deep

breath. “For now, I am not here to discuss your family trouble or problems. The

idea of you two being under one roof is not one that I expected, but then again,

judging by the circumstances, I believe that what they say about our wolf world

changing is


“If you now concerned about the rogue, you are not going to be getting any of

my men to side by you. The wolves of the elder’s cult know their limits too, and

they do not involve themselves with the dirt of those outcasts.” He said, and I

took a deep breath.

“They are going to cto all of us. You are included in this, Lord Alpha.” I said,

and he raised an eyebrow.

“And who is he to try and cagainst the elders? Do you know who we are

and how strong we are in comparison He is not going to dare think of a

rebellion.” He said, and Matias shook his head as a small smirk formed on his


“It is arrogance that often has you elders being destroyed, I do hope that you

understand that, Caspian.” Matias said, calmly. The man glared at him, but even

he knew not to speak back at the beta. He was older, stronger, and though less

in rank, he was more experienced and more respected. “Your father died the

sway that you are drawing for yourself, and if you intend to take his path;

letremind you, these that includes elders and humans too.”

Does are going to attack everything that they can get their hands on. And

“It against our laws to kill these people. This is going to


LEONZALENTINES is going to set a war against us and would anger…”

“They already have. Tuscany been

urrounded by them, and Florence is one of their main bases too. Milan’s center

has been a main attraction, and it is only a matt

of tbefore it is understood that this is neither an act, nor a game. People

are going to start dying in numbers that are absurd, and that happens, even the

wolves in the authorities won’t be able to protect us.” Enzo said, stopping

Caspian. “This is not a war that would stop because you think that these rogues

do not


Chapter 119

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


intend to challenge us. They do and they will, and when that happens, neither

one of us is safe. If anything, we are all going to be in danger, and our loved

ones too.”

“What do you suggest then? Because I doubt that making a ‘peace‘ treaty is

going to be something that these people would be willing to accept, and…”

“Beta Matias,” one of the pack gammas said, stopping the elder. His eyes were

wide in both fear and surprise. And his racing heart toldthat what he was

going to tell us wasn’t something that we were going to like. He pulled out a

n*cklace, Yasmin’s, and my eyes widened as we stood.


“Speak, lan.” Enzo said, snapping at the man whose hands shook.

“A man brought it over.” He said, gulping. “We couldn’t find her, but we brought

him in. He says that it is to deliver a message. The war has begun, and she is

going to be the first of the sacrifices. That is, of course, unless you are willing to

make a deal…”–