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All My Disciples Suck!-Novel

Chapter 680
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Chapter 680: Seven Golden Legends

“I’ll go first!” The first one to rush up was the gorgeous Emperor Taishang.

Emperor Taishang was actually considered to be a Kryptonite king, but unfortunately, Brother Lose Half was just too damn good at Kryptonite gaming, completely overshadowing Emperor Taishang’s elegance!

Emperor Taishang wanted to one-up Lose Half, so he spent a million contribution points for an elegant entrance.

Unfortunately… he got stuck.

But it didn’t matter, Emperor Taishang spent another one hundred thousand contribution points to convince other players to give him a debut!

“Givea golden legend!!!” Emperor Taishang rushed to the pool and dripped in blood, then roared in excitement!

“???” The Human Race, Demon Race and Beast Race present were all dumbfounded.

“Excellent!” However, a crisp stone-like sound accompanied by thelarge words surfaced, directly causing the SuprEmperor to spit out blood.

“Only excellent? I am not convinced!!!” Emperor Taishang roared angrily!

I worked hard, hanging out in the Resting Soil Tower to raise my Azure Emperor Immortal Body to the Great Achievement Sea Wheel Realm. However, I am only excellent?

“Get out of the way, it’s my turn!”

“My turn!”

“I’ll go first! Don’t crowd, okay?”

Emperor Taishang was quickly squeezed to the side by the third-test human players behind him.




However, the large string of excellence caused each of these third-test players to vomit blood.

Many of the third-test human players then looked at one person.

God King Enel.

God King Enel was considered one of the few in the third-test who had stepped into the Heavenly Pill Realm!

“Excellent!” However, God King Enel was also just excellent, as well as Use Three Swords and the others who calong afterward.

“Damn, our cultivation isn’t as good as the demon players. Why isn’t our talent better as well?”

“Hold the grass, this dog developer is targeting us!”

“That’s right, what does giving a bunch of excellent mean? Is it implying that we’re not good enough? You garbage dog developer, quickly cout to be beaten!”

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The third0test human players all finished testing, but none of them scored higher.

“The third-test human players, not a single one of their Azure Emperor Immortal Body has broken through to the Heavenly Pill Realm, coupled with the lack of intent, it’s no wonder that they can only get an excellent rating!” He Yiming nodded.

At this moment, the first and second test bigwig groups started testing.


However, most of the first and second test bigwigs, almost all of them were superior, obviously with an additional Major Achievement Realm of Intent. They also had the Golden Dragon enchantment, so it wasn’t surprising that they were one level higher per capita.

At this moment, a figure wearing a straw hat finally stood in front of the pool.

“!” Countless people had sideways glances.

Wang Lufei!

If there were still Upper Realm cultivators who doubted Wang Lufei’s story before, after seeing such a terrifying talent from the disciples of the Yan Huang Sect, no one dared to talk trash anymore.

The Yan Huang Sect, there was a Golden Legend sitting in their midst!

Wang Lufei flicked a drop of blood in the air and it fell into the pool.

The next moment…

A tall figure as tall as Lose Half’s slowly emerged, and it was clearly a teenage boy silhouette.

Only this time…

This teenager was not wearing a straw hat!!!!

Above the teenager’s head, there were stars!

Under the teenager’s feet, there was a domineering black ripple!

The teenager’s fists, even more so, were entwined with black battle armor!


Accompanied by the shouts of the twelve stone statues, the second Golden Legend appeared!

“Golden Legend… He, indeed, is a Golden Legend!!!” Many people sucked in a breath of cool air.

But an even more shocking scene occurred once again!

“Golden Legend!!!”

With the appearance of Emperor Zoro, within the pool, a figure of quiet perseverance emerged. With a blood-colored long sword in his left hand and a black long sword in his right hand, the surrounding water waves were even more constantly changing.

Yan Huang Sect’s third golden legend!


Next, the appearance of Vegeta caused a golden long-haired shadow surrounded by a golden five-clawed dragon to emerge within the pool.


In front of Thousand Hand Pillar, there was a figure sitting cross-legged, with a large, sky-high green tree slowly emerging behind him!


In front of Strongest Fire Spell, it was a bit more complicated.

A ten-meter tall figure with a golden five-clawed golden dragon seal in his left hand, a crimson giant dragon seal in his right hand. There was also a large green tree behind him and five fireballs above his head!

Although the four silhouettes singularly couldn’t compare to others, together it was amazing!


First Iceman was similar, but in addition to the five-clawed golden dragon seal and the large green tree, an ever-changing cold ice was in its left hand and a cold air emanating ancient aura in its right hand!

Immediately after that, Star and the others also stepped forward. All of them were Extraordinary!

“Extraordinary!” Indomitable Bear’s talent was weaker compared to Wang Lufei and the others, but He Yiming wasn’t surprised.

After all…

Indomitable Bear Tough didn’t have enough kryptonite!

Soon, almost all of the disciples of the Yan Huang Sect were all tested.

The entire field, too, fell into a bizarre silence.

Seven golden legends!

Dozens of Extraordinary!

There was also a large group of Superior, as well as the lowest reaching Excellent!

It was too shocking!

“Hahaha, it’s finally my turn!” At this moment, HandsSanji threw his head back, and then he proudly strutted in front of the pool.

“It’s him?”

“Your Highness Sanji?”

“This person is also from the Yan Huang Sect and has managed to gain the adoration of a Nascent Soul powerhouse, so I’m sure that he is bound to be a Golden Legend as well!”

Many people couldn’t help but think.



With the appearance of the large word, the entire room fell silent.

“WTF?” HandsSanji spat blood.

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What the hell?

“Hold the grass, Brother Sanji what the hell? How did he becqualified?”

“I get it, I get it, Brother Sanji’s talent essence, it’s all been sucked up!”

“Reasonable, too reasonable, how can you not pay the price for getting the great love of a Nascent Soul Big Mother?”

“Damn, what are you guys talking about, why didn’t the pureunderstand?”

“Ha! HandsSanji is now the scummiest in the whole beta. Scum for short, hahahaha!”

The players were all roaring with laughter, and each one of them had a reasonable mockery…

He Yiming was not surprised.

So it wasn’t surprising that his talent was rated as qualified.

But He Yiming was pondering a question.

“HandsSanji doesn’t even have a child, how did he get this Nascent Soul Big Mother?” He Yiming was puzzled…

“Could it be that this person is really considered a stain on the Yan Huang Sect? Then why are these Yan Huang Sect disciples calling him Brother Sanji?” The crowd of cultivators present then couldn’t figure it out at all.

However, most of them quickly set their minds right.

“He Yiming, you’re going in too! How about you test too?” Right at this moment, Mu Xueying suddenly said loudly.

“Brother Ming?” Many players turned their heads and beccurious as well.

“Hold the grass, that’s right, what level is Brother Ming!”

“Damn, Brother Lose Hald is a Golden Legend, surely Brother Ming must be higher than Brother Lose Half?”

“What a joke, Brother Lose Half’s talent is the strongest in the whole beta, how can Brother Ming… only one level higher than Brother Lose Half? It should at least be three!”

The players were all excited and were also wondering how talented Brother Ming was.

“Hmm? He Yiming, the Yan Huang Sect Patriarch?”

Mu Xueying’s words made quite a few people present, especially the higher ranks, curious as well.

As the Sect Master of the Yan Huang Sect, even his disciples were Golden Legends!

Then how could this Sect Master be lower than his disciples?


Above Golden Legend, was there a higher level?

In the space of a breath, the focus of the entire scene fell on He Yiming!

He Yiming smiled faintly.

With that, he walked in front of the pool.

At this moment, the entire underground hall was silent, countless pairs of eyes, staring at He Yiming in unison.