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Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner by Xiruo Huang

Bab 106
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Bab 106

Mobil sport edisi terbatas internasional seperti Bugatti Veyron memang cukup mengejutkan. Semua

orang mengeluarkan ponsel mereka dan mulai mencarinya.

“Wow! Itu Bugatti Veyron edisi terbatas! Harga resminya adalah enam… enam puluh juta?!” Seorang

gadis tergagap saat membacakan harganya.

Enam puluh juta adalah nilai astronomis bagi para siswa ini.

Bahkan anak dari keluarga kaya seperti Jacob dan Leo hanya bisa bermimpi memiliki mobil sport

seharga enam puluh juta.

“Maaf! Kurasa aku tidak bisa menjemput kalian hari ini, tolong pulang sendiri! Aku bisa membayar

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tagihan taksimu, selamat tinggal!”

Dengan itu David membuka kunci mobil dan masuk, hendak pergi. Dia telah lama melewati batasnya

hari ini, dikelilingi oleh keindahan sejak awal malam.

Pria biasa mana pun akan merasa frustrasi jika dia menjadi sasaran sentuhan menggoda para wanita

ini sepanjang malam.

Dia baru saja masuk ke mobil ketika kursi penumpang terbuka, dan Amelia masuk.

Now was not the time for politeness. If she wanted David to be hers, she would have to take every

opportunity to spend time with him.

The ladies outside were infuriated that they did not think of sitting in the passenger seat too when they

saw Amelia do so.

It was a great chance, after all. Not only could they sit in a nice car, but they would also have the

chancet o spend time with David alone.

David was shocked and he told her, “Amelia, I’m not going back to the school.”

“You can bring me anywhere you want, David! I’m going wherever you are going tonight,” Amelia


‘Anywhere I want?’

David’s mind started to wander.

David looked at Amelia only to find her looking at him with a slight flush on her cheeks. In all honesty, it

would be a lie if David claimed that he felt nothing for a goddess-like beauty such as Amelia.

As one of the three campus belles of SRU, not only did Amelia have exquisite features and a delicate

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body, but she was also passionate.

Almost no man could remain unfazed when she took the initiative to flirt.

However, David had his morals. He was different from animals like Leo who only thought with their

lower halves.

Otherwise, there was no way he would respect Sarah’s wishes and stay abstinent during the four years

they were together.

“I don’t think this is a good idea, Amelia.”

“What’s not good about this? I was already yours when you became my Top Fan last time. I wouldn’t be

able to escape if Leo managed to become Top Fan, so thank you.”

Amelia’s words were too straightforward, and David found himself not knowing how to reply.

“Uh, Amelia, I think that if two people were to… do it, it should be on the basis that they are in love. Or

what difference would they be from animals, right?”

“Aren’t human beings a kind of animal? You men are all animals who think with their lower half
