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Aku Seorang Kuadriliuner by Xiruo Huang

Bab 102
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Bab 102

Amelia berdiri tak berdaya terpaku di tempat. Dia tahu bahwa masalah ini tidak akan diselesaikan

dengan mudah, tetapi dia tidak berpikir bahwa Leo dan Jacob akan mengatakan hal seperti itu.

Semua orang di sekitar mereka mulai merasa ada yang tidak beres.

Mereka semua adalah teman Amelia jadi, tentu saja, mereka berpihak pada Amelia.

“Leo, Jacob, apa yang kamu coba lakukan? Biarkan saya memberitahu Anda, jangan mencoba

sesuatu yang lucu! Jika tidak, kami akan memanggil polisi!” Kata salah satu teman sekamar Amelia.

“Ya, jangan mencoba melakukan sesuatu yang lucu. Kami bahkan akan melaporkanmu ke

universitas, dan kamu akan dikeluarkan,” salah satu dari mereka menimpali.

“Persetan, ini tidak ada hubungannya denganmu. Jika tidak, aku akan mengacaukan hidupmu

juga!” Leo meraung ke gadis-gadis yang baru saja berbicara.

Gadis itu terkejut. Dia tidak berharap Leo berubah menjadi orang yang sama sekali berbeda.

Dia tidak berani mengatakan apa-apa lagi. Leo dan Jacob adalah anak-anak dari keluarga kaya

lokal di River City

. Amelia mulai terisak-isak. Bagaimanapun, dia adalah seorang gadis, jadi tentu saja, dia tidak bisa

menahan air matanya setelah diancam seperti ini.

“Amelia, tidak ada gunanya menangis. Jika Anda ingin menyelesaikan ini, Anda harus tinggal

bersama kami selama satu setengah bulan. Setelah itu, kami berjanji tidak akan mengganggu Anda

lagi. Jika tidak, kami akan membuat hidupmu sangat sulit di River City. Pikirkan tentang itu, ”Leo

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terus mengancam.

Amelia memandang David sambil menangis. Saat ini, David adalah satu-satunya orang yang bisa


Dia mengerti siapa David—bos rahasia Golden Leaf Hotel bukanlah orang biasa.

Paling tidak, latar belakang keluarga Jacob dan Leo tidak akan mampu bersaing dengannya.

David tidak bisa melihat ini lagi.

“Teman-teman, bukankah terlalu berlebihan untuk mengancam seorang gadis seperti ini?” David

berkata dengan lemah di satu sisi.

Kedua orang ini membuatnya mengingat pertemuan sepupunya Lily di Lake City.

Jika tidak ada yang membantu Amelia hari ini, sulit untuk mengatakan apa yang akan terjadi


“David, ini bukan urusanmu. Lebih baik jika kamu diam! Kamu tidak bisa menjadi pahlawan yang

menyelamatkan gadis itu dalam kesusahan, ”kata Leo kepada David.

“I may not be a hero, but I can’t watch this anymore.”

“So what? What can you do?” Leo asked sarcastically.

When David was about to speak, the door of the private room was pushed open slightly.

A head poked in and scanned the situation in the private room. When she saw David, she pushed

the door open and walked in.

“Here you are, Dave!I saw your car outside so I knew you had to be here. I finally found you after

going to so many private rooms.”

A delinquent with an afro, huge earrings, and thick makeup walked in and said.

Behind her were five to six people with the same dressing style. They looked like they were about

16 or 17 years old.

“Sandy, who is this? Why are you looking for him?” The people behind Sandy asked.

“This is my brother!” Sandy replied.

“Your brother? Why do I not know that you have a brother like this?”

“You don’t know him, but he’s like a brother to me.”

The two of them were still talking.

Leo could not stand this. He was still fuming when those delinquents showed up.

“Where did these stupid kids come from? Who said you could come in? Get out now!” Leo yelled.

Sandy was confused and she used her pointer finger to point at her nose. Then, she asked, “Are

you talking about me?”

“Who else if not you? Get out now! If not, I’ll teach you a lesson on behalf of the adults of your


“You don’t know who I am?” Sandy asked curiously:

“Who are you? Why should I know you? If I knew someone like you, I’d have beaten you up a long

time ago. Look at you, you’re so young but what the hell is that outfit? You look like a thug. How did

your parents educate you? Or perhaps you have parents, but they don’t have the time to educate

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you?” Leo asked sarcastically.

Sandy looked at David and asked, “Dave, is this your friend?”

“No,” David gave a one-word reply.

“That’s easy then,” Sandy said.

Then, she asked Leo, “You’re pretty f*ck-… fantastic. What’s your name?”

Sandy wanted to say that Leo was pretty f*cking bad*ss, but since David was here, she changed

her choice of words.

“What’s my name? You’re not worthy to know that. I haven’t asked you your name yet.”

“What’s my name? Come, one of you, tell him,” Sandy said.

Someone walked out from behind Sandy and pointed at her. Then, she said, “Her name is Sandy

Luther, the second daughter of the Luther family in River City. Do you know the River City Luther

family? Hmm… I think there’s only one Luther family in River City.”

After that person finished talking, she went back to her original position and continued to look at Leo

with ridicule.

“How dare he scold the second daughter of the Luther family? This is going to be good.’

“Sandy Luther?

‘The second daughter of the Luther family?’

Jacob could feel his brain buzzing.

He was the first one to come to his senses. Initially, he was siding with Leo, but now, he took a few

steps back and stood with the rest of the crowd.

Leo wanted to die, but he did not.