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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84 lan raised his gaze when he felt Sage’s gaze on him.

When lan saw her gaze was fixed on him, his eyes shone with delight.

Sage took a deep breath and calmed herself down.

No matter how handshe was, she still found him repugnant! Sage coldly asked as she walked downstairs, “You're the one who broughtto bed last night, right?” As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of cutlery dropping could be heard from the kitchen.

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Sage turned around and saw Terry's shocked expression.

Terry quickly recovered from the shock. He picked up the fork from the floor and pretended nothing had happened as he retreated into the kitchen.

“Mrs. Holcomb, what-" Terry even held back Wanda, who was about to cout from the kitchen.

Wanda was left puzzled by his actions, asking, “What are you doing? | was just about to ask Mrs. Holcomb what she wanted for breakfast!” Terry dragged Wanda into the kitchen, saying, “Wanda, please take a look at this fork and see if it’s too slippery from the oil.” “It’s obviously very clean, though...” Terry's and Wanda'’s voices faded away into the kitchen.

Sage thought about what she had said earlier, realizing that her words could really be easily misunderstood. She felt her cheeks flush a little as she thought about it.

“Yeah, it was me,” lan, unsure if Sage had done that intentionally, said in a teasing manner.

Sage suppressed her embarrassment and coldly said to Tan, “Didn't we agree that you're not allowed to take advantage of me?” lan put down the documents in his hand and said calmly, “As the saying goes, ‘forgive and forget. It's been a night now, so | think we can put an end to this cold war.

1/3 Sage was rendered speechless.

What kind of nonsense was that? Before she could say anything, lan added, “You should get ready. You'll be accompanyingto the Holcomb Corporation's banquet tomorrow night.” Sage directly refused him. “Sorry, but | have other plans.” Since it was a banquet held in celebration of the acquisition of Bolton Investment, Ivy, as the director, would inevitably be the center of attention. That was why she didn’t want to attend it.

“As my wife, isn’t it quite normal for you to accompanyto such corporate banquets?” Taking out two cards and placing them on the table, lan said, “I'm not going to let you work for nothing. Take this black card and go get yourself snew clothes.” It wasn’t out of the question to consider it if there was money to be made.

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After all, she wouldn't be able to spend his money anymore after they divorced.

Besides, since lan had brought up the whole “normal married couple interaction” matter, she couldn't really refuse him.

“After the divorce, you won't forceto pay half the amount of the jewelry and bags | bought, right?” Sage asked, somewhat worried.

lan gritted his teeth and said, “Everything you bought will be yours!” Sage took the black card and said, “It's a deal, then.” Then, she looked at the other bank card on the table and asked, “What's this card fo Despite feeling a little annoyed, lan said, “It's the one million dollar reward for the investment plan you had previously cup with.” Sage was somewhat perplexed about it. “The investment plans for Mimosa had all been. canceled. Are you sure you still want to givethe money?” Furthermore, lan also knew that the investment plan wasn’t intended for Bolton Investment.

lan saw through her thoughts, and he scoffed. “I'm a man of my word, so I'll do what | say. | don’t want you to use this as an excuse to say I'm a liar.” As Sage thought about the one million dollars that was up for her to grab, her face lit up 2/3 +15 BONUS with joy. When she picked up the card, she couldn't help but flatter him. “Thank you, Holcomb! You are indeed a man of your word-so reliable and trustworthy!” Mr.

Jan looked at Sage with a hint of disdain and said, “You were raised in luxury by the Joyners, so why do you have to be so greedy?” “What's wrong with liking money?” Sage corrected him, stating, “Money is the foundation of an adult's life. No one would ever complain about having too much money! Although you're so wealthy, aren't you constantly working your butt off for Holcomb Corporation? “Well, you might be working so hard due to the family legacy and responsibility. You're on a whole different level, so it's perfectly understandable that you can’t comprehend the thoughts of us ordinary folks.”