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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 74
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Chapter 74 Sage stopped smiling. “Who said | was waiting for him? | just cdownstairs to drink swater.” “Mr. Holcomb called to tellhe won't be back tonight. He's out for work,” Wanda said as if she knew what was going on.

She urged, “Mrs. Holcomb, Mr. Holcomb actually calledbecause he was worried you wouldn't pick up if he called you. He's actually reporting his whereabouts to you.

“It’s a good thing that Mr. Holcomb is moving back to the master bedroom. Why don’t you stop being mad at him and put his belongings back in the master bedroom?” Sage replied, “Why don’t you clear out the guest bedroom for me, and I'll let lan have the master bedroom to himself?” That left Wanda speechless.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Sage went back to her room with a glass of water and texted Michael. “Helpthank that friend of yours. I'll treat both of you to lunch next time.” Michael replied, “You're welcome. It was no big deal,” He never once asked Sage what happened nor why she wanted to tamper with the CCTVs. This respect Michael showed her improved her impression of him.

Sage went to find Priscilla the next day to express her desire to invest one hundred million dollars into Priscilla’s company first in order to get things running. It was better to deal with this pressing matter now and leave the rest for later. B Priscilla was extremely grateful and insisted on selling sof her company’s shares to Sage. She even got a lawyer to draft the agreement on the spot.

“I'm really grateful for your help, Sage. Don’t you dare refuse these shares! You deserve them!” Sage knew Priscilla was being sincere, so she didn’t reject further. She refused Priscilla’s lunch invitation and left Mimosa.

Not long into her drive, the car sensors indicated that her tires’ air pressure was low.

The moment Sage got out of the car to check the tires out, two men in suits and shades walked over to her. It seemed like they had been following her car and that the tires’ condition was no accident.

+15 BONUS Did they mess up her car tires on purpose? Sage felt unsafe. She was about to call the police when one of the men said, “Mr. Morrison would like to see you, Ms. Joyner.” Sage sighed in relief upon hearing that name. At least it wasn’t sother culprit.

But Sage couldn't let her guard down too much. Shane was no easy foe, especially after the unpleasant incident last tat the bar.

Sage knew she had no chance of escaping with these two men present, so she cooperated with them.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Where's Mr. Morrison? I'll cwith you.” Sage got into their car and did her best to stay calm throughout the ride. She neither made a sound nor did any sudden movements.

The car soon stopped outside of a grand building. Sage was surprised to see the logo “Farsight Investment outside..

She thought Shane would've taken her to sabandoned house or remote forest area, beat her up, and left her to die.

But here she was at his office headquarters.

Sage was soon taken up to Shane's office. Unlike lan’s office, Shane’s had a thof pleasure and comfort.

Not only was there a coffee and bar lounge in Shane's office, but there was even a mini golf course alongside sother gaming equipment. The furnishings were lavish, too.

Sage felt like this was more an entertainment room than an office.

“Ms. Joyner is here, Mr. Morrison,” one of the bodyguards said respectfully after,knocking on the door. Shane kicked off the tall pile of documents on his desk with a clatter, revealing his handsface.