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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69 lan’s way of dealing with things so haughtily nearly gave Sage a heart attack.

She didn’t want to concern herself with him anymore. Instead, she asked Michael gently, “Are you hurt? Do you want to get anything checked at the hospital?” Michael didn’t look too embarrassed. He withdrew his hand and shook his head, saying, “I'm okay, miss.

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I'm really sorry about today. | didn’t mean to drag you into this mess.” “What do you mean by that? It was their fault in the first place. It's getting late. You should get back.” Michael nodded and said. “Okay.” As soon as Michael was gone, Sage looked at lan rather angrily and said, “Don’t you know basic manners? Why did you ignore his hand?” “Are you very close with him?‘ lan asked instead of answering Sage’s question. “Why does he call you miss’ like that?” “So what if he callsthat? Ivy calls you ‘lany,” and I've never had any qualms about it!” lan was stunned by what Sage said. His face darkened as he said. “Sage, don’t be ridiculous. It's not the same! How could you defend another man in public? Have you forgotten who you‘re legally married to?” “You don’t have to keep remindingof that. Of course, | remember,” Sage said. “You say that as if you've never defended Ivy before.” Sage sighed and continued. “I don’t even understand why you’re doing this. You don’t wantseeing | x other people behind your back, but you refuse to divorce me.

“And you also don’t seem keen on giving an official title to the one person who's been waiting for you.

You're a fucking jerk with double standards!” lan suppressed his urge to strangle Sage until she could no longer speak. He gritted his teeth and growled, “Get in the car. | have something to ask you.

Sage said, “No, thank you. You can say whatever you want to say toright here. | drove here.” lan responded. “In that case, we'll talk in your car.” Sage refused. “We will go hand discuss. | need to focus on driving when I'm in the car. | can’t get distracted talking to you.” +15 BONUS “Sage Joyner, this is an order!” lan was starting to lose his cool. “If you don’t wantto bundle you up into my car, open the doors now!” Sage was stunned for a moment. She could tell that lan was on his wit’s end. Worried that he would do exactly as he'd threatened, Sage quickly unlocked her car doors.

lan got into the front passenger seat as Sage started up the car. lan’s driver followed behind them.

Sage looked ahead and said impatiently, “So what is it?” “Were you the one who cup with the Mimosa investment plan for Shane the last time?” Screech! Sage suddenly stepped on the brakes and stopped the car, causing lan to nearly crash into the dashboard. Even his driver, who'd been following them, almost crashed into them.

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“How the fuck do you drive with such lousy skills like this?” lan roared.

Sage merely frowned and asked, “Why are you suddenly bringing it up?” lan forced himself to calm down as he continued questioning. “You were at the bar last time. Did you go looking for Shane because of Benjamin's affairs?” Sage replied with another question of her own, “Did you get someone to follow me?” “So it’s true, then?” lan’s eyes turned steely. He said, “So, tellwhy you went looking for him and c up with an investment plan for him.” Sage refused to answer. Instead, she stepped on the gas and said, “lan Holcomb, I'm not repeating myself again.

Anything | do has absolutely nothing to do with you. | don’t have to explain myself to you at all.” “Are you using this as a way to outshine Ivy?” lan asked, looking at Sage’s perfect side profile.

*Are Sage couldn't be bothered to answer him.

lan ended up staring at her for a few minutes. When he realized she wasn’t planning on answering his question, his voice turned colder and more dangerous.

“Sage Joyner, | thought you've changed. | see that you're just using a different way to annoy me.

“I don’t care how huge of a fuss you plan on kicking up, but letgive you a warning. Shane is not a good person. Don’t even think of beggingfor help if you fall into his trap.” What did he mean by “a warning“? And what did he mean by “begging him for help“? He was thoroughly looking down at her and her capabilities! However, Sage only rolled her eyes in silence. She didn’t want to argue further with lan. lan finally lost his patience and said nothing more, his face turning cold and frosty.