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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 44
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Chapter 44 When Sage realized that lan had reverted to his usual demeanor and tone, she beceven more certain that he had only pretended to be drunk to fool her.

Infuriated, she briskly walked ahead and left lan behind.

A faint perflingered as Sage’s silhouette faded into the distance.

Jan sent a text to Calvin. “I'm rejecting the letter of intent to collaborate with Luther Enterprise’s gulf project.” Then, without waiting for Calvin's response, he switched off his phone.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Concerned that lan might be too drunk, Terry tagged along with the driver to the restaurant to pick them up. He let the driver wait before approaching the private room.

Inside, lan sat on a bench while supporting his forehead with one hand. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and he looked uncomfortable.

Terry was about to call out to him when Sage, holding a towel in one hand, discreetly walked over to lan from the dining table. Her other hand was hidden beneath the towel.

Terry wisely kept silent. He watched as Sage gently dabbed lan’s forehead with the towel. Before he could appreciate Sage’s tender care, however, he watched as she “accidentally” tossed something she was holding into lan’s shirt collar.

As soon as the object touched lan’s skin, he jolted.

The noise he made was loud enough to attract the attention of others in the room. B “lan, are you okay?” One of the relatives gasped in concern, “Oh, your shirt has a few wet spots. And your pants...” Her exclamation drew everyone's eyes to lan’s shirt and pants. There were indeed a few damp spots on his blue shirt, while his pants were stained in an awkward spot.

$15 BONUS Although everyone found it absurd and unbelievable, they tacitly chose to stay silent.

Jan also noticed the issue with his pants. His face darkened as he glared at Sage.

With a worried and nervous expression, Sage stammered, “Y-You drank too much that you couldn't even... hold it in?” She intentionally avoided the awkward wording.

“But it’s okay; you don’t need to feel embarrassed!” Sage spoke as though she was very considerate of lan’s feelings. “Everyone here is family. No one will make fun of you. Right, guys?” “Yes, yes!” One relative nodded repeatedly and said, “It’s quite normal.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Sometimes when you drink too much, you think you're in a dream, and then... Well..” Unable to listen any longer, Jan immediately stormed out of the door.

Terry quickly suppressed the smile on his face and respectfully said, “Mr. Holcomb, the car is outside. Do you need my assistance?” lan cast him a cold glance before striding out with long steps. Terry followed.

Meanwhile, Sage grabbed her handbag and apologized to everyone, “Sorry for the trouble, everyone. But please forget that this ever happened. Thank you!” She even bowed sincerely to the crowd before leaving the private room.

Everyone exchanged glances, and an elderly man sighed. “I thought Jan was better than this. How could-Oh, forget it. Everyone, let's not bring this up next time!” After getting into the car, Sage couldn’t control her laughter.

“Sage!” With an icy expression, lan seethed, “How dare you throw ice cubes into my shirt!” “You played me. Payback’s a bitch!” “You!” +15 BONUS As lan sat upright, Sage burst into laughter again when she saw his stained pants.

The driver looked puzzled. Meanwhile, Terry was mentally recalling the tragedies of his life and trying not to burst into laughter as well.