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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31 lan’s cold gaze bore into Sage, who stood defiantly on the couch. “My affairs don’t warrant your concern. If you really want a divorce, show ssincerity!” Then, he casually tossed the divorce agreement onto the table and strode toward his desk.

The lingering repercussions of their previous unsuccessful attempt at divorce had eroded lan’s trust in her.

Subsequently, the situation had bec unnecessarily complicated.

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Feeling disheartened, Sage descended from her perch on the couch. She clutched the divorce papers as she prepared to retreat to her room.

“Sage, stop your provocations. | don’t have the patience to entertain your whims each time,” lan cautioned. His voice carried an icy tone.

From the way he put it, it sounded like he was insinuating that the cause for Ivy's predicament was a part of Sage’s tricks to make him cback to her.

How absurd! “I couldn't care less about your patience,” Sage challenged while raising her head in defiance. “I won't stop until you sign the divorce agreement. You'll regret this! With those words hanging in the air, Sage confidently strode away without waiting for lan’s reaction. However, back in her room, she was overwhelmed with frustration. [x She cursed him internally. Why couldn’t he extend his trust once more? Unable to contain her grievances, Sage reached out to Tiana for solace.

“You mean lan would only agree to sign the divorce papers with the consent of both your families?” Tiana pondered after hearing Sage’s woes. She found the situation strange.

“But why would he go to such lengths? Based on the way you describe his disdain. for you, he should be more than willing to sign them regardless of whether you're 1/3 +15 BONUS being serious.” “I know, right? His mind is twisted,” Sage lamented.

“Sage, have you considered another possibility?” Tiana inquired mysteriously.

“What possibility?” “lan might have developed feelings for you. That's why he’s reluctant to sever ties with you.” “No way!” Sage vehemently rejected the notion and proceeded to tell Tiana about lan’s furious vow to torment her during their last argument.

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“He must be irked by my persistent mention of divorce and is purposely going against me. Yes, that’s it,” she said. She felt like she had suddenly grasped the situation.

After all, lan was an arrogant and prideful man. He wouldn't readily admit his feelings despite his strong desires.

“After Grandma's birthday, he'll likely be eager to obtain the divorce certificate with me!” Tiana felt speechless while listening to Sage’s thoughts. She said, “You're an outstanding woman. After living under the sroof with him for so long, even a dog would-Sorry, excuse the crude metaphor.” After giving a quick apology, Tiana resumed her explanation. “What | mean is, lan might have developed feelings for you without realizing it.” 2 If it were the old Sage, she would have rejoiced at such a revelation. Now, she remained impassive as she replied, “I know I'm outstanding, but he’s too blind to notice. | won't indulge in wishful thinking.” Tiana sighed softly. “You really don’t want to hang on a bit longer?” “I'm tired of it,” Sage admitted. She sighed as she lay back on the bed.

“They say marriage is the graveyard of love. Others’ graves may at least bury true love, but mine only holds unrequited affection. It's my fault for forcing this bitter. fruit upon myself.” 2.9 O+1S BORUS As Sage reflected on herself, she sensed someone near the door. She sat up and cast a fleeting glance at the doorway but saw nothing Nevertheless, she took precautionary measures by closing the door and locking it.

Meanwhile, Tiana’s comforting words echoed through the phone. “Don’t be so pessimistic. At least you're brave.

You gave it a try. Otherwise, you wouldn't have known how it would turn out.” “Yeah, you're right.” The two of them shared a moment of levity before Sage inquired, “Did Wilson like the gift you bought him last time?” At the mention of her husband, Tiana’s voice softened. Her tone carried a hint of sweetness.