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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 30
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Chapter 30 lan was not romantically interested in Sage, but she had an inkling that he was interested in her body.

After he had injured her lips that night, she had to suffer for three long days. before the injury finally healed.

Sage didn’t want to argue with lan. Instead, she asked, “Have you decided on which agreement you'll be signing?” “It’s difficult forto make up my mind at this time.” lan grabbed both copies of the divorce agreement as he continued casually, * That's why I've decided to let your grandfather review the conditions of both copies properly. Perhaps he might be able to providewith a better suggestion.

n “You don’t have to make your choice anymore!” Sage reached out to stop lan. I'll just get a clean divorce without any additional payment from you!” lan looked down at her. “I'm the one who wronged you in this marriage. If we were to take this to court, I'd have to pay you more than 100 million dollars, you know. | don’t think your grandfather will want you to lose out on the benefits.” Sage was speechless. Damn that bastard! How dare he use her words against her! lan was a head taller than Sage. The fact that he was looming over her effortlessly intimidated her to no end.

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Angered by the difference in height, Sage moved to stand on the couch.

She peered down at lan while retorting furiously, “Our divorce is strictly between us! Just how sick are you to B drag Grandpa into this mess!” Even though lan was now shorter than Sage, his demeanor remained oppressive.

“If you really want to divorce me, then why don’t you have the gall to tell him about our eventual separation, hmm?” 1 “I...” Sage’s answer was stuck in her throat.1 +15 BONUS It was true that she dared not breathe a word about her upcoming divorce to Donald. He had high blood pressure, so he couldn't withstand the agitation of receiving shocking news.

Sage had tried to gauge Donald's reaction by bringing up the topic of divorce in the past, which worried him to no end. If lan were to show him the divorce agreements, Donald would get an aneurysm from the shock and fury.

8 Her initial plan was to find a nice opportunity to cclean to Donald once the divorce was settled.

Once Sage could prove that she was still able to lead a happy and carefree life after her divorce, she'd spend stacting cute and admitting that she was in the wrong in front of Donald. That way, Donald would be able to accept the fact that she got divorced, albeit calmly.

Meanwhile, lan looked rather pleased as he drank in the sight of Sage looking so furious that she couldn't even say a word.

“Or is it because you never wanted to get a divorce withfrom the start? Are you trying to use this divorce as a way to get my attention and makethink that you're very important to me?” “Hell no! | just want a divorce!” lan chortled icily in response. “There's no such thing as a perfect deal in this world. You don’t want to be chained down by the bonds of marriage, yet you still intend on reaping the benefits that cwith our holy matrimony.” Sage instantly understood what lan was talking about.

The Joyners mainly traded spices and perfumes, but they were still closely affiliated with the Holcombs in terms of business dealings. Many brands decided to work with the Joyners purely because of their affiliation with the Holcombs.

This was like a gof dominoes.

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If the news of Sage and lan’s divorce were to get out, the Joyners’ business would suffer from a heavy impact.

Even though this wasn’t the exact reason why Sage didn’t want to tell Donald 2/3 +15 BONUS about her impending divorce, she was still surprised when she heard lan’s words.

Sage had always viewed the subject of her marriage as a rather simple one. She thought that she could always get a divorce if she no longer loved lan. It turned out that she had completely forgotten about the other problems that were tied to her marriage.

“If it weren't for Grandma's efforts to stop us, we would've gotten a divorce a long tago. Why won't you sign the divorce agreement now?” Sage asked.

lan gazed at her coldly. “I don’t have tto play games with you, Sage.” Exasperated, Sage retorted, “What do | have to do to convince you that I'm not playing around? | really want a divorce!” “I'll only believe you when both of our families are gathered in the sroom with the intention to discuss our divorce in an amicable manner.” Sage fell silent at that response.

She could try her best to convince Donald to do that, but there was no way in hell that her aunt and uncle would agree to the divorce.

“Why must you make this divorce a huge pain in the neck for both of us, lan? Don’t you want to go through with it as soon as possible so that you can officially be with Ivy?”