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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 283
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"Let's go," Shane said.

Sage hastily turned him down. "It's alright. There's so much good food here. It would be a waste not to eat it. You go ahead. I'm still hungry." He didn't insist after he heard that. He got up and left. Sage felt relieved as she watched him walk away. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to eat in peace because she would have to constantly worry about him setting her up.

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No wonder Shane chose this place. The food was delicious and authentic. Moreover, the restaurant was clean and hygienic. Sage savored each bite and ate until she was full and satisfied. She then headed downstairs to hail a cab after settling the bill.

When she passed the private dining rooms, she noticed one with its half-ajar door. She saw Henry inside entertaining a group of friends. The small room held a dozen people, all of whom were constantly toasting and showering Henry with compliments. Henry had his arm around a woman as he accepted everyone's toast. Sage pulled out her phone and secretly took a picture of the scene. She could send this to Layla in case her judgment got clouded.

Initially, she wanted to book an Uber when she reached the first floor, but she noticed a man walking toward her. "Mrs. Holcomb, please get in the car. I'll take you home." When she heard that, she realized it was Ralph, the driver-cum-bodyguard lan had arranged for her. However, she hadn't informed him of her whereabouts. So, how did Ralph know she was here? "Mr. Holcomb sentto pick you up," Ralph answered respectfully, as if reading her mind. Sage was surprised that lan knew where she was and even sent Ralph to pick her up.

All of a sudden, she thought of Shane, who had left in haste. Could that also have been lan's doing? It seemed unlikely, so Sage dismissed the thought.

Sage had no reason to send Ralph away since he was already here, so she got in the car. It was almost 10:00 p.m. when she arrived at Solaris Estate.

Wanda poured her a glass of water and said, "Mrs. Holcomb, I've prepared the guest room next door for your driver. Mr. Holcomb thought it would be more convenient for him to stay in the house, in case you need to go out or use the car." Sage didn't comment on it. Instead, she said, "I'll leave it for you guys to figure it out." Then, she went upstairs.

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Sage walked into her bedroom, took out her suitcase, and packed sessentials and a few outfits. She had kept her promise to Linda, so even if she didn't get divorced that day, she didn't feel obligated to stay in Solaris Estate anymore. Sage decided to move out and find a new place starting tomorrow. Content belongs to FindThe next day, Sage woke up, freshened up, and went downstairs where Wanda had prepared breakfast as usual.

"Mrs. Holcomb, Ralph has gone out to familiarize himself with the m surroundings. Are you planning to go out today? I can call him back to get ready."

Wanda went to answer it. After asking who they were, she said, "Mrs. Xwo Holcomb, there are two people outside who said you called them here." Wanda let the men, who were dressed in a moving company's

uniforms, in. "Mrs. Holcomb, are you planning on changing the furniture again? Why did you call the movers?" she asked, puzzled. Sage had changed the furniture in the past to make the house cozier.