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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 28
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Chapter 28 It turned out that Delilah had sent Sage a barrage of text messages. There were photos and video clips as well as aurecordings in those messages.

Sage decided to look at the photos first. Delilah had snapped a photo of the apartment's exterior where Ivy stayed. Next ca photo of Ivy's front door.

Since the video clip spanned for a few minutes, Sage decided to listen to the aurecordings next.

“Sage, I've already taught I-bitch a lesson on your behalf! | can’t just sit back and watch you suffer from more grievances!” The moment the recording ended, Sage saw Michael approaching the table with the drinks in hand.

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“Miss, here's your rose latte.” “Thank you.” Sage got up to her feet after accepting the latte. “Something just cup. Sorry, but | have to leave now."1 Michael was sensible enough to hold his tongue when he noticed Sage’s frosty expression. He waved at her politely instead.

“I'll see you at the sports complex, then.” “Alright.” Once Sage exited the coffee shop and got into her car, she finally tapped open the video clip that Delilah had sent her earlier.

Delilah had already knocked on lvy’s front door in the video. When she noticed B lan in the apartment as well, she started berating Ivy furiously for being a shameless mistress who dated a married man behind his wife's back.

Ivy looked flustered and embarrassed, though she did her best to swallow her anger.

“Ms. Stromberg, | was merely thanking lan for what he has done for my father. That's why | treated him to a meal here.” +15 BONUS “Hmph! As if anyone will believe that shoddy excuse! Let this be a warning for you, Shekdotter! Sage is lan’s actual wife! Don’t think you're in a special relationship with him just because you have known him for many years! “You're just a maid's daughter at the end of the day! No matter how much you doll up, you'll never be a good match for lan!” “Ms. Stromberg, watch your manners. What you're doing right now is equivalent to trespassing,” lan spoke up coldly at that moment.

“Stop trying to intimidate me, lan! I'm just standing up for Sage!” Delilah refuted this in a self-righteous manner.

“By the way, lan, Sage toldthat she'd been waiting for you to go hfor dinner every night! You kept giving her excuses about being busy with work! Who'd have thought that you'd be busy spending twith your beloved mistress!” “Ms. Stromberg, you and Mrs. Holcomb have truly misunderstood me-ah!” Ivy wanted to explain herself, but Delilah cut her off by shoving her away. “Get lost! Stop pretending already!” Poor Ivy stumbled backward from Delilah’s push. lan, who had already risen to his feet, was able to steady her on her feet just in time.

“That's enough! Get the hell out of here!” he demanded icily. “Tell Sage to keep to herself and settle down! Otherwise, not even Grandma will be able to help her out!” Angered and dissatisfied, Delilah tried to rebuke lan’s words on the spot. That was when the management staff barged into Ivy's apartment.

The video clip ended right there. Delilah had sent Sage two more aurecordings after that.

“Sage, lan kept defending I-bitch the whole time! Ugh, he pissesoff so much! Once he gets home, you have to question the hell out of him!” The second aurecording was soon triggered. “Don’t cower from him, and don’t be afraid of him too! I'll always have your back, Sage! I'll always support 2/3 +15 BONUS you and take your side! If that’s not enough, we still have Mrs. Holcomb Senior as our ultimate backup plan!” Sage opted to not respond to Delilah at all. Instead, she closed Whatimmediately.

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After taking a sip of the warm and sweet latte, Sage started her car and drove back to Solaris Estate.

That night, Sage had Wanda retire to her room for an early respite. She left her room door open as she worked on her proposal while waiting for lan’s return. 1 Just as expected, lan’s footsteps echoed from the distance about half an hour later.

Sage closed her laptop and grabbed two documents, which had been sitting on her table. Then, she exited her bedroom.

There, she bumped into lan in the corridor. lan was still wearing the black dress shirt which was shown in Ivy's selfie. He looked as handsas ever, though his dark expression and frosty eyes made it clear that he wasn’t in a good mood.

The moment lan laid his eyes on Sage, he frowned instinctively. He was about to speak up when Sage cut him off.

“I know what you want to say. Let's talk about it in your study. | promise I'll give you a satisfactory solution.” lan decided to hold his tongue for now. He glanced at Sage before striding toward his study.