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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 268
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There were red marks on her wrist from being tied up by ropes last night, although they had faded a lot


Then, she suddenly remembered she had caught a whiff of this scent when she was taking a shower just now.

Had lan used the sointment on

her wrist last night?

"The hospital's right next door. If you're feeling unwell or are in severe pain, we can head there and get you

treated first,” lan offered.

Sage felt her cheeks heat up again. Even though he wasn't specific, both of them understood what he meant.

Frankly, she did feel a little swollen and uncomfortable, and it was a little painful to walk. But she didn't have the

nerve to go to the hospital for

something like that.

"I'm perfectly fine!" Sage exclaimed before swinging the door open and walking out. lan reached out, wrapped

his arm around her waist, and led her

out of the hotel when he noticed her awkward gait.

Terry was already waiting for them in the parking lot. He lowered his head when he noticed the hickeys on Sage's

neck and lan's hold on her. "Good

day, Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb," he greeted respectfully.

Terry then pointed to the man who was with him and said, "This is Ralph. He's extremely skilled at combat and

driving.” The man named Ralph

greeted the couple.

lan nodded at him. "From now on, Ralph here will be your designated driver, Sage."

Sage looked perplexed. "Why do | need a driver?"

"It's just to make things easier for you. He can double as your bodyguard when you're out and about," lan

explained coolly.

Sage politely declined. "That won't be necessary. What happened last night was just an accident. | don't need a

bodyguard or a chauffeur. Even if |

did, I'd find one on my own."

lan felt his temper flare when he noticed that Sage was attempting to distance herself from him again.

Suppressing his anger, he said coldly, "Just

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use him for now. We can talk about it when you find someone else."

Sage didn't want to argue with lan in front of the others. So, she pried his hand off hers and got into the car

without another word. The couple headed

to the police station with Ralph behind the wheel and Terry driving closely behind them.

Her handbag and phone had been retrieved by lan's men and were now back with her. Priscilla's call came

through as soon as she powered on her

phone. The former had already heard about what happened last night.

"Benjamin must be out of his mind, Sage. How could he pin all the blon you and kidnap you? | will not let

him get away with this!"

Priscilla said through gritted teeth,


In the past, [det things slide

because of our history. But now that



he's gon€ off the rails, | can't let him


roam ee and hurt anyone else) m

goingto report all his previous:

crimes to the authorities ard make

Gre hl ce!"

stte he gets a long sentefice!

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Sage responded, "Priscilla, just the

fact that he Kidnappedand

assaultedis enough to put him.

y 2)


away for long time. You don't need

Cd sey

to rhe an enemy of him overghe.

Aftece |, Priscilla and Benjarpin had

besh married for years andbad a


child together. Content bgiongs to


"| can't just ignore what happened to

you! You were dragged into thie,

because of e/PHioitd insisted.

"e'diréady let you down once. This

time, I'll The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

make sure he pays for what he did!"

Sage ners that Priscilla

needed to da is for herself, so she


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let her bexlhe car arrived at the ¢)

police sttion as she conversed with

Prisciffa. Terry had already spoken to

the folice and told them Sage was

coming to make a statement.

Content belongs to swnevel.net

Sage, accompanied by lan, recounted

the events of the previous ight

Josephige galled nt (ited them to

che over for lunch as soon as they

left The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

the police station. Sage politely declined and said they'd cover after lunch.

"Let's head back to Solaris Estate first. | need to change and put on smakeup," Sage told lan, who agreed.

On the way back, she suddenly

thought of something. Sage asked

the ol Gauie Jos CReck if there's

alarblys ore nearby? | need to make a

quick The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there! B


lan turned to her and asked, "What's wrong? Let's just go to the hospital.”