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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 264
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The unfamiliar yet fervent kiss made her shy and excited at the stime. lan rubbed her skin gently, sending shivers down her spine. Sage arched her back in response, allowing him easier access.

That night passed in a whirlwind of passion. Sage was a lovesick woman who was lost in her fantasies and convinced that she had finally won her lover's heart. In contrast, lan, who used to be composed and restrained, was now tirelessly indulging himself in wild abandon.

Neither understood why the other had changed all of a sudden, but neither cared to dwell on it. The couple clung to each other fervently, entwined passionately. It was as if they were determined to unleash all of their passion that night.

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Unlike the cool night air outside, the room was hot and stuffy. The passion was so intense that even the moon blushed and hid behind the clouds.

The next day, Sage woke up parched. Instinctively, she reached out to grab a glass of water from the bedside table but found nothing. She also felt immense soreness at the slightest movement.

When Sage opened her eyes, she found herself lying in an unfamiliar bed. Judging by the room's decor, it was a hotel room. All of a sudden, memories of being kidnapped by Benjamin the night before flooded her mind, and she sat up with a start.

The blanket slipped off, revealing her bare shoulders. Sage hastily wrapped herself up and looked around the room warily. There were no cameras or other recording equipment in sight.

Wasn't she in a dilapidated shack on a lonely hill last night? How did she end up in a hotel? Sage doubted that Benjamin and his underlings were kind enough to leave her here.

As she desperately attempted to recall last night's events, she heard the balcony door sliding open. She looked up and saw lan, who was dressed in a bathrobe and holding his phone. "You're awake?" he asked.

It wasn't just her imagination. She could tell he was glowing. Sage put two and two together and realized what had happened the night before.

"Are you feeling unwell? II—" lan asked with concern as he leaned over, but she raised her hand and tried to slap him. Of course, he dodged it effortlessly and grabbed her hand.

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His dark gaze landed on her fair shoulders before he said lowly, "I'm surprised you still have the energy to hit me. It seems like I didn't work hard enough last night.” "You shameless jerk!" Sage forcefully withdrew her hand in embarrassment and hid under the covers. "I didn't consent to it!" lan appeared to have expected her reaction as he promptly unlocked his phone and played an auclip. Sage frowned as she listened to lan's unusually hoarse voice.

"Tell me, Sage, who am I?" "You're lan! My husband!" she exclaimed proudly and enthusiastically.

"Are you sure you wantto continue? Are you sure you won't regret it? His words were laced with ΕΠ restraint and temptation.

"I won't regret it!" Sage breathed out, and her tone was seductive. "Love me, lan" The auwas cut off with a whimper as she was bitten hard. Then, it abruptly ended. Her face turned crimson from the clip. Sage could picture the circumstances under which it was recorded.

lan was a real jerk. He was aware that she wasn't able to consent, yet he had deliberately recorded this to shut her up!

"Sage, I took you to the hospital last night. I wanted to put you to bed, but you kept holding ontoand m wouldn't let go. You beggedto E make love to you." lan's Adam's apple involuntarily bobbed as he swallowed. "I told you. I'm a man, not a saint." X