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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 254
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"Where are you off to? Are you seriously leaving your father alone at the dinner table?" Leo growled.

lan replied, "We will excuse ourselves for now because I'm worried our lack of manners will spoil your appetite." "lan, you're really something." Scoffing, Leo got up and left. Sage felt uneasy about how the dinner had ended. "Ignore him," lan said to her. "Would you like something else to eat?" She shook her head. "I'm full." She struggled to comprehend how lan had endured Leo's parenting when he was a child. Despite being born into wealth, lan's life didn't seem all that rosy.

Fortunately, she wouldn't be Mrs. Holcomb anymore, freeing herself from worrying about meeting Leo's high standards.

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The next day, Sage and lan visited Linda. Sage had a headache when she recalled Leo's attitude from last night.

If it weren't for Linda's sake, she might have refused to go and confessed to lan that there was no need to change her, as she wouldn't be married to him any longer.

"It's okay. Grandma's here, and she'll support you. Besides, Dad won't be huntil later," lan comforted Sage, seemingly having read her thoughts.

She nodded. "Don't you have work to attend to? Go ahead." Linda cout to greet them. "Sage, you're here! Cover." Sage happily skipped her way to Linda. "Grandma." "Gosh, you're finally back," Linda teased. “I was worried you might standup again." Sage obediently replied, "It was my fault the last time. I will never do that again." "Glad you know it. As punishment, you'll spend the day and stay the night at my place!" Sage had no reason not to agree since Linda invited her to stay. Linda had made up the excuse of needing Sage's help to decorate the venue, but the housekeeper had already seen to it. All Sage needed to do was to keep Linda company and go on a stroll together.

After lunch, Sage accompanied Linda to the chapel, where light music and a nice, woody scent filled the air. Linda loved performing religious rituals.

On Sage's previous visit to the chapel, Linda had asked her about the decision to divorce and persuaded her to delay deciding.

40 days had since passed. Tomorrow would be Linda's birthday. She took a bunch of sandalwood incense sticks, which Sage helped her to light.

Placing the incense on the altar, Linda asked, "Sage, have you changed your mind?" Sage had lost count of how many times Linda had asked her this question. Her response remained unchanged.

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Linda sighed softly without saying anything. Feeling bitter, Sage held, Linda's hand and said, Grandma, it's hand and NO okay. If you don't mind, just think ofas your granddaughter. I'll visit you often." Linda patted Sage's hand but remained silent.

"By the way, Grandma, I bought you a gift. I'll give it to you now because you'll be busy tomorrow." As she spoke, Sage placed an exquisite bag in Linda's hand.

"I made you an album with photos from our last gathering. I know you love performing religious rituals and No offerings, so here's a rosary for you. Here are also shomemade aromatic incense to help you sleep better. "These gifts might not be worth much, but I put a lot of thought into them," explained Sage.

Linda accepted the gift graciously. "Thank you, Sage. I love them. But the best gift you could ever giveis to remain my granddaughter-in-law." "Grandma, I..." Sage's voice trailed off when she saw lan walking into the chapel.

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