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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 251
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Thomas was reluctant to bid goodbye to Donald and Sage after learning that were leaving Colville in the afternoon. After a short chat, Sage and Zachary left the room to offer sprivacy to the two old friends. Zachary said apologetically, "I was too busy to bring you and Donald around Colville over the past few days." Sage replied with a smile, "It's alright. We'll visit again and have more fun when Thomas gets better." Zachary nodded. "Of course." Despite that, both of them were acutely aware that Thomas would never recover. “Life is unpredictable. I regret going abroad instead of spending two more years with Grandpa at home," he lamented.

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In Sage's past life, she did not accompany Donald to Colville. Hence, she was in the dark about Thomas" health condition.

She comforted Zachary, "Don't be too hard on yourself. You couldn't foresee Thomas falling sick." "Sage, you've grown up. You are more sensible and mature now. Look, you're even consoling me," he teased. She deliberately poked fun at him, "Why? Was I really that childish back then?" While they were chatting and joking around, Sage spotted the tall and slender lan approaching them from the other end of the corridor with a fruit basket in hand.

lan had changed into a light blue shirt, paired with a black tailored blazer. He seemed more energetic than before, although he was wearing his usual haughty expression.

Sage was surprised. Wasn't he resting at the hotel? What brought him to the hospital? Zachary followed her gaze and noticed lan. He asked, "That must be your husband then?" Sage sounded surprised. "How did you know?" Zachary explained, "I once heard his nfrom Grandpa. I also had the honor of reading a business interview featuring him." As he was speaking, lan had gone up to them. Sage turned to him and questioned, "Why are you here?" "I called Grandpa. He said you were at the hospital, so I dropped by to visit his friend Thomas as well." Turning to Zachary, he asked, "And you are?" Sage introduced, "He's Zachary Brent, Thomas' grandson." Zachary extended a handshake. "Mr. Holcomb, I appreciate your kind gesture." They exchanged a handshake, after which Zachary led them into Thomas' room. There, Donald introduced lan to Thomas. "This is my grandson-in-law." "What a fine young man!" Thomas complimented lan. "Isn't Sage head over heels for him? She's fortunate to marry a man she loves." Sage felt awkward. It appeared that everyone knew about her history of pursuing lan.

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lan remained composed despite the suddenness of the statement. "I'm fortunate to have married her." She shot him a bewildered look, thinking, "Wow. It seems like he really puts in the effort to uphold his image. How could he spew such nonsense?" "Haha. Of course! Sage is pretty and thoughtful. Her husband is a lucky man," Thomas remarked with a smile.

After exchanging spleasantries, Donald said his farewell to Thomas was getting late. Although since it was getting Donald and Thomas were smiling, Sage noticed the tears in their eyes. Zachary saw the visitors to their car. He reminded Sage, "Sage, cvisit again with Donald when you're free." "Will do." She waved at him. "Bye, Zack!" lan couldn't help but furrow his brows upon hearing the way Sage addressed Zachary, but he did not comment.

After having lunch at the hotel, they made their way back to Haldon Gity. Sage and lan sent Donald and Dexter hbefore returning to Solaris Estate.

On the way back, Sage called Linda and promised to visit the Holcomb Shop Manor the next day. Then, she proceeded to enjoy sshut-eye. Suddenly, lan broke the silence. "Are you close with Zachary Brent?" X