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A Farewell After Being Reborn

Chapter 241
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Ignoring Calvin's follow-up text, lan zoomed into the screenshot. It showed the food photos Sage took and her wefie with Donald, all posted five minutes ago. It could only mean that Sage had been ignoring his texts.

At the stime, lan received the hotel's phone number and Sage's room number from Terry. Without hesitation, he dialed the number. Sage took a bath with waterproof plastic gloves on and sprayed smedication on her shoulder before settling comfortably in bed.

She tapped into her phone's photo gallery to edit sphotos for Instagram. She received several of lan's texts during that time, but she ignored them.

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Finally, she published the carefully selected photos on her Instagram. She was about to check out the other photos she had taken when the phone in her room rang.

Thinking it was a call from the front desk, she picked up. "Hello, what's the matter?" lan was taken aback by Sage's relaxed voice. Much of his boiling anger seemed to have dissipated at that moment.

"Hello?" she inquired once more.

lan finally confronted her. "Why didn't you reply to my texts?" After a slight pause, she finally realized what had happened. Ian had reached her hotel room number.

"Sage Joyner, I'm asking you a question." lan raised his voice at her. She calmly picked her ear and replied coldly, "What's up?" The shift in her tone irked him. He snapped, "Didn't you see my texts? Why didn't you reply towhen you had tto make Instagram posts? How could you treatlike I'm invisible even before we get a divorce?" Hah. She couldn't hold back a snicker. "Ian Holcomb, don't you think those words sound familiar?" He held his tongue as he was reminded of the times Sage had confronted him in the sway when he ignored her calls.

He had always been cool and composed, and he never thought he'd get emotional over insignificant matters such as the incident today. But why did he lose his temper just because Sage ignored his texts? "Sage Joyner, is this what you're getting at? Did you deliberately angerto prove your place in my heart?" he questioned her icily.

She chuckled. "Whatever. I'm busy. If there's nothing else, I'm hanging up." That infuriated lan again. Sage had been chasing him away when he showed up at Donald's in the morning. Now, she seemed reluctant to speak to him. This was probably his first tbeing treated in such a callous and dismissive manner.

"Sage, my patience is limited. I don't care if this is a little gyou play or an attempt to cut ties with me, and I don't care. You're not that important to me!" With that, he slammed the phone onto the table, ending the call.

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He fumed. Sage was the one in the wrong. He had cleaned up her mess and attempted to offer her an explanation. After learning she was injured, he even apologized to her grandpa.

But Sage did not show him any gratitude. Instead, she had beerm throwing tantrums. Her current Her behavior was more unbearable than her clingy behavior in the past. Calvin happened to text lan again to get supdates on the situation between himself and Sage.

lan sent him a voice message. "Didn't Sage refuse to add you on Instagram? How did you get to view her posts?"

"Heh heh, she agreed to addon Instagram after I refused to side with you and dined with her and Tiana at the hot springs section." lan grew restless upon learning that. He merely had a professional discussion with Ivy. How could they accuse him of taking sides?

Sage placed the handset back in its place. She wanted to start a video call with Tiana when she received a NO notification on her phone. She tapped on the notification, and her expression crumbled. X